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Презентация на тему English is a global language (11 класс, Rainbow English)

The aim of the work: find out why the English language has become international.The main task: 1) Consider the factors influencing the formation of an international language; 2) identify the causes of the formation of English
The aim of the work: find out why the English language has introduction  The relevance of this work lies in the fact that Social relevanceis defined by that huge value which was played by such Personal relevancePersonal relevance of this work is that we learn English and Theoretical relevanceworks consists that popularity of English and worldwide only grows every The practical importanceThe practical importance of this work is that on the What is the language of international communication?  There are 10 languages Causes of the formation of English as an internationalWhy English is the The future of English as an international   We can’t predict InferenceEnglish wears the status global language so that ‘s why it is ConclusionAs a result of the emergence of new technologies in the English Thanks for watching!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aim of the work:
find out why

The aim of the work: find out why the English language

the English language has become international.
The main task: 1) Consider

the factors influencing the formation of an international language; 2) identify the causes of the formation of English language as an international; 3) Review role of English in the future.

Слайд 3 introduction
The relevance of this work lies

introduction The relevance of this work lies in the fact that

in the fact that we are studying the English

language and we are interested in the question about the causes of the globalization of English. The popularity of English in Russia and around the world each year is  growing at the same time, not all people who are learning English understand why  this language is international.

Слайд 4 Social relevance
is defined by that huge value which

Social relevanceis defined by that huge value which was played by

was played by such social parameters as "communication", "information",

"culture" in development of human society and a language role in this development.

Слайд 5 Personal relevance
Personal relevance of this work is that

Personal relevancePersonal relevance of this work is that we learn English

we learn English and we were interested by a

question of the reasons of globalization of English.

Слайд 6 Theoretical relevance
works consists that popularity of English and

Theoretical relevanceworks consists that popularity of English and worldwide only grows

worldwide only grows every year in Russia, at the

same time not all people learning English understand for what reasons this language became popular and continues to be such.

Слайд 7 The practical importance
The practical importance of this work

The practical importanceThe practical importance of this work is that on

is that on the basis of the analysis of

literature and other sources of work we will see the major factors influencing formation of a foreign language international, in particular English.

Слайд 8 What is the language of international communication?

What is the language of international communication? There are 10 languages

There are 10 languages in the modern world. Among

them is English. We call signs international language:
• Many people believe that is their mother tongue;
• This language is spoken in many countries on several continents ;
• In many countries, the language is taught as a foreign language at school;
• This language is used as the official language.

Слайд 9 Causes of the formation of English as an

Causes of the formation of English as an internationalWhy English is

Why English is the one of the main means 

of international communication?
There are six main reasons or factors why  English has become the international language  .
1. The Industrial Revolution.
2. International trade
3. World Wars
4. The collapse of the USSR
5. Information Technology
6. Popular culture.

Слайд 10 The future of English as an international

The future of English as an international  We can’t predict

We can’t predict the future of English. But

we make sure that English will stay so widespread.

Слайд 11 Inference
English wears the status global language so that

InferenceEnglish wears the status global language so that ‘s why it

‘s why it is the most learnt in all


Слайд 12 Conclusion
As a result of the emergence of new

ConclusionAs a result of the emergence of new technologies in the

technologies in the English language there are new opportunities.

It becomes absolutely necessary. During the first half of the XX century English is gradually becoming the main language of international organizations. English is really versatile. And its use is growing by amazing pace. However, the question of how long this unique phenomenon will continue  remains  open.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-english-is-a-global-language-11-klass-rainbow-english.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 168
  • Количество скачиваний: 0