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Презентация на тему по английскому языку The Earth is our home.

E- A- R- T- H-Write the words to each letter of the word ,,EARTH ’’
The theme of our lesson is: «The Earth is our home. Protect it!» E- A- R- T- H-Write the words to each letter of the word ,,EARTH ’’ Describe what can you see and your feelings The Earth is a garden It’s a beautiful place For all living Repeat and read wordsprotect     - защищать, охранятьprotected Use the new words to complete the sentencesTigers living in the Far Find the explanation of the words: Key: 1b, 2c, 3e, 4a, 5d Look at the new wordsserve - служитьnatural riches – природные богатстваinterference– вмешательствоincrease Questions:  1. Who has served nature since ancient times? 2. What Statements:   1) Since ancient times Nature hasn’t served Man What are the main problems of our planet?Water pollution Air pollutionSoil pollution How can we solve those problems?We can plant trees, flowersWe can reduce Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 E- A- R- T- H-
Write the words to each letter of the

E- A- R- T- H-Write the words to each letter of the word ,,EARTH ’’

word ,,EARTH ’’

Слайд 3

Describe what can you see and your feelings

Describe what can you see and your feelings

Слайд 6 The Earth is a garden
It’s a beautiful

The Earth is a garden It’s a beautiful place For all

For all living creatures
For all the human

Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam
We all diverse a place
We can call our home

Слайд 7 Repeat and read words

Repeat and read wordsprotect   - защищать, охранятьprotected  -

- защищать, охранять
protected - защищённый, находящийся

под защитой, охраной
endangered - находящийся под угрозой
исчезновения (о виде)
destroy - разрушать
habitat - место распространения,
ареал(животного, растения)

Слайд 8 Use the new words to complete the sentences


Use the new words to complete the sentencesTigers living in the

living in the Far East of Russia have become

e… species.
Flamingos live in the tropics. They are water birds, so their h… is lakes.
The names of all pr… species of Kazakhstan are in the Red Book of plants and animals.
Greenpeace tries to stop those who d… nature.
It’s not easy to p… our world from air, water and soil pollution.

Слайд 9 Find the explanation of the words:
Key: 1b,

Find the explanation of the words: Key: 1b, 2c, 3e, 4a, 5d

2c, 3e, 4a, 5d

Слайд 10 Look at the new words
serve - служить
natural riches

Look at the new wordsserve - служитьnatural riches – природные богатстваinterference–

– природные богатства
interference– вмешательство
increase – увеличивать
industrial enterprises – промышленные

by-product – побочный продукт
suffer from – страдать от чего-либо
oxygen balance – баланс кислорода
destruction - разрушение
ozone layer - озоновый слой
careless interaction – легкомысленное взаимодействие
sign - знак

Слайд 11 Questions:
1. Who has served nature since ancient

Questions: 1. Who has served nature since ancient times? 2. What

2. What did people live in harmony for

thousands of years with?
3. What pollutes the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on?
4.What is cut and burnt in fire?
5. What do many cities suffer from?

Слайд 12 Statements:
1) Since ancient times

Statements:  1) Since ancient times Nature hasn’t served Man

Nature hasn’t served Man
2) Natural riches

are unlimited
3) The by-products of industrial enterprises clean the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.
4) Many cities suffer from snow.
5)Vast parks are cut and burn in fire.

Слайд 13 What are the main problems of our planet?


What are the main problems of our planet?Water pollution Air pollutionSoil pollution

Air pollution
Soil pollution

Слайд 14 How can we solve those problems?

We can plant

How can we solve those problems?We can plant trees, flowersWe can

trees, flowers

We can reduce using water, gas

We can use

recycling things

We can clean parks.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-the-earth-is-our-home.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0