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Презентация на тему Ағылшын тілі сабағынан ашық сабақ

The aims of the lesson:Educational: to encourage students in different tasks and to express their opinions, to enrich students’ vocabulary, to help pupils speaking and listening.Developing: to develop pupils’ creative, understanding, reading and writing, grammar lexical
My future profession8 “Ә” formThe 23rd of December The aims of the lesson:Educational: to encourage students in different tasks and Repeat previous lessonNow each one must to make one sentence for Present Continuous Tense I Want to Ве  Some people often say to mе: Future Indefinite tenseShall, will+v1Want to be I want to be a doctorMy New wordsDetective [ditektiv] - детективSecretary [sekretəri]- хатшы Postman [pousmæn- пошташыTeacher [tiʧə]- мұғалімArchitect Answer the task №1 1 D, I  2 C 3 F Write a little topic about professionComplete these sentences HomeworkTo make some examples for future simpleMarks
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 The aims of the lesson:
Educational: to encourage students

The aims of the lesson:Educational: to encourage students in different tasks

in different tasks and to express their opinions, to

enrich students’ vocabulary, to help pupils speaking and listening.
Developing: to develop pupils’ creative, understanding, reading and writing, grammar lexical skills.
Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject and language.
Visual aids: pictures, interactive board, tasks, cards
The procedure of the lesson
The organization moment
Repeat previous lesson
New lesson
New words

Слайд 4 Repeat previous lesson
Now each one must to make

Repeat previous lessonNow each one must to make one sentence for Present Continuous Tense

one sentence for
Present Continuous Tense

Слайд 5 I Want to Ве Some people often say

I Want to Ве Some people often say to mе:

to mе: "Have уоu decided what уоu want to

bе?" I usually answer, "I don't know," But it isn't really so. I want to win аn Olympic race, I want to see the Earth from space, I want to travel to Katmandu I want to bе rich and famous, too. I want to bе оn Hollywood's screen, I want to invent а new machine, I want to bе very clever and wise, I want to win the Nobel prize.
What is this poem about?

Слайд 6 Future Indefinite tense
Shall, will+v1
Want to be
I want

Future Indefinite tenseShall, will+v1Want to be I want to be a

to be a doctor
My sister wants to be a

My friend wants to be a dentist
We want to be an engineer

Слайд 7 New words
Detective [ditektiv] - детектив
Secretary [sekretəri]- хатшы

New wordsDetective [ditektiv] - детективSecretary [sekretəri]- хатшы Postman [pousmæn- пошташыTeacher [tiʧə]-

[pousmæn- пошташы
Teacher [tiʧə]- мұғалім
Architect [a:kitekt]-құрылысшы
Dentist [dentist]-тіс дәрігері
Photographer [fotəugrafə]-суретші
Plumber [plʌmbə]-су


Слайд 8 Answer the task №1
1 D, I

Answer the task №1 1 D, I 2 C 3 F

2 C 3 F 4 E 5 B 6

A 7 G 8 K 9 O

10 H 11 J 12 L 13 M 14 N

Слайд 9 Write a little topic about profession
Complete these sentences

Write a little topic about professionComplete these sentences

  • Имя файла: aғylshyn-tіlі-sabaғynan-ashyқ-sabaқ.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 181
  • Количество скачиваний: 0