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Презентация на тему Творческая работа (презентация) ученика 10 класса на тему Принцесса Диана

VocabularyAffair – любовная связьTo inherit - наследоватьBride - невестаEngagement – помолвкаHeir - наследникDemise – кончина, смертьTo reignite – разжечь, возродить Funeral - похороныCoffin - гробMortuary – моргCharity - благотворительность
Diana, Princess of WalesPowerpoint presentation by Nilov Dmitrii, grade 10B VocabularyAffair – любовная связьTo inherit - наследоватьBride - невестаEngagement – помолвкаHeir - Diana, Princess of WalesDiana, Princess of Wales (Diana Frances; Spencer) was born on 1 Diana, Princess of WalesDiana was eight years old when her parents divorced Diana, Princess of WalesDiana did not shine academically, however, she showed a Diana, Princess of Wales   Charles first took an interest in Diana, Princess of WalesTwenty-year-old Diana became Princess of Wales when she married Diana, Princess of WalesOn 21 June 1982, under the care of Pinker, the Diana, Princess of WalesDuring the early 1990s, the marriage of the Prince Diana, Princess of WalesAfter the divorce, Diana retained her double apartment on Diana, Princess of WalesOn 31 August 1997, Diana was fatally injured in Diana, Princess of WalesThe sudden and unexpected death of an extraordinarily popular Diana, Princess of WalesDiana was famous for her charity work. As Princess Diana, Princess of Wales«Yes, I adored him. Yes, I was in love Diana, Princess of WalesDiana’s memorials:Gardens in Regent Centre Gardens Kirkintilloch;Fountain in Hyde Park, London, opened Diana, Princess of Wales Diana, Princess of Wales Diana, Princess of WalesQuestions: What was the Diana’s title before she became Diana, Princess of WalesQuestions: What was the Diana’s title before she became Thank you for your time!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Vocabulary
Affair – любовная связь
To inherit - наследовать
Bride -

VocabularyAffair – любовная связьTo inherit - наследоватьBride - невестаEngagement – помолвкаHeir

Engagement – помолвка
Heir - наследник
Demise – кончина, смерть
To reignite

– разжечь, возродить
Funeral - похороны
Coffin - гроб
Mortuary – морг
Charity - благотворительность

Слайд 3 Diana, Princess of Wales
Diana, Princess of Wales (Diana Frances; Spencer)

Diana, Princess of WalesDiana, Princess of Wales (Diana Frances; Spencer) was born on

was born on 1 July of 1961.

She was the

third child in her aristocratic family.

Слайд 4 Diana, Princess of Wales
Diana was eight years old

Diana, Princess of WalesDiana was eight years old when her parents

when her parents divorced after her mother had an

Diana became known as Lady Diana when her father inherited the title of Earl Spencer.

Слайд 5 Diana, Princess of Wales
Diana did not shine academically,

Diana, Princess of WalesDiana did not shine academically, however, she showed

however, she showed a particular talent for music as

an accomplished pianist.

In 1977 she first met her future husband, who was then in a relationship with her older sister, Sarah.

Слайд 6 Diana, Princess of Wales

Charles first

Diana, Princess of Wales  Charles first took an interest in

took an interest in Diana as a potential bride

during the summer of 1980, she was well received by the Royal family. The prince proposed on 6 February 1981, and Lady Diana accepted, but their engagement was kept secret for the next few weeks.

Слайд 7 Diana, Princess of Wales
Twenty-year-old Diana became Princess of

Diana, Princess of WalesTwenty-year-old Diana became Princess of Wales when she

Wales when she married the Prince of Wales on

29 July 1981 at St Paul's Cathedral. It was widely billed as a "fairytale wedding", watched by a global television audience 

Слайд 8 Diana, Princess of Wales
On 21 June 1982, under

Diana, Princess of WalesOn 21 June 1982, under the care of

the care of Pinker, the Princess gave natural birth to

her and the Prince's first son and heir, William Arthur Philip Louis.

A second son, Henry Charles Albert David, was born two years after William, on 15 September 1984

Слайд 9 Diana, Princess of Wales

During the early 1990s, the

Diana, Princess of WalesDuring the early 1990s, the marriage of the

marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales fell

apart, an event at first suppressed, then sensationalised, by the world media. Both the Prince and Princess allegedly spoke to the press through friends, each blaming the other for the marriage's demise.
 Presumably in 1985 The Princess of Wales began a relationship with Major James Hewitt, and the Prince of Wales reignited romances with his former girlfriend, Camilla Parker Bowles.


Слайд 10 Diana, Princess of Wales

After the divorce, Diana retained

Diana, Princess of WalesAfter the divorce, Diana retained her double apartment

her double apartment on the north side of Kensington Palace,

which she had shared with the Prince of Wales since the first year of their marriage, and it remained her home until her death. She also continued to use two offices at St. James's Palace.


Слайд 11 Diana, Princess of Wales
On 31 August 1997, Diana

Diana, Princess of WalesOn 31 August 1997, Diana was fatally injured

was fatally injured in a car crash in the Pont

de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris, which also caused the deaths of her companion Dodi Fayed and the driver, Henri Paul, acting security manager of the Hôtel Ritz Paris. Millions of people watched her funeral.

William was also a cousin of King Edward of England.

Слайд 12 Diana, Princess of Wales
The sudden and unexpected death

Diana, Princess of WalesThe sudden and unexpected death of an extraordinarily

of an extraordinarily popular royal figure brought statements from

senior figures worldwide and many tributes by members of the public. People left public offerings of flowers, candles, cards and personal messages outside Kensington Palace for many months. Her coffin, draped with royal flag, was brought to London from Paris by Prince Charles and her two sisters on 31 August 1997. After being taken to a private mortuary it was put at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace.

Слайд 13 Diana, Princess of Wales
Diana was famous for her

Diana, Princess of WalesDiana was famous for her charity work. As

charity work. As Princess of Wales, she was expected

to make regular public appearances at hospitals, schools and other facilities, in the 20th century model of royal patronage. The Princess developed an intense interest in serious illnesses and health-related matters outside the purview of traditional royal involvement, including AIDS and leprosy. In addition, she was the patroness of charities and organisations working with the homeless, youth, drug addicts and the elderly.

Слайд 14 Diana, Princess of Wales
«Yes, I adored him. Yes,

Diana, Princess of Wales«Yes, I adored him. Yes, I was in

I was in love with him. But I was

very let down [by him].»
«Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.»
«I'd like to be a queen of people's hearts.»
«I am finding it very difficult to cope with the pressures of being Princess of Wales, but I am learning to cope»

Слайд 15 Diana, Princess of Wales
Diana’s memorials:
Gardens in Regent Centre

Diana, Princess of WalesDiana’s memorials:Gardens in Regent Centre Gardens Kirkintilloch;Fountain in Hyde Park, London,

Gardens Kirkintilloch;
Fountain in Hyde Park, London, opened by Elizabeth II;
Playground in Kensington Gardens, London;
A circular

path between Kensington Gardens, Green Park, Hyde Park and St. James's Park, London.

Слайд 16 Diana, Princess of Wales

Diana, Princess of Wales

Слайд 17 Diana, Princess of Wales

Diana, Princess of Wales

Princess that captured people's hearts (1961–1997)".

Слайд 18 Diana, Princess of Wales

What was the Diana’s

Diana, Princess of WalesQuestions: What was the Diana’s title before she

title before she became the Princess of Wales?
How many

children did Diana has? Name them.
What was her hobby she was also good at?
What was she famous for?

Слайд 19 Diana, Princess of Wales

What was the Diana’s

Diana, Princess of WalesQuestions: What was the Diana’s title before she

title before she became the Princess of Wales?


How many

children did Diana has? Name them.

Two: William and Harry

What was her hobby she was also good at?


What was she famous for?

Charity work.

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