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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Британия в мире Традиции и обычаи Британии

Cards and CelebrationsCustoms and Habits
Britain in the WorldВыполнила : учитель английского языка МБОУ Лицей №21 г.Дзержинска Нижегородской обл.Шишарина Н. Ф. Cards and CelebrationsCustoms and Habits Manners Manners HolidaysBank (Public) HolidaysFestivals and Celebrations  Good Friday Easter Monday New Year’s Meals in Britain Food and Drink Meals in Britain Food and DrinkChanging Habits Changing Habits Sports in BritainCricketFootballLawn tennisTable tennis RugbyOxford- Cambridge boat race Races: motor car racing     donkey racing 1.   Who came to Britain first?a) Vikings  b) Saxons Complete the puzzle Keys1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)- c- b- c- a- b- d- c- a- b- power Views of BritainThe Official Viewp.161What would the British government like you to think about Britain? Britain's Trade An invisibleexportA visibleexport Britain's Trade The Tourist Authority's Views p.165The Edinburg FestivalThe Jorvik Viking CentreThe National Railway The Tourist Authority's Views I. What attracts tourists to Britain?II. Finish the Some useful phrases for tourists: Well, you see… If you were in GB what places would you like to visit? Many of us want things we can’t have. What has the character
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Cards and Celebrations
Customs and Habits

Cards and CelebrationsCustoms and Habits

Слайд 3 Manners


Слайд 4 Manners


Слайд 5 Holidays
Bank (Public) Holidays
Festivals and Celebrations
Good Friday

HolidaysBank (Public) HolidaysFestivals and Celebrations Good Friday Easter Monday New Year’s

Easter Monday
New Year’s Day
May Day Bank Holiday

Bank Holiday

August Bank Holiday

Christmas Day

Boxing Day

St. Valentine's Day

Pancake Day

Mothering Day

April Fool’s Day


Guy Fawkes’s Day

Слайд 6 Meals in Britain
Food and Drink

Meals in Britain Food and Drink

Слайд 7 Meals in Britain

Meals in Britain

Слайд 8 Food and
Changing Habits

Food and DrinkChanging Habits

Слайд 9 Changing Habits

Changing Habits

Слайд 10 Sports in Britain
Lawn tennis
Table tennis

Sports in BritainCricketFootballLawn tennisTable tennis

Слайд 11 Rugby
Oxford- Cambridge boat race

RugbyOxford- Cambridge boat race

Слайд 12 Races: motor car racing

Races: motor car racing   donkey racing  horse racing dog racing

donkey racing
horse racing


Слайд 13 1. Who came to Britain first?

1.  Who came to Britain first?a) Vikings b) Saxons c)

Vikings b) Saxons c) Celts

What country from the British Empire was called the "Jewel in the Crown"? a) China b) India c) Egypt
3. How many countries are there in Great Britain? a) four b) two e) three
4. Who called Britain a "precious stone set in the silver sea"? a) W. Shakespeare b) R. Burns c) Ch. Dickens
5. What is the climate in Britain like?
a) tropical b) changeable c} Arctic
6. Which is the longest river in Britain?
a) the Thames b) the Severn c) the Avon
7. What city is the capital of Great Britain? a) Belfast b) Cardiff c) London
8. What is the nickname of London's Underground? a) the Tube b) the Channel c) the Tunnel
9. What place is the official home of the Queen?
a) Windsor Castle b) Buckingham Palace c) Edinburgh Castle

Round Britain Quiz

Слайд 14 Complete the puzzle

Complete the puzzle

Слайд 15 Keys
- c
- b
- c
- a
- b
- d
- c

Keys1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)- c- b- c- a- b- d- c- a- b- power

- b
- power

Слайд 16 Views of Britain
The Official View
What would the British

Views of BritainThe Official Viewp.161What would the British government like you to think about Britain?

government like you
to think about Britain?

Слайд 17 Britain's Trade
An invisible
A visible

Britain's Trade An invisibleexportA visibleexport

Слайд 18 Britain's Trade

Britain's Trade

Слайд 19 The Tourist Authority's Views
The Edinburg Festival
The Jorvik

The Tourist Authority's Views p.165The Edinburg FestivalThe Jorvik Viking CentreThe National

Viking Centre
The National Railway Museum in York
The National

Museum of Photography in Britain
The Royal Marine Museum at Portsmouth
«Cadbury World» in Britain

Слайд 20 The Tourist Authority's Views
I. What attracts tourists

The Tourist Authority's Views I. What attracts tourists to Britain?II. Finish

to Britain?
II. Finish the sentences:
1) If you are

interested in history…
2) If you are fond of sports…
3) If you are a nature lover…
4) If you are crazy about taking pictures…
5) If you admire music…
6) If you have a sweet tooth…
7) If you enjoy travelling by ship…
8) If you prefer trains…

Слайд 21 Some useful phrases for tourists:
Well, you see…

Some useful phrases for tourists: Well, you see…

I am fond of…
I am interested in…
I am keen on…
Can you give me a piece of advice?
What can you advise me to visit?

For agents:

If you are… you can V, because it is…
You will enjoy…
If I were you, I would V…

Слайд 22 If you were in GB what places

If you were in GB what places would you like to

you like to visit? Think
of it, write down your

ideas and
tell us. Use the structure:

If I had a chance, I would…

Слайд 23 Many of us want things we can’t

Many of us want things we can’t have. What has the

What has the character of
this poem never done?

Use the right form of the words below.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-britaniya-v-mire-traditsii-i-obychai-britanii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 85
  • Количество скачиваний: 0