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Презентация на тему по английскому языку

The KI-13K Magnetic Liquid Aviation Compass is used on the helicopter as a backup device for measuring and maintaining the compass heading.Purpose
Compass KI-13K The KI-13K Magnetic Liquid Aviation Compass is used on the helicopter as The principle of operation of the compass is based on the interaction The scale of the compass rose is uniform, with a scale of Instrumental scale compass error (without deviating device): ± 1 °  Stagnation angle
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The KI-13K Magnetic Liquid Aviation Compass is used

The KI-13K Magnetic Liquid Aviation Compass is used on the helicopter

on the helicopter as a backup device for measuring

and maintaining the compass heading.


Слайд 3 The principle of operation of the compass is

The principle of operation of the compass is based on the

based on the interaction of the permanent magnets of

the compass with the magnetic field of the Earth (the property of a freely suspended system of magnets to be installed in the plane of the magnetic meridian).

The compass has a sensitive element consisting of two permanent magnets attached to a card. A column with a spring and a thrust bearing is fastened in the case of the compass, against which the core of the card rests. The oscillations of the card are quenched with ligroin embedded in the compass case. Below the compass is mounted a deviation device to eliminate the semicircular deviation.

Operating principle

Слайд 4 The scale of the compass rose is uniform,

The scale of the compass rose is uniform, with a scale

with a scale of 5 ° and digitization in

30 °. Two main courses "North" and "South" marked respectively, "C" and "U".
The compass is mounted on the frame of the cockpit lantern. To take into account in-use errors in the readings (residual deviation), a correction table is attached to the compass, which is laid in a cassette attached to the glazing profile of the cockpit.

general information

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 164
  • Количество скачиваний: 0