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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Знаменитые люди

Repeat Повторение Числа Примеры:3578+26=3026+1021=578+2=Three thousand six hundred and fourFour thousand eight hundred and seventy-oneFive hundred and eighty Write answer 3864-302=Three thousand five    hundred and sixty-two Write answer  790-545=Two hundred and forty-five Write answerSeven thousand three hundred and twenty-four 5321+2003= Write answer  211+322=five hundred and thirty-three Самостоятельно: только ответ!321+2=276+540=1024+1025=2890+10= Speaking about famous people Leonardo DiCaprioIs American actor and producer. He was born in November 11, 1974  Vin DieselIs American actor, writer and producer.He was born in July 18, 1967 Maria KozhevnikovaRussian actress from serial .She was born in November 14, 1984 RihannaIs American R&B and pop singer and actress. She was born in February 20, 1988. Vitaly GogunskyIs Russian actor, composer, singer. He was born in July 14, 1978.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Числа


Слайд 3 Примеры:


Three thousand six hundred and four
Four thousand eight

Примеры:3578+26=3026+1021=578+2=Three thousand six hundred and fourFour thousand eight hundred and seventy-oneFive hundred and eighty

hundred and seventy-one

Five hundred and eighty

Слайд 4 Write answer
Three thousand five

Write answer 3864-302=Three thousand five  hundred and sixty-two

hundred and sixty-two

Слайд 5 Write answer
Two hundred and forty-five

Write answer 790-545=Two hundred and forty-five

Слайд 6 Write answer
Seven thousand three hundred and twenty-four

Write answerSeven thousand three hundred and twenty-four 5321+2003=

Слайд 7 Write answer
five hundred and thirty-three

Write answer 211+322=five hundred and thirty-three

Слайд 8 Самостоятельно: только ответ!

Самостоятельно: только ответ!321+2=276+540=1024+1025=2890+10=

Слайд 9 Speaking about famous people

Speaking about famous people

Слайд 10 Leonardo DiCaprio
Is American actor and producer. He was

Leonardo DiCaprioIs American actor and producer. He was born in November 11, 1974

born in November 11, 1974

Слайд 11  Vin Diesel
Is American actor, writer and producer.
He was born

 Vin DieselIs American actor, writer and producer.He was born in July 18, 1967

in July 18, 1967

Слайд 12 Maria Kozhevnikova
Russian actress from serial .
She was born

Maria KozhevnikovaRussian actress from serial .She was born in November 14, 1984

in November 14, 1984

Слайд 13 Rihanna
Is American R&B and pop singer and actress.

RihannaIs American R&B and pop singer and actress. She was born in February 20, 1988.

She was born in February 20, 1988.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-znamenitye-lyudi.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0