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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Getting around Spotlight 6 класс

Match the word and the word definition.
SpotlightModule 3 Match the word and the word definition. Say why you must/mustn’t: wear a seat beltlook both ways when you Correct the sentences to make them true. Don’t wear a seat belt Read the text in SB, p. 27 and find the following words: Use by/on/in to complete the sentences. Do you like travelling ___ train?She Put the means of transport into the correct column. Ask your deskmate: Can you…? Use the verbs in the table. Compare Write English equivalents: Вам необходимо быть внимательной на дороге _____________________________________________________Мне надо идти Read the words.  Are, bar, car, char, far, star, arm, bard, Read the limerick. What happened to a lady from Guam [gwÁm]?There Read the text about M. Schumacher and the factfile about Kimi Raikkonen Read the text in SB, p.31 and answer the questions.  Is Match English and Russian sentences. Work in pairs.  Student A is Sue (SB ex. 1, p. Read the text and find the following words and word combinations: Цвет Read the meanings of some colors. What color do you like? Find Blue  Peace, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, Grey  Security, reliability, intelligence, modesty, dignity, maturity, solid, conservative, practical, old
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Match the word and the word definition.

Match the word and the word definition.

Слайд 3 Say why you must/mustn’t:
wear a seat belt
look both

Say why you must/mustn’t: wear a seat beltlook both ways when

ways when you cross the road
walk on the pavement

to the driver
run onto the road
lean out of the window

Слайд 4 Correct the sentences to make them true.
Don’t wear

Correct the sentences to make them true. Don’t wear a seat

a seat belt when you are in the car!

onto the road to cross it quickly!
Talk to the driver, when in the bus!
Don’t walk on the pavement! Walk on the road!
Don’t look both ways before crossing!

Слайд 5 Read the text in SB, p. 27 and

Read the text in SB, p. 27 and find the following

find the following words:
Припаркованные машины – _______________________________
У обочины –

Убедись – ________________________________
Проверь тормоза – _________________________
Поток транспорта – __________________________
Защитный шлем – _______________________
Не толкай других – __________________________
Поручень – __________________
Младше 12 лет – ___________________
Зеркало заднего вида – _______________________

Слайд 6 Use by/on/in to complete the sentences.
Do you like

Use by/on/in to complete the sentences. Do you like travelling ___

travelling ___ train?
She goes to work ___ foot.
How long

does it take from Moscow to Sochi ___ plane?
I don’t use my car very often. I prefer to go ___ bike.
There were very few people ___ the bus.

Слайд 7 Put the means of transport into the correct

Put the means of transport into the correct column.


Слайд 8 Ask your deskmate: Can you…? Use the verbs in

Ask your deskmate: Can you…? Use the verbs in the table.

the table. Compare your answers. What can both of

you do? What can/cannot your deskmate do?

play the piano
read books in English
drive a car
wash the dishes
run 10 kilometers
ride a horse

Слайд 9 Write English equivalents:
Вам необходимо быть внимательной на

Write English equivalents: Вам необходимо быть внимательной на дороге _____________________________________________________Мне надо

Мне надо идти прямо или повернуть направо на

Ленинском проспекте?
Посмотри на знак!
Остановись у светофора.
Припаркуйся перед больницей.

Слайд 10 Read the words.
Are, bar, car, char, far,

Read the words. Are, bar, car, char, far, star, arm, bard,

star, arm, bard, card, charge, farm, starve, art, can’t,

chart, farce, start.
Add, bag, ham, can, pan, lab, that, back, hat, pant, lap, marry, parrot, wagon, happy, fancy.

Слайд 11 Read the limerick. What happened to a

Read the limerick. What happened to a lady from Guam

lady from Guam [gwÁm]?

There once was a lady from

Who said, “Now the ocean’s so calm
I will swim for a lark.”
She encountered a shark.
Let us now sing the 90th Psalm

Слайд 12 Read the text about M. Schumacher and the

Read the text about M. Schumacher and the factfile about Kimi

factfile about Kimi Raikkonen and mark the sentences T

(true) or F (false). If the sentence is false – give the correct variant.

Michael Schumacher is a very famous interior designer. _____
Michael comes from Germany. _____
He can play tennis and volleyball very well. _____
Michael is devoted to Ferrari. _____
Kimi Raikkonen is a famous Finnish racing car driver. _____
His hobby is skiing and grass hockey. _____

Слайд 13 Read the text in SB, p.31 and answer

Read the text in SB, p.31 and answer the questions. Is

the questions.
Is the Underground in London popular? Why?

many stations does it have?
What can help you find your way in the Tube?
Why do tourists of London like double-decker buses?
Why do black cab drivers have to take a test?

Слайд 14 Match English and Russian sentences.

Match English and Russian sentences.

Слайд 15 Work in pairs.
Student A is Sue (SB

Work in pairs. Student A is Sue (SB ex. 1, p.

ex. 1, p. 32). You need to get to:


B is Tony. You need to get to:
Town Hall

Use the map and the phrases to ask for and give directions.

Слайд 16 Read the text and find the following words

Read the text and find the following words and word combinations:

and word combinations:
Цвет опасности – ___________________________________
Пешеход – _______________________________________
Королевская семья

– __________________________________
Символ защиты – ___________________________________
Люди дарят друг другу красные розы – ______________________________________

Слайд 17 Read the meanings of some colors. What color

Read the meanings of some colors. What color do you like?

do you like? Find what it means.
Red Excitement, energy,

passion, desire, speed, strength, power, heat, love, aggression, danger, fire, blood, war, violence, aggression, all things intense and passionate. Yellow Joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, betrayal, jealousy, illness.

Слайд 18 Blue Peace, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth,

Blue Peace, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security,

confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, cold,

technology, depression. Orange Energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm, demanding of attention.

Green Nature, environment, healthy, good luck, youth, spring, generosity, jealousy,. Purple Royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, wisdom, cruelty, mourning.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-getting-around-spotlight-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 141
  • Количество скачиваний: 2