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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Ouiz. I know English (3 класс)

No, he does not
I KNOW ENGLISH No, he does not WEDNESDAY plane   train   van   bluesee Hi! How are you?Hello? I’m fine and you?Fine. This is my 1) Sam and I……………brothers.A.are      B. am 5) What is………..?A.they    B. his I    a friend.    name is Mary.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 No, he does not

No, he does not

Слайд 3



Слайд 4
plane train van

plane  train  van  bluesee   plum


see plum

can kiss

kite tree flower rose

telephone table desk giant

page gym good stage

Слайд 5
Hi! How are you?
Hello? I’m fine and

Hi! How are you?Hello? I’m fine and you?Fine. This is

Fine. This is my dear friend Sue.
Nice to meet

you, Sue.
Nice to meet you too. I’m from Leeds. It’s a very old town. Where are you from?
I’ m from Rome. I have a friendly family: a father, a mother, two sisters and grandparents.
So nice! I have no brothers or sisters but I have a pet. It’s my bird Larry.
Oh! I love birds!

Слайд 6
1) Sam and I……………brothers.

1) Sam and I……………brothers.A.are   B. am   C.

B. am C. is

………you play tennis?
A.can B.have C.are
3) I……….a new computer.
A.can B.am C. have
4) They have three………..
A.sister B.sisters C.sisteres

Слайд 7
5) What is………..?
A.they B. his

5) What is………..?A.they  B. his   C.it 6) Where

6) Where is

Anna? I can’t see……
A.her B.she C. he
7) A man and two ………..are in the park.
A.fox B. foxes C. foxies
8)…………roses are yellow.
A.these B.this C. that

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-ouiz-i-know-english-3-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 214
  • Количество скачиваний: 0