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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Food

How many mangoes are there in the picture?How much olive oil is there in the picture?
“Pirate’s fruit salad”Учитель: Симанкина А.Е. How many mangoes are there in the picture?How much olive oil is there in the picture? one mangotwo mangoesthree mangoesone pineappletwo pineapplesthree pineapples How many mangoes are there in the picture?How many pineapples are there in the picture? Olive oilFlour How much olive oil is there in the picture?How much flour is there in the picture? How many mangoes are there? How many mangoes are there? How much olive oil is there? How much olive oil is there? 1. How many/much mangoes are there?•••• A lot2. How many/much sugar is ОЦЕНИ СЕБЯ 6 верных ответов -   «5»5 верных ответов - Homework S.B.ex. 1, 2 p. 44  THANK YOU  FOR THE LESSON
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 How many mangoes are there in the picture?

How many mangoes are there in the picture?How much olive oil is there in the picture?

much olive oil is there in the picture?

Слайд 4 one mango
two mangoes
three mangoes
one pineapple
two pineapples
three pineapples

one mangotwo mangoesthree mangoesone pineappletwo pineapplesthree pineapples

Слайд 5 How many mangoes are there in the picture?

How many mangoes are there in the picture?How many pineapples are there in the picture?

many pineapples are there in the picture?

Слайд 6 Olive oil

Olive oilFlour

Слайд 7 How much olive oil is there in the

How much olive oil is there in the picture?How much flour is there in the picture?


How much flour is there in the picture?

Слайд 8 How many mangoes are there?

How many mangoes are there?

Слайд 9 How many mangoes are there?

How many mangoes are there?

Слайд 10 How much olive oil is there?

How much olive oil is there?

Слайд 11 How much olive oil is there?

How much olive oil is there?

Слайд 12 1. How many/much mangoes are there?•••• A lot

1. How many/much mangoes are there?•••• A lot2. How many/much sugar

How many/much sugar is there in the cake?• Not

3. How many/much eggs are there?• Not many
4. How many/much bananas are there in the table?•••• A lot
5. How many/much salt is there in the shelf?•••• A lot
6. How many/much olive oil is there in the bottle?• Not much
7. How many/much pineapples are there in the box?• Not many
8. How many/much butter is there in the fridge?••• A lot
9. How many/much lemons are there on the table?• Not many

6 верных ответов -

ОЦЕНИ СЕБЯ 6 верных ответов -  «5»5 верных ответов -

5 верных ответов - «4»
4 верных ответов -

≥3 верных ответов - «2»

Слайд 14 Homework

S.B.ex. 1, 2 p. 44

Homework S.B.ex. 1, 2 p. 44 

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-food.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0