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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Профессии (8 класс)

AuthorTraffic wardenVetArtistOperatorWaiter Air traffic controllerArchitectLion tamerGraphic designerAccountantCashierComputer programmerPizza delivery boyCar salesmanSales assistantBank teller
AuthorTraffic wardenVetArtistOperatorWaiter Air traffic controllerArchitectLion tamerGraphic designerAccountantCashierComputer programmerPizza delivery boyCar salesmanSales assistantBank teller John might be…..I think John is ….. Steve might be…..I think Steve is ….. Kim might be…..I think Kim is ….. Bill might be…..I think Bill is ….. You should study………          to become……… I would like to become ………..
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Author
Traffic warden
Air traffic controller
Lion tamer
Graphic designer
Computer programmer

AuthorTraffic wardenVetArtistOperatorWaiter Air traffic controllerArchitectLion tamerGraphic designerAccountantCashierComputer programmerPizza delivery boyCar salesmanSales assistantBank teller

delivery boy
Car salesman
Sales assistant
Bank teller

Слайд 3 John might be…..
I think John is …..

John might be…..I think John is …..

Слайд 4 Steve might be…..
I think Steve is …..

Steve might be…..I think Steve is …..

Слайд 5 Kim might be…..
I think Kim is …..

Kim might be…..I think Kim is …..

Слайд 6 Bill might be…..
I think Bill is …..

Bill might be…..I think Bill is …..

Слайд 7 You should study………

You should study………     to become………

to become………

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-professii-8-klass.pptx
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