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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Московский зоопарк

The zoo is situated in the center of Moscow.
The Moscow Zoo The zoo is situated in the center of Moscow. The main entrance to the zoo was built in 1997 to mark Moscow's 50th anniversary. It looks like a fairy-tale castle with towers and a waterfall.  It was founded in 1864 by professor-biologists, K.F. Rulje, S.A. Usov and A.P. Bogdanov from the Moscow State University. The Moscow zoo has over 8270 animals representing about 1000 species  kangaroos koala Possums (сумчатая крыса) wombats Tasmanian devil bats monkeys hedgehogs white-toothed  shrew землеройка белозубка desman выхухоль sloth ленивец rabbits hares  tigers  squirrels porcupines beaver guinea pigs hamsters  fur seals elephants  horses donkeys giraffes  zebras camels okapi  bison deer In the children's zoo younger visitors can see animals from various fairytales
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The zoo is situated
in the center of

The zoo is situated in the center of Moscow.


Слайд 3 The main entrance to the zoo
was built

The main entrance to the zoo was built in 1997 to mark Moscow's 50th anniversary.

in 1997 to mark
Moscow's 50th anniversary.

Слайд 4 It looks like a fairy-tale castle with towers

It looks like a fairy-tale castle with towers and a waterfall. 

and a waterfall. 

Слайд 5 It was founded in 1864 by
professor-biologists, K.F. Rulje,

It was founded in 1864 by professor-biologists, K.F. Rulje, S.A. Usov and A.P. Bogdanov from the Moscow State University.

S.A. Usov and A.P. Bogdanov
from the Moscow State University.

Слайд 6 The Moscow zoo has over 8270 animals representing

The Moscow zoo has over 8270 animals representing about 1000 species

about 1000 species

Слайд 7  kangaroos


Слайд 8 koala


Слайд 9 Possums (сумчатая крыса)

Possums (сумчатая крыса)

Слайд 10 wombats


Слайд 11 Tasmanian devil

Tasmanian devil

Слайд 13 monkeys


Слайд 14 hedgehogs


Слайд 15 white-toothed  shrew 
землеройка белозубка

white-toothed  shrew землеройка белозубка

Слайд 16 desman выхухоль

desman выхухоль

Слайд 17 sloth ленивец

sloth ленивец

Слайд 18 rabbits

rabbits hares

Слайд 19  tigers


Слайд 20  squirrels


Слайд 21 porcupines


Слайд 22 beaver


Слайд 23 guinea pigs

guinea pigs

Слайд 24 hamsters


Слайд 25  fur seals

 fur seals

Слайд 26 elephants


Слайд 27  horses


Слайд 28 donkeys


Слайд 29 giraffes


Слайд 30  zebras


Слайд 31 camels


Слайд 33  bison


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-moskovskiy-zoopark.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 200
  • Количество скачиваний: 1