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Презентация на тему к открытому уроку Religions of China and Japan

Сontents Religion in ChinaBuddhismTaoismIslamCatholicismProtestantismReligion in JapanShintoBuddhismThe list of literature
Religions of China and JapanTeacher:Komkova Margarita ToyvovnaSmolensk 2015 Сontents Religion in ChinaBuddhismTaoismIslamCatholicismProtestantismReligion in JapanShintoBuddhismThe list of literature Religion in China  China is a country with a great BuddhismBuddhism has a history of 2,000 years in China. Currently China has Taoism  Taoism, native to China, has a history of Islam  Islam was introduced into China in the seventh century. Catholicism  Catholicism was introduced into China intermittently in the seventh century, Protestantism  Protestantism was first brought to China in the early 19th Religion in Japan  Many different religions are practiced in Shinto  Shintoism is one of Japan's largest religions and is the Buddhism   Buddhism first arrived to Japan in the sixth century, The list of literaturehttp://translate.yandex.ru/translate?srv=yasearch&url=http%3A%2F%2Freligion.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FReligion_in_Japan&lang=en-ru&ui=ruhttp://chineseculture.about.com/library/china/whitepaper/blsreligion.htmhttp://translate.yandex.ru/translate?srv=yasearch&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.exampleessays.com%2Fviewpaper%2F28334.html&lang=en-ru&ui=ru
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Сontents
Religion in China
Religion in Japan
The list of

Сontents Religion in ChinaBuddhismTaoismIslamCatholicismProtestantismReligion in JapanShintoBuddhismThe list of literature


Слайд 3 Religion in China
China is a country

Religion in China China is a country with a great

with a great diversity of religious beliefs. The main

religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism.

Слайд 4 Buddhism
Buddhism has a history of 2,000 years in

BuddhismBuddhism has a history of 2,000 years in China. Currently China

China. Currently China has 13,000-some Buddhist temples and about

200,000 Buddhist monks and nuns. Among them are 120,000 lamas and nuns, more than 1,700 Living Buddhas, and 3,000-some temples of Tibetan Buddhism and nearly 10,000 Bhiksu and senior monks and more than 1,600 temples of Pali Buddhism.

Слайд 5 Taoism
Taoism, native to China, has a

Taoism Taoism, native to China, has a history of more

history of more than 1,700 years. China now has

over 1,500 Taoist temples and more than 25,000 Taoist priests and nuns.

Слайд 6 Islam
Islam was introduced into China in

Islam Islam was introduced into China in the seventh century.

the seventh century. Nowadays in China there are ten

national minorities, including the Hui and Uygur, with a total population of 18 million, whose faith is Islam. Their 30,000-odd mosques are served by 40,000 Imams and Akhunds.

Слайд 7 Catholicism
Catholicism was introduced into China intermittently

Catholicism Catholicism was introduced into China intermittently in the seventh century,

in the seventh century, but it had not spread

widely until after the Opium War in 1840. At present, China has four million Catholics, 4,000 clergy and more than 4,600 churches and meeting houses.

Слайд 8 Protestantism
Protestantism was first brought to China

Protestantism Protestantism was first brought to China in the early 19th

in the early 19th century and spread widely after

the Opium War. There are about 10 million Protestants, more than 18,000 clergy, more than 12,000 churches and 25,000-some meeting places throughout China.

Слайд 9 Religion in Japan
Many different religions

Religion in Japan Many different religions are practiced in Japan

are practiced in Japan but most people follow Shinto

or Buddhism. Many Japanese people do not identify as exclusively belonging to just one religion, but incorporate features of both religions into their daily lives in a process known as syncretism.

A Japanese Buddhist monk in Kyoto

Слайд 10 Shinto
Shintoism is one of Japan's largest

Shinto Shintoism is one of Japan's largest religions and is the

religions and is the indigenous religion. Japan is one

of the only major countries that have many Shinto people. Shinto originated in prehistoric times, as a religion with respect for nature and in particular certain sacred sites.

Слайд 11 Buddhism
Buddhism first arrived to Japan

Buddhism  Buddhism first arrived to Japan in the sixth century,

in the sixth century, from the Southern part of

the Korean peninsula kingdom of Baekje, where the Baekje king sent the Japanese emperor a picture of the Buddha and some sutras. Japanese aristocrats built many Buddhist statues and temples in the capital at Nara, and then at the later capital of Heian.

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