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Презентация на тему What time is it?(the 5th form)

I.Checking up the hometask Method “Bingo”
What time is it? I.Checking up the hometask Method “Bingo” Phonetic drillTick tock tick tockMerrily sings the clockIt’s time to play It’s II.Brainstorming Answer the questions1)Where are you from in Kazakhstan?2)What is your mother New wordsGet up- ұйқыдан тұруMake bed- төсек жинауWash face and hands- беті 1236pastIt’s  ten minutes  past  three 12369pasttoIt’s  ten minutes to  nine 12369pasttoIt’s  ten minutes past  threeIt’s  ten minutes  to  nine It’s half past two What time is it ?8:1011:207:1510:50 What time is it ?8:1011:20It`s ten minutes past ten7:15It`s a quarter past Work with textMy name’s Sara and I’m eleven. I’m from Kazakhstan. I’m My time-tableI get up at 8.00 o’clockI wash my face and clean Let’s relax “Head shoulders knees and Exercise 11. There _____ pictures in the book.2. ___ there new students What time is it?It is half past eightIt is a quarter pastten
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I.Checking up the hometask Method “Bingo”

I.Checking up the hometask Method “Bingo”

Слайд 3 Phonetic drill
Tick tock tick tock
Merrily sings the clock

Phonetic drillTick tock tick tockMerrily sings the clockIt’s time to play

time to play
It’s time to work
Tick tock tick

Merrily sings the clock

Слайд 4 II.Brainstorming Answer the questions
1)Where are you from in Kazakhstan?

II.Brainstorming Answer the questions1)Where are you from in Kazakhstan?2)What is your

is your mother like?
3)What does your father do?
4)Can you

play the guitar?
5)what instruments can you play?
6)What is your uncle`s name?
7)Is there a blackboard in the classroom?
8)Name the professions
9)Can you knit and make tea?

Слайд 5 New words
Get up- ұйқыдан тұру
Make bed- төсек жинау

New wordsGet up- ұйқыдан тұруMake bed- төсек жинауWash face and hands-

face and hands- беті –қолын жуу
Have breakfast- таңғы ас

have lunch- түскі ас ішу
Go to bed- ұйықтау

Слайд 6


It’s ten minutes past three

1236pastIt’s ten minutes past three

Слайд 7

It’s ten minutes to nine

12369pasttoIt’s ten minutes to nine

Слайд 8


It’s ten minutes past three

12369pasttoIt’s ten minutes past threeIt’s ten minutes to nine

ten minutes to nine

Слайд 9

It’s half past two

It’s half past two

Слайд 10 What time is it ?




What time is it ?8:1011:207:1510:50

Слайд 11 What time is it ?


It`s ten minutes past

What time is it ?8:1011:20It`s ten minutes past ten7:15It`s a quarter


It`s a quarter past seven

It`s twenty minutes past elevenTwenty

It`s ten minutes to eleven

Слайд 12 Work with text
My name’s Sara and I’m eleven.

Work with textMy name’s Sara and I’m eleven. I’m from Kazakhstan.

I’m from Kazakhstan. I’m a student. I get up

at 7 o’clock and I wash my face and hands. Then I make my bed and I have my breakfast. I go to school at 8 o’clock. I have 6 lessons every day. I have lunch at 1 o’clock. I go home at 2 o’clock. I help my mother, study lessons and talk to my family. I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

When do you get up?
When do you have breakfast?
When do you go to school?
When do you go home?
When do you go to bed?

Слайд 13 My time-table
I get up at 8.00 o’clock
I wash

My time-tableI get up at 8.00 o’clockI wash my face and

my face and clean my teeth at 8.10

have breakfast at 8.15

I am at school at 9.00 o’clock

I play with my friends at 1.30

I go to bed at 10.00 o’clock

Слайд 14 Let’s relax “Head

Let’s relax “Head shoulders knees and toes”

shoulders knees and toes”

Слайд 15 Exercise 1
1. There _____ pictures in the book.

Exercise 11. There _____ pictures in the book.2. ___ there new

___ there new students in class?
3. There _____ a

mirror in the bedroom.
4. There ___ a ruler on the desk.
5. There ___ a shelf in the classroom.

  • Имя файла: what-time-is-itthe-5th-form.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 143
  • Количество скачиваний: 0