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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка по теме Экология

Ecology. What does this word mean?
ECOLOGY OF OUR TULA  REGION Ecology. What does this word mean? It is of Greek origin and consists of two parts: oikos(house or Motherland) and logos(teaching) This is science,studying the connection of organisms with the environment and man’s influence on it. Kosogorsky Metallurgical Plant.Everyone knows that we have highly developed industries, such as The plants,such as “Tulachermet”,”Tulamashzavod”,”Himvolokno”,”Shchokinoazot” influence air and water in our areaShchokinoazot.Tulachermet. And a lot of citizens of our region pollute the banks of But there are other people, those who want their native city to Besides there are special organizations and funds,that fight for ecology and do One of the organizations called “Green” arrange subbotniks for people, who plant trees,bushes and flowers.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Ecology. What does this word mean?

Ecology. What does this word mean?

Слайд 3 It is of Greek origin and consists of

It is of Greek origin and consists of two parts: oikos(house or Motherland) and logos(teaching)

two parts: oikos(house or Motherland) and logos(teaching)

Слайд 4 This is science,studying the connection of organisms with

This is science,studying the connection of organisms with the environment and man’s influence on it.

the environment and man’s influence on it.

Слайд 5 Kosogorsky Metallurgical Plant.
Everyone knows that we have highly

Kosogorsky Metallurgical Plant.Everyone knows that we have highly developed industries, such

developed industries, such as metallurgy, machinmaking and gunmaking, light

and chemical industries.

Слайд 6 The plants,such as “Tulachermet”,”Tulamashzavod”,”Himvolokno”,”Shchokinoazot” influence air and water

The plants,such as “Tulachermet”,”Tulamashzavod”,”Himvolokno”,”Shchokinoazot” influence air and water in our areaShchokinoazot.Tulachermet.

in our area


Слайд 7
And a lot of citizens of our region

And a lot of citizens of our region pollute the banks

pollute the banks of basins, forests, groves,parks,leaving rubbish and

varios wastes there.

Слайд 8 But there are other people, those who want

But there are other people, those who want their native city

their native city to be clean and beautiful.

Слайд 9 Besides there are special organizations and funds,
that fight

Besides there are special organizations and funds,that fight for ecology and

for ecology and do their best to keep our

environment clean.

Слайд 10 One of the organizations called “Green” arrange subbotniks

One of the organizations called “Green” arrange subbotniks for people, who plant trees,bushes and flowers.

for people, who plant trees,bushes and flowers.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-po-teme-ekologiya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 138
  • Количество скачиваний: 0