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Презентация на тему по английскому языку 6 класс на тему Рождество в Англии

The purpose of the project. Promote the formation of interest in the country of the studied language, to acquaint with the history of
CHRISTMAS IN GREAT BRITAINPrepared by the 6 th class pupil Goroshko I..Teacher: Sitkalieva J.S. Project objective:1. recognize the history of the holiday2. characterise the symbols and II.1.The history of the holiday. Jesus Christ was born in a supernatural Father Christmas is called Santa Claus, symbol of Christmas is the cookies Christmas sockson the eve of Branch kissing, Christmas wreaths.Christmas lights, the British were the first to decorate Wreaths hung on the front door as a talisman or a symbol A Christingle. Name means Turkey and pudding are served on the table Can Yule log (Christmas log). Before the advent of the Christmas tree List of used literature and Internet resources:1.Alexander Furmanov, encyclopedia
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

The purpose of the

The purpose of the project
. Promote the

formation of interest in the country of the studied language, to acquaint with the history of the Christmas holiday and the traditions of its celebration in the UK


Слайд 3 Project objective:
1. recognize the history of the holiday

Project objective:1. recognize the history of the holiday2. characterise the symbols

characterise the symbols and traditions of the Christmas holiday

in the UK
3. Conduct questionnaire.

Слайд 4 II.1.The history of the holiday.
Jesus Christ was

II.1.The history of the holiday. Jesus Christ was born in a

born in a supernatural way from the virgin Mary,

which we now call the mother of God.
The first information about the celebration of Christmas relate back to the 4th century.

Слайд 5 Father Christmas is called Santa Claus, symbol of

Father Christmas is called Santa Claus, symbol of Christmas is the cookies

Christmas is the cookies

Слайд 6 Christmas

Christmas sockson the eve of Christmas children

on the eve of Christmas children hang socks on

the fireplace or on the edge of the bed, so that Santa Claus/father Christmas will fill them with gifts.

Слайд 7 Branch kissing, Christmas wreaths.
Christmas lights, the British were

Branch kissing, Christmas wreaths.Christmas lights, the British were the first to

the first to decorate their homes. House decorated for

Christmas becomes the pride of the owner. Neighbors compete with each other.

Слайд 8 Wreaths hung on the front door as a

Wreaths hung on the front door as a talisman or a

talisman or a symbol of hope for prosperity and

wealth. Ribbons, gilded nuts and small apples, pinecones, ribbons, ornaments are a festive wreath. Families compete with each other, decorating a wreath.

Слайд 9 A Christingle. Name means "Light of Christ" the

A Christingle. Name means

orange is round like the world the candle gives

light in the dark like the love of God, another tradition - wreaths with candles. Wreaths are made of juniper, it must be four candles, mounted around the circumference.

Слайд 10 Turkey and pudding are served on the table

Turkey and pudding are served on the table

Слайд 11 Can Yule log (Christmas log). Before the advent

Can Yule log (Christmas log). Before the advent of the Christmas

of the Christmas tree tradition, used the Yule log

or Christmas log. Candy cane is the shape of the letter "J" which symbolizes the name of Jesus.

Слайд 13

Conclusion:During the study, I

During the study,

I learned a lot about this holiday, there is a lot in common in the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. As a result, I came to the conclusion:
1. The British know and keep the tradition of Christmas.
2.Common to all peoples celebrating this holiday is an atmosphere of joy, surprises and gifts.

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