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Презентация на тему Празднование Рождества в Британии и России

It is winter .It is cold.Father Frost is very old.But he is always full of joyAnd glad to give you a nice toy!
Christmas and New Year in Britain and in Russia It is winter .It is cold.Father Frost is very old.But Фонетическая зарядкаChristmas  - [‘kristmәs]- РождествоNew Year  - [nju: jiә]- Новый On the 25th of December the British people celebrate Christmas. It is There is also a nice skating rink  in the centre of Before Christmas groups of singers perform traditional Christmas songs or Santa Claus visits each house on Christmas Eve by climbing Christmas Day is the time for presents, guests , wishes On the 31th of December Russian people celebrate New Year. People buy New Year trees and put them There is an interesting New Year tradition: you can go Symbols of Christmas and New Year How do Ded Moroz and Santa Claus come? Where does Ded Moroz put  his presents? Where does Santa Claus put his presents? Where do they live?Santa-Claus lives in LaplandiaFather Frost lives in Velikiy Ustjug Quiz1. People celebrate Christmas on the … of …in Russia.2. New Year Do the crossword puzzle1.The last month of the year2.Time when children don’t Homework: Do exercise 16 Excellent!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4
It is winter .It is cold.

It is winter .It is cold.Father Frost is very old.But

Frost is very old.
But he is always full of

And glad to give you a nice toy!

Слайд 6
Фонетическая зарядка

Christmas - [‘kristmәs]- Рождество
New Year

Фонетическая зарядкаChristmas - [‘kristmәs]- РождествоNew Year - [nju: jiә]- Новый ГодTrafalgar

- [nju: jiә]- Новый Год
Trafalgar Square - [Trәֽfælgә ‘skwеә

]- Трафальгарская Площадь
decoration - [ֽdekә’rei∫n]- украшать
to celebrate - [‘selәbreit]- праздновать
a Christmas tree - [tri:] – рождественская ёлка
a symbol - [‘simbl] - символ
a carol - [‘kærәl]- гимн
a roast turkey - [rәυst ‘tз:ki]- жареная индейка
a roast goose - [rәυst gu:s]- жареный гусь
a special - [‘spe∫l]- особый , специальный
а meal - [mi:l] – пища, еда
to consist - [kәn’sist] of– состоять из
a biscuit - [‘biskit]-печенье
to leave -[li:v] ,(left)–уезжать, оставлять
to work hard - [wз:k ha:d] –работать усердно
a reindeer - [‘reindiә]- олень


Слайд 7 On the 25th of December the British people

On the 25th of December the British people celebrate Christmas. It

celebrate Christmas. It is a big holiday and there

are lots of Christmas traditions in Britain.

Every year Londoners get a present from the people of Norway - a big Christmas tree. It stands in Trafalgar Square. Central London’s streets have got beautiful decorations at Christmas.

Слайд 8
There is also a nice skating rink

There is also a nice skating rink in the centre of

in the centre of the capital. A lot of

people come to enjoy the Christmas decorations and to skate.

Слайд 9 Before Christmas groups of singers perform

Before Christmas groups of singers perform traditional Christmas songs or

traditional Christmas songs or carols in the streets and

squares. They collect money for charity.

Слайд 10
Santa Claus visits each house on

Santa Claus visits each house on Christmas Eve by climbing

Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney and put

presents into the stockings. And people leave a glass of milk and a plate of biscuits for him in the kitchen.

Слайд 11 Christmas Day is the time for

Christmas Day is the time for presents, guests , wishes

presents, guests , wishes and a special meal. British

Christmas dinner consists of a roast turkey with carrots and potatoes and Christmas pudding.

Слайд 12 On the 31th of December Russian

On the 31th of December Russian people celebrate New Year.

people celebrate New Year.
There are a lot

of decorations in the streets and in the houses.

Слайд 13
People buy New Year

People buy New Year trees and put them in

trees and put them in their living rooms. Children

like to decorate them with toys and little coloured lights. There are a lot of parties at schools.

Слайд 14 There is an interesting New Year

There is an interesting New Year tradition: you can go

tradition: you can go “first footing”. In Russia the

first visitor who comes into a house on New Year’s morning is “the First Foot”. People believe that the First Foot brings luck to the family for the New Year. And he must be a man or a boy, not a woman.

Слайд 15 "We wish you a Merry Christmas"

wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry

Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas, And a happy New Year!
Chorus: Glad tidings we bring To you and your kin; Glad tidings for Christmas And a happy New Year!

Слайд 16 Symbols of Christmas and New Year

Symbols of Christmas and New Year

Слайд 17 How do Ded Moroz and Santa Claus come?

How do Ded Moroz and Santa Claus come?

Слайд 18 Where does Ded Moroz put his presents?

Where does Ded Moroz put his presents?

Слайд 19 Where does Santa Claus put his presents?

Where does Santa Claus put his presents?

Слайд 20 Where do they live?
Santa-Claus lives in Laplandia
Father Frost

Where do they live?Santa-Claus lives in LaplandiaFather Frost lives in Velikiy Ustjug

lives in Velikiy Ustjug

Слайд 21 Quiz
1. People celebrate Christmas on the … of

Quiz1. People celebrate Christmas on the … of …in Russia.2. New

…in Russia.
2. New Year is on the … of

3. The main symbols are …
4. The main characters of New Year and Christmas are …
5. We say …. each other.
6. We like these holidays very much.
1. Christmas is on the … of … in Britain.
2. The main symbols of Christmas are …
3. The main character is …
4. He gives children presents.
5. We say … each other.
6. English people like this holiday very much.

Слайд 22 Do the crossword puzzle
1.The last month of the

Do the crossword puzzle1.The last month of the year2.Time when children

2.Time when children don’t go to school
3. You can

enjoy Christmas …. everywhere in December
4.A language which people speak in Great Britain
5. An old man who brings presents
6. One of the seasons
7. We say it to wish people pleasant Christmas days
8. A traditional or religious song people sing at Christmas
9. There is a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar …. in winter

Слайд 23

Homework: Do exercise 16 at page 81;

Do exercise 16 at page 81;
Speak how

you celebrate New Year’s night.

Thank you for your work at the lesson!

  • Имя файла: prazdnovanie-rozhdestva-v-britanii-i-rossii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
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