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Презентация на тему на англ яз на тему Talking about hobbies (6 класс)

Речевая разминка What date/day is it today? What is the weather like today? Do you like/dislike it? Why? Who is absent today?
The 24th of November	Friday Речевая разминка What date/day is it today? What is the weather like Проверка домашнего заданияWB Ex 1 p 26: guess the words. Актуализация ЗУН/ Постановка цели Ex 18 p 40: match the pictures with the activities. The 24th of NovemberTalking about things you like/don’t like doing. Ex 19 p 40/Pairs:talk to your partner about things you like/don’t like WB Ex 15 p 32/Pairs:Look at the pictures. Write questions and answers. WB Ex 16 p 33:Write sentences using these words. Домашнее задание WB Ex 12 p 30: Look at the pictures and РЕФЛЕКСИЯНа уроке я узнал, научился, ознакомился с …
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Речевая разминка
What date/day is it today?
What is

Речевая разминка What date/day is it today? What is the weather

the weather like today?
Do you like/dislike it? Why?

Who is absent today?

Слайд 3 Проверка домашнего задания
WB Ex 1 p 26: guess

Проверка домашнего заданияWB Ex 1 p 26: guess the words.

the words.

Слайд 4 Актуализация ЗУН/ Постановка цели
Ex 18 p 40: match

Актуализация ЗУН/ Постановка цели Ex 18 p 40: match the pictures with the activities.

the pictures with the activities.

Слайд 5 The 24th of November
Talking about things you like/don’t

The 24th of NovemberTalking about things you like/don’t like doing.

like doing.

Слайд 7 Ex 19 p 40/Pairs:
talk to your partner about

Ex 19 p 40/Pairs:talk to your partner about things you like/don’t

things you like/don’t like doing in your spare time

A: What do you like doing in your spare time?
B: I like reading books.
A: Do you like cooking?
B: No, I don’t. And I hate eating a lot.

Слайд 8 WB Ex 15 p 32/Pairs:
Look at the pictures.

WB Ex 15 p 32/Pairs:Look at the pictures. Write questions and answers.

Write questions and answers.

Слайд 9 WB Ex 16 p 33:
Write sentences using these

WB Ex 16 p 33:Write sentences using these words.


Слайд 10 Домашнее задание
WB Ex 12 p 30: Look at

Домашнее задание WB Ex 12 p 30: Look at the pictures

the pictures and complete the sentences, then do the


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-na-angl-yaz-na-temu-talking-about-hobbies-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 124
  • Количество скачиваний: 0