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Презентация на тему на английскому языку 5 класс

Welcome to our open lesson!
Welcome to our open  lesson! Aim of the lesson:1.To introduce with new theme and new words;2. Speaking Checking up the hometask! Phonetic drill- Pussy cat, pussy cat,Where have you been?I’ve been to London New wordsbuilding[bi:ldiɳ]-ғимаратMuseum [mju:sәm]- мұражайTower [tauә:]- қамалRoyal [rᴐ:iәl]- ПатшаBridge [bri:ʤ]- көпірCapital[kәpitәl]-астана Video about  LondonInteresting and useful materials for the lesson Match the pictures №1,p-82 The best place in world!London London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world. London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames, it is Working with text  Read the text, translate and find the new words Ex №3,p-183 Let’s have a rest Make a poster  draw any interest place you like in London “Association” strategy: complete the diagramLondon HOMETASK: speak about your favourite place of interest in London. Giving marks. EXCELLENT        GOODBAD Conclusion:Thank you for your  attention!!! The lesson is over.Good bye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Welcome to our open lesson!

Welcome to our open lesson!

Слайд 3 Aim of the lesson:
1.To introduce with new theme

Aim of the lesson:1.To introduce with new theme and new words;2.

and new words;
2. Speaking and talking about London;

review grammar theme:Present Simple
4.Develop pupils’ knowledge,abilities and their speaking habits;

Слайд 4 Checking up the hometask!

Checking up the hometask!

Слайд 5 Phonetic drill
- Pussy cat, pussy cat,
Where have you

Phonetic drill- Pussy cat, pussy cat,Where have you been?I’ve been to

I’ve been to London to look at the Queen.

Pussy cat, pussy cat,
What did you do there?
I frightened a mouse under the chair!

Слайд 6 New words
Museum [mju:sәm]- мұражай
Tower [tauә:]- қамал
Royal [rᴐ:iәl]- Патша

New wordsbuilding[bi:ldiɳ]-ғимаратMuseum [mju:sәm]- мұражайTower [tauә:]- қамалRoyal [rᴐ:iәl]- ПатшаBridge [bri:ʤ]- көпірCapital[kәpitәl]-астана

[bri:ʤ]- көпір

Слайд 7 Video about London
Interesting and useful materials for

Video about LondonInteresting and useful materials for the lesson

the lesson

Слайд 8 Match the pictures №1,p-82

Match the pictures №1,p-82

Слайд 9 The best place in world!

The best place in world!London

Слайд 10 London is the British capital and
one of

London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world.

the biggest cities in the world.

Слайд 11 London is situated upon both banks of the

London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames, it

River Thames, it is the largest city in Britain

and one of the largest in the world.

Its population is about
7 million people.

Слайд 13 Working with text Read the text, translate and

Working with text Read the text, translate and find the new words Ex №3,p-183

find the new words Ex №3,p-183

Слайд 14 Let’s have a rest

Let’s have a rest

Слайд 16 Make a poster draw any interest place you

Make a poster draw any interest place you like in London

like in London and write sentences with Present Simple Example:

I live in London.

Слайд 17 “Association” strategy: complete the diagram

“Association” strategy: complete the diagramLondon

Слайд 18 "When a men is tired of London he

is tired of life"

Слайд 19 HOMETASK:
speak about your favourite place of interest

HOMETASK: speak about your favourite place of interest in London.

in London.

Слайд 20 Giving marks.

Giving marks. EXCELLENT    GOODBAD


Слайд 21 Conclusion:
Thank you for your attention!!!

Conclusion:Thank you for your attention!!!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-na-angliyskomu-yazyku-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 137
  • Количество скачиваний: 0