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Презентация на тему по английскому языку

The recycling plant was built in 2011.It is the first recycling centre of solid household wastes in Russia.
THE RECYCLING PLANT IN SOCHI The recycling plant was built in 2011.It is the first recycling centre 200 000 tons of rubbish are sorted in Sochi every year. Glass, plastic, paper, aluminium cans can be recycled.11% of rubbish are recycled. Aluminium cans are pressed, then they are sold, because they are the most expensive rubbish. The recycling plant is an important part of the Olympic Games. We THANK YOU.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
The recycling plant was built in 2011.
It is

The recycling plant was built in 2011.It is the first recycling

the first recycling centre of solid household wastes in


Слайд 3
200 000 tons of rubbish are sorted in

200 000 tons of rubbish are sorted in Sochi every year.

Sochi every year.

Слайд 4
Glass, plastic, paper, aluminium cans can be recycled.

Glass, plastic, paper, aluminium cans can be recycled.11% of rubbish are

of rubbish are recycled.
80% of organic wastes are

recycled in compost.
The rest substances are pressed.

Слайд 5
Aluminium cans are pressed, then they are sold,

Aluminium cans are pressed, then they are sold, because they are the most expensive rubbish.

because they are the most expensive rubbish.

Слайд 6
The recycling plant is an important part of

The recycling plant is an important part of the Olympic Games.

the Olympic Games. We want to keep the city

clean and green.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
  • Количество скачиваний: 0