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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Contract


Give the English for:Предмет Контракта Цены и общая стоимость Контракта Условия платежа Сроки поставки Упаковка и маркировкаГарантии Форс-мажорСанкции Арбитраж Страхование Прочие условия Юридические адреса сторон
CONTRACTРазработала преподаватель Макогон П.И. Give the English for:Предмет Контракта Цены и общая стоимость Контракта Условия платежа Match the following:именуемый в дальнейшемплатежи должны осуществлятьсянакладнаяоборудованиеобщая стоимость … составляетобеспечить полную сохранность Match the following:trouble-free operationpayments are to be effectedHandle with Care penaltycover expenses Translate the part of the contract into Russian and name it: Translate the part of the contract into Russian and name it: Translate the part of the contract into Russian and name it: Translate the part of the contract into Russian and name it: Translate the parts of the contract into Russian and name them: Insert the missing words from the given below:2. Prices and Total Value2.1. Read the part of the Contract and answer the questions:6. Guarantee6.1. The Questions:What is the guarantee period of the equipment?What does the Seller have Read the part of the Contract and mark the sentences as true The penalty for the delay in opening the L\C amounts to 0,1%.Sellers Read the part of the contract and put the paragraphs in order: Match the part of the Contract with the name of the clause: Match the part of the Contract with the name of the clause: Listen to the conversation between a customer and a sales representative. Choose Listen again and complete the dialogue:C: Well, I’m afraid I have 1_________ Listen once again and write down the beginning of this dialogue:R: _______________________________________________________________________________________________C: _______________________________________________________________________________________________R: ______________________________________________C: ______________________________________________R:________________________________________________________________________________________________
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Give the English for:
Предмет Контракта
Цены и общая

Give the English for:Предмет Контракта Цены и общая стоимость Контракта Условия

стоимость Контракта
Условия платежа
Сроки поставки
Упаковка и маркировка

Прочие условия
Юридические адреса сторон

Слайд 3 Match the following:
именуемый в дальнейшем
платежи должны осуществляться
общая стоимость

Match the following:именуемый в дальнейшемплатежи должны осуществлятьсянакладнаяоборудованиеобщая стоимость … составляетобеспечить полную

… составляет
обеспечить полную сохранность товаров
не кантовать
отвечать требованиям

11. бесперебойная работа

дата запуска в эксплуатацию
13. устранить дефекты
14. заменить некачественное оборудование на новое
15. право расторгнуть контракт
16. возместить сумму
17. покрыть расходы по страховке
18. от имени и по поручению
19. поправки к данному Контракту

Слайд 4 Match the following:
trouble-free operation
payments are to be effected

Match the following:trouble-free operationpayments are to be effectedHandle with Care penaltycover

with Care
cover expenses for insurance
the right to

cancel the Contract
hereinafter referred to as
for and on behalf
Bill of Lading
to remedy the defects

k. equipment
l. to secure the full safety of the goods
m. Do not Turn Over
n. the total value of … amounts to
o. meet the standards
p. the date of putting it into operation
q. to repay the sum
r. amendments to the present Contract

Слайд 5 Translate the part of the contract into Russian

Translate the part of the contract into Russian and name it:

and name it:
Smith and Co., Canada, hereinafter

referred to as the «Seller», in the person of Mr. Smith on one hand and LTD «G», Belarus, hereinafter referred to as the «Buyer», in the person of Ms. K. O. Ivanov, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as «Parties», have concluded the present Contract on the following:

The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought the goods in accordance with the Annex № 1, which is attached to the present Contract and constitutes the integral part thereof.

Слайд 6 Translate the part of the contract into Russian

Translate the part of the contract into Russian and name it:

and name it:
All the goods under

the present Contract shall be marked with the Buyer's Logo and in full conformity with the Annex № 1 (Columns «Logo» and «Marking»). The packing of the goods to be delivered shall ensure the full safety of the goods from damages and corrosion during their transportation by air, railroad and automobile transport taking into account probable reloadings, provided that the goods are duly handled.
Each outer package shall be marked on one side with indelible paint in English. Each marking shall state the following: case number/the total number of cases.

Слайд 7 Translate the part of the contract into Russian

Translate the part of the contract into Russian and name it:

and name it:
Payment for the goods sold

under the present contract is to be effected out of an irrevocable confirmed Letter of Credit to be opened by Buyers with the Bank for Foreign Trade of the Russia Moscow in favour of Sellers for the value of each lot of the goods to be shipped. The Letter of Credit is to be valid for 45 days.
The Letter of Credit is to be opened not later than 15 days before the agreed time of shipment of each lot of the goods. Expenses in connection with the opening, amendment and utilization of the Letter of Credit to be paid by Buyers.

Слайд 8 Translate the part of the contract into Russian

Translate the part of the contract into Russian and name it:

and name it:
Sellers are to insure the

goods for their account against usual marine risks including risks of leakage with Ingosstrakh of Russia in accordance with the Transport Insurance Rules of Ingosstrakh for the amount of the invoice value of the goods plus 10 per cent. The goods may be insured against war and other risks upon special request of Buyers and for Buyers’ account. The Insurance Policy or Certificate of Ingosstrakh of Russia is to be made out in the name of Buyers or another person according to their instructions and is to be sent together with the other shipping documents.

Слайд 9 Translate the parts of the contract into Russian

Translate the parts of the contract into Russian and name them:

and name them:
All disputes and differences which

may arise out of the present Contract or in connection with the same are to be settled without application to State courts by Arbitration Court at Chamber of Commerce, Moscow in accordance with the Rules of procedure of the above Court the awards of which are final and binding upon both Parties.
Delivery of the goods under the present Contract should be effected within the dates stipulated in the Supplement No 1 to the present Contract. The date of the Bill of Lading are to be considered as the date of delivery.

Слайд 10 Insert the missing words from the given below:

Insert the missing words from the given below:2. Prices and Total

Prices and Total Value
2.1. The total value of the

equipment, ___1___, tools, technical documentations and services ___2___ US $ 2,143,000.
2.2. The prices per item are specified in ___3___.
2.3. The prices are firm for the duration of the Сontract and are not subjected to any ___4___.
2.4. The prices are understood to be CIF Moscow including the cost of ___5___, marking and other delivering ___6___.

amounts, alteration, expenses, spare parts, Appendix 2, packing

Слайд 11 Read the part of the Contract and answer

Read the part of the Contract and answer the questions:6. Guarantee6.1.

the questions:
6. Guarantee
6.1. The guarantee period of normal and

trouble-free operation of the equipment is to be 12 months of the date of putting it into operation.
6.3. If the equipment proves to be defective during the guaranty period, the Seller has at his expense either to remedy the defects or to replace the faulty equipment with the new equipment. If the defects can not be eliminated the Buyer has the right to cancel the Contract or to reject the defective equipment or to request a corresponding reduction from its price. In case the Buyer rejects the equipment he returns to the Seller for the latter’s account the faulty equipment, and the Seller is to repay the sum paid by the Buyer.

Слайд 12 Questions:
What is the guarantee period of the equipment?

Questions:What is the guarantee period of the equipment?What does the Seller

does the Seller have to do if the equipment

proves to be defective?
In what case has the Buyer the right to cancel the Contract?
Who has to pay the expenses connected with the returning of the defective equipment?

Слайд 13 Read the part of the Contract and mark

Read the part of the Contract and mark the sentences as

the sentences as true or false:
8. Sanctions:

8.1. Should Buyers fail to open the Letter of Credit in time, they are to pay Sellers a penalty for each day of the delay, but not more than for 20 days, at the rate of 0,1 per cent, of the amount of the Letter of Credit and in that case Sellers shall have the right not to load the tanker until the Letter of Credit has been opened.
8.2. Should the delay in the opening of the Letter of Credit exceed 20 days, Sellers shall have the right to refuse to deliver the goods which were to be paid for out of this Letter of Credit. And in all the above cases demurrage* paid by Sellers in connection with the delay in the opening of the Letter of Credit are to be repaid by Buyers.
demurrage* - простой транспорта



Слайд 14
The penalty for the delay in opening the

The penalty for the delay in opening the L\C amounts to

L\C amounts to 0,1%.
Sellers shall have the right not

to load the tanker if the delay doesn’t exceed 20 days.
Sellers shall have the right to refuse to deliver the goods if the delay doesn’t exceed 20 days.
The demurrage are to be repaid by Sellers.

Слайд 15 Read the part of the contract and put

Read the part of the contract and put the paragraphs in

the paragraphs in order:
9. Force Majeure

9.___ If the above circumstances continue for more than 2 months, each Party shall have the right to refuse any further fulfillment of the obligations under the Contract and in such case neither of the Parties shall have the right to make a demand upon the other Party for the compensation of any possible damages.
9.___ The Party for whom it becomes impossible to meet their obligations under the present Contract is to notify in written form the other Party of the beginning of the above circumstances not later than 10 days of their beginning.
9.___ Should any circumstances arise which prevent complete or partial fulfillment by any of the Parties of their respective obligations under the present Contract, namely: fire, acts of God, war, military operations of any kind, blockade, prohibition of export or import, the time stipulated for the fulfillment of such obligations shall be extended for the period equal to that during which such circumstances will last.

Слайд 16 Match the part of the Contract with the

Match the part of the Contract with the name of the clause:

name of the clause:

Слайд 17 Match the part of the Contract with the

Match the part of the Contract with the name of the clause:

name of the clause:

Слайд 18 Listen to the conversation between a customer and

Listen to the conversation between a customer and a sales representative.

a sales representative. Choose the correct answer:
What is this

dialogue mostly about?
a product inquiry
a discounted shipping rate
an order that didn’t arrive on time
2. The personal assistant offers the customer _____ as a solution.
a discount on his next order
a refund on his current order
free shipping on his next order

Слайд 19 Listen again and complete the dialogue:
C: Well, I’m

Listen again and complete the dialogue:C: Well, I’m afraid I have

afraid I have 1_________ about an order.
R: I’m sure

I can help you. Could you give me your 2________ ___________ ___________, please.
C: Yes, it’s FT 368.
R: OK. I have all of your 3__________ __________ here. Can you tell me what’s wrong?
C: Well, when I 4______ _____ ______, the delivery date was August 14th.
R: Yes, it was. Have you not received the order?
C: Yes, it arrived, but it was 3 business days late.
R: I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.
C: I even paid for 5________ _________ to ensure it would be here on time.
R: I completely understand. Here’s what I can do: I’ll refund the shipping costs for that order. Additionally, to make up for the inconvenience, I can offer you a 6________ ________ _________ on your next order. Is that acceptable?
C: 7________ _________. Thanks

Слайд 20 Listen once again and write down the beginning

Listen once again and write down the beginning of this dialogue:R: _______________________________________________________________________________________________C: _______________________________________________________________________________________________R: ______________________________________________C: ______________________________________________R:________________________________________________________________________________________________

of this dialogue:
R: ______________________________________________
C: ______________________________________________
R: ______________________________________________

C: ______________________________________________


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-contract.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0