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Презентация на тему Брейн-ринг Challenge game 7

Challenge game                         Translate:Если бы я был на твоем месте, я бы посетил этот музей.Если Translate:She wants him to buy a new car.Laura watched them play tennis.Brenda Translate:Мы хотим, чтобы она спела свою новую песню.Я видел, как он играл Match the compound words.  More than one match is possible! Continue the word (at least 2!) Complete the table: Divide into 2 groups: Match the picture and the sight of the USA:Mount RushmoreSears Tower Empire State BuildingBrooklyn Bridge What is this? Read, fill in the gaps with an American sight and translate:The West Say in 1-2 sentences what is this and where: What do these phrases mean? Decode these SMS and the Internet symbols:rd8hbnpcosHRuX What an American celebrity is this?This famous animator sold his first drawings Tell about 3 American or British  celebrities (1-2 sentences about each of them) Guess these kids’ skating activities  (means of travelling):push-cyclego-cartchild’s bicycle What do these strange words mean? There are 2 animals, 3 insects Artyom has fallen in love with his girlfriend Nastya. Today Nastya has What do these idioms mean? Match and explain their meaning. «A mysterious word»Guess the word: (количество букв в названиях совпадает, первая буква «A very strange event»There were 13 British colonies on the North American «False friends»Can you translate these obvious words correctly? Match!f.e.:  general ≠ «American holidays»1) This holiday is connected with the name of the 1st You are curious and smart! Congratulations!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3                                    


Слайд 4 Translate:
Если бы я был на твоем месте, я

Translate:Если бы я был на твоем месте, я бы посетил этот

бы посетил этот музей.
Если бы я был на его

месте, я бы не ходил туда.
Если бы я был на её месте, я бы поменял работу.

Слайд 5 Translate:
She wants him to buy a new car.

Translate:She wants him to buy a new car.Laura watched them play

watched them play tennis.
Brenda used to draw very well.

haven’t been living in this house since 2010.

Слайд 6 Translate:
Мы хотим, чтобы она спела свою новую песню.

Translate:Мы хотим, чтобы она спела свою новую песню.Я видел, как он

видел, как он играл в футбол.
Раньше вы жили в

Он изучает английский язык уже 5 лет.

Слайд 7 Match the compound words. More than one match

Match the compound words. More than one match is possible!

is possible!

Слайд 8 Continue the word (at least 2!)

Continue the word (at least 2!)

Слайд 9 Complete the table:

Complete the table:

Слайд 10 Divide into 2 groups:

Divide into 2 groups:

Слайд 11 Match the picture and the sight of the

Match the picture and the sight of the USA:Mount RushmoreSears Tower Empire State BuildingBrooklyn Bridge

Mount Rushmore
Sears Tower
Empire State Building
Brooklyn Bridge

Слайд 12 What is this?

What is this?

Слайд 13 Read, fill in the gaps with an American

Read, fill in the gaps with an American sight and translate:The

sight and translate:
The West has many national parks. One

of the most famous is the Grand Canyon formed by the ….. .
The four Great Lakes make up the largest body of fresh water in the world. The …. , the greatest river in the USA, flows through this region (the Midwest).
The most important mountain range is the … . It begins in Canada and continues to Alabama in the South.
The West is famous for its many mountains. The most famous are … .

Слайд 15 Say in 1-2 sentences what is this and

Say in 1-2 sentences what is this and where:


Слайд 16 What do these phrases mean?

What do these phrases mean?

Слайд 17 Decode these SMS and the Internet symbols:

Decode these SMS and the Internet symbols:rd8hbnpcosHRuX

Слайд 18 What an American celebrity is this?
This famous animator

What an American celebrity is this?This famous animator sold his first

sold his first drawings to neighbours when he was

only 7 years old.
He is the founder of a software corporation. He began programming computers at 13 and started his first computer company when he was in high school.
He is an outstanding actor and played in many great films, but he still doesn’t have an «Oscar»!
This person made the first American flag during the War of Independence on January 1, 1776.
A worldfamous Hollywood couple of actors who have 6 children (3 their own and 3 - adopted).

Слайд 19 Tell about 3 American or British celebrities

Tell about 3 American or British celebrities (1-2 sentences about each of them)

(1-2 sentences about each of them)

Слайд 20 Guess these kids’ skating activities (means of travelling):

Guess these kids’ skating activities (means of travelling):push-cyclego-cartchild’s bicycle


Слайд 21 What do these strange words mean? There are 2

What do these strange words mean? There are 2 animals, 3

animals, 3 insects and 1 mushroom.
polar fox
milk mushroom
river horse

Слайд 22 Artyom has fallen in love with his girlfriend

Artyom has fallen in love with his girlfriend Nastya. Today Nastya

Nastya. Today Nastya has her birthday. These are 5

Artyom’s presents for their romantic date:

fruit jelly
hot air ballooning

Слайд 23 What do these idioms mean? Match and explain

What do these idioms mean? Match and explain their meaning.

their meaning.

Слайд 24 «A mysterious word»
Guess the word:
(количество букв в

«A mysterious word»Guess the word: (количество букв в названиях совпадает, первая

названиях совпадает, первая буква в обоих языках графически совпадает)

= sport
? = cricket

Слайд 25 «A very strange event»
There were 13 British colonies

«A very strange event»There were 13 British colonies on the North

on the North American continent. They were part of

the British Empire and they paid taxes to the British king, who was 3000 miles away across the Atlantic. The colonies didn’t like it, and when Britain raised taxes, they protested against it. Fighting began in a city, where colonists attacked a British ship and threw its cargo of tea into the sea. The event is called …. .

Слайд 26 «False friends»
Can you translate these obvious words correctly?

«False friends»Can you translate these obvious words correctly? Match!f.e.: general ≠

f.e.: general ≠ генерал

general = общий

Слайд 27 «American holidays»
1) This holiday is connected with the

«American holidays»1) This holiday is connected with the name of the

name of the 1st American president . During the

War of Independence he took command of the Continental Army for 8 years, until the colonies won their independence from Britain.
2) It is the last Monday in May. Americans remember the US soldiers who died in wars. People visit cemeteries and put flowers on graves.
3) It is the 1st Monday in September. In 1869 workers got the right to an 8-hour workday. There is a parade in some cities now. People go to the beach, have a barbecue or a picnic.
4) It is in November, 11. On this day Americans give thanks to those who fought for peace. At 11.00 in the morning most Americans observe a moment of silence to remember them.
5) It is the 4th Thursday in November. Families get together and have a big dinner. They eat turkey and pumpkin pie.
6) It is the United States’ birthday.
This holiday is connected with the name of the 16th president of the USA. He won the Civil War between the North and the South, and this victory put an end to slavery in the USA.

  • Имя файла: breyn-ring-challenge-game-7.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
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