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Презентация на тему Be cool - stay at school

Contents.Introduction.What is truancy?The origin of the word “ truant.”Truancy in the UK.Truancy in Russian schools.Conclusion.Literature.
BE COOL – STAY AT SCHOOLMinnebaeva Sophia8 form, MPLMurmansk Contents.Introduction.What is truancy?The origin of the word “ truant.”Truancy in the UK.Truancy in Russian schools.Conclusion.Literature. Definition.TRUANTA lazy, idle person.A pupil who stays away from school without permission.A The origin of the word “truant.”A truant was originally a “beggar” or William Shakespeare  Love’s Labour’s LostRosaline. Another of these students at that Truancy in the UK.More than a million children a year play truant Michelle Boorman did not miss one of 2,660 school days. Why do students play truant? Truancy is an educational, social and law The consequences of truancy. Truancy is a gateway to serious violent and nonviolent crime. Combating Truancy.Electronic registration. Regular sweeps of town centres by police and education welfare staff. Parents can be fined up to 2,500 and /or be put in prison to three months. Truancy in Russian schools. Officially, truancy is not a problem in Russia. Truancy in MPL.15% of students think that truancy hasn’t led to more Electronic Diary.The Russian government promises until 2012 to introduce electronic diaries in all Russian schools. Conclusion.Spring comes. Are you going to play truant? Literature.Periscope (review). World news. Учебное пособие по английскому языку. Выпуск № 11.Волгоград,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Contents.
What is truancy?
The origin of the word “

Contents.Introduction.What is truancy?The origin of the word “ truant.”Truancy in the UK.Truancy in Russian schools.Conclusion.Literature.

Truancy in the UK.
Truancy in Russian schools.

Слайд 3 Definition.
A lazy, idle person.
A pupil who stays away

Definition.TRUANTA lazy, idle person.A pupil who stays away from school without

from school without permission.
A person who neglects his or

her work or duties.

stay away from school, be absent.

Слайд 4 The origin of the word “truant.”
A truant was

The origin of the word “truant.”A truant was originally a “beggar”

originally a “beggar” or a “vagrant.” It was borrowed

from Old French “truand” (a vagabond) in 13th century.

Слайд 5 William Shakespeare Love’s Labour’s Lost
Rosaline. Another of these

William Shakespeare Love’s Labour’s LostRosaline. Another of these students at that

students at that time 550 Was there with him, if

I have heard a truth. Biron they call him; but a merrier man, Within the limit of becoming mirth, I never spent an hour's talk withal: His eye begets occasion for his wit; 555 For every object that the one doth catch The other turns to a mirth-moving jest, Which his fair tongue, conceit's expositor, Delivers in such apt and gracious words That aged ears play truant at his tales 560 And younger hearings are quite ravished; So sweet and voluble is his discourse.

Слайд 6 Truancy in the UK.
More than a million children

Truancy in the UK.More than a million children a year play

a year play truant from school.
66,000 pupils play truant

every day.

Слайд 7 Michelle Boorman did not miss one of 2,660

Michelle Boorman did not miss one of 2,660 school days.

school days.

Слайд 8 Why do students play truant? Truancy is an educational,

Why do students play truant? Truancy is an educational, social and

social and law enforcement problem.
Low self- esteem.
Low academics.
Socially isolated.

To escape bulling at school.
Fear of school, teachers and administrators.
The truant has no interest at school.

Ineffective parenting.
Familial instability.
Financial difficulties.
Alcoholic parent.
Poor pupil- teacher relationships.
Lack of parents- school communication.
Lack of support for school.
Negative peer influences.

Слайд 10 The consequences of truancy. Truancy is a gateway to

The consequences of truancy. Truancy is a gateway to serious violent and nonviolent crime.

serious violent and nonviolent crime.

Слайд 12 Combating Truancy.
Electronic registration.

Combating Truancy.Electronic registration.

Слайд 13 Regular sweeps of town centres by police and

Regular sweeps of town centres by police and education welfare staff.

education welfare staff.

Слайд 15 Parents can be fined up to 2,500 and

Parents can be fined up to 2,500 and /or be put in prison to three months.

/or be put in prison to three months.

Слайд 17 Truancy in Russian schools.
Officially, truancy is not a

Truancy in Russian schools. Officially, truancy is not a problem in Russia.

problem in Russia.

Слайд 18 Truancy in MPL.
15% of students think that truancy

Truancy in MPL.15% of students think that truancy hasn’t led to

hasn’t led to more serious problems.
85% think truancy is

Never skip school 40% of the students.

Слайд 19 Electronic Diary.
The Russian government promises until 2012 to

Electronic Diary.The Russian government promises until 2012 to introduce electronic diaries in all Russian schools.

introduce electronic diaries in all Russian schools.

Слайд 20 Conclusion.
Spring comes. Are you going to play truant?

Conclusion.Spring comes. Are you going to play truant?

  • Имя файла: be-cool-stay-at-school.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
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