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Презентация на тему Conflict


Conflict - conflicts and disagreements that arise between people because of their diverging views, interests, attitudes, and aspirations.
Conflict Conflict - conflicts and disagreements that arise between people because Party to the conflict - the subject of the conflictQuestion or issue The nature of conflictThe word The main causes of conflicts Conflict situations.Incident.Awareness of conflict in at least one of the participants in Incident - this set of circumstances, is a cause for conflict. Types of conflictsDepending on the number of participants1 memberIntrapersonalSeveral peopleInterindividualBetween groupsSocial Intrapersonal conflictor Intrapersonal conflictor Interpersonal conflict Family conflicts.MarriedBetween parents and childrenRelated RelatedThe intervention of relatives in family lives. Between parents and childrenCosts of educationChildren age crisesPersonal factors For which he is fighting against what the child in the transition Causes of conflict.1. The crisis of adolescence.2. The desire for independence and Solving Problems  Bring together stakeholders to provide practical counseling family through Constructive way to resolve conflicts,  Destructive emotions.anger, malice, aggression -destructive feelings.And destroy the veryman and his psyche,and Functions of conflict: Conflict resolutionTo go through.Evasion (avoidance of conflict)Involvement of third party conflict resolutionCooperationHumorConcessionThe Ways of solving conflictsCompromise: treaty cedingNegotiation: peace talks talk about solving the Compromise - is the location of the conflict settlement, disputes on the basis of mutual concessions. Eight steps to resolve the conflictCreate an effective environmentEnter into mutually beneficial A positive attitude toward themselves - the basis of psychological There is nothing that shows the superiority of character as good By Yana Popova and Anna Vasko Thanks for viewing.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Conflict - conflicts and disagreements that

Conflict - conflicts and disagreements that arise between people because

arise between people because of their diverging views, interests,

attitudes, and aspirations.

Слайд 3 Party to the conflict - the subject of

Party to the conflict - the subject of the conflictQuestion or

the conflict
Question or issue because of which there is

a conflict - the object of the conflict

Слайд 4 The nature of conflict
The word "conflict" comes from

The nature of conflictThe word

the Latin conflictus, originally conceived as a clash.

Conflict -

rivalries, it is a struggle, but manifests itself in many different forms.

Conflict - it is the lack of agreement between two or more parties.

Слайд 5 The main causes of conflicts

The main causes of conflicts

Слайд 6 Conflict situations.
Awareness of conflict in at least one

Conflict situations.Incident.Awareness of conflict in at least one of the participants

of the participants in social interaction.
The beginning of the

open conflict.
The development of open conflict.
The resolution and the outcome.

The main stages of the conflict

Слайд 7 Incident - this set of circumstances,

Incident - this set of circumstances, is a cause for conflict.

is a cause for conflict.

Слайд 8 Types of conflicts
Depending on the number of participants

Types of conflictsDepending on the number of participants1 memberIntrapersonalSeveral peopleInterindividualBetween groupsSocial

Several people
Between groups

Слайд 9 Intrapersonal conflict

Intrapersonal conflictor

Слайд 10 Intrapersonal conflict

Intrapersonal conflictor

Слайд 11 Interpersonal conflict

Interpersonal conflict

Слайд 12 Family conflicts.
Between parents and children

Family conflicts.MarriedBetween parents and childrenRelated

Слайд 13 Related
The intervention of relatives in family lives.

RelatedThe intervention of relatives in family lives.

Слайд 14 Between parents and children
Costs of education
Children age crises


Between parents and childrenCosts of educationChildren age crisesPersonal factors


Слайд 15 For which he is fighting against what the

For which he is fighting against what the child in the

child in the transition to adulthood?
1. For something to

stop being a child.
2. For the end of attacks on their physical beginning, integrity.
3. For the approval of their peers.
4. Against observations, discussions, especially ironic, about his physical maturity.

Слайд 16 Causes of conflict.
1. The crisis of adolescence.
2. The

Causes of conflict.1. The crisis of adolescence.2. The desire for independence

desire for independence and self-determination.
3. The demand for greater

autonomy in everything from clothing to room.
4. The habit of the conflict, brought up behavior of adults in the family.
5. Bravirovanie teenager their rights in front of peers.
6. Reluctance of parents recognize that the child became an adult.
7. Fear of the slot to release the child, lack of faith in its power.
8. Projecting the child's behavior on himself at his age.
9. The fight for their own power and autonomy.
10. The lack of understanding between the adults in the child's upbringing.
11. No confirmation of parental expectations.

Слайд 17 Solving Problems
Bring together stakeholders to

Solving Problems  Bring together stakeholders to provide practical counseling family

provide practical counseling family through various forms and methods

of correctional and developmental work with family members.

Слайд 18 Constructive way to resolve conflicts, "win-win: both parent

Constructive way to resolve conflicts,

and child"
Solution algorithm consists of several steps:

1. Clarification

of conflict;
2. Collection of proposals;
3. The evaluation of proposals and selection of the most appropriate;
4. Detailing solutions;
5. Implementation; verification.

Слайд 19 Destructive emotions.
anger, malice, aggression -
destructive feelings.
And destroy the

Destructive emotions.anger, malice, aggression -destructive feelings.And destroy the veryman and his

man and his psyche,
and health, and mutual relations with


Слайд 20 Functions of conflict:

Functions of conflict:

Слайд 22 Conflict resolution
To go through.
Evasion (avoidance of conflict)
Involvement of

Conflict resolutionTo go through.Evasion (avoidance of conflict)Involvement of third party conflict

third party conflict resolution
The threat of violence
Rudeness, humiliation
Care of


Слайд 23 Ways of solving conflicts
Compromise: treaty ceding
Negotiation: peace talks

Ways of solving conflictsCompromise: treaty cedingNegotiation: peace talks talk about solving

talk about solving the problem
Mediation: invite a third party

as an independent judge
Arbitration: to an appropriate authority
Use force: war, force, force

Слайд 24 Compromise - is the location of the conflict

Compromise - is the location of the conflict settlement, disputes on the basis of mutual concessions.

settlement, disputes on the basis of mutual concessions.

Слайд 25 Eight steps to resolve the conflict
Create an effective

Eight steps to resolve the conflictCreate an effective environmentEnter into mutually

Enter into mutually beneficial agreements
Focus on the individual and

common needs
Look to the future and learn from the past
Create an overall positive effect
Develop an action plan
Clarify the presentation
Offer suggestions

Слайд 26 A positive attitude toward themselves -

A positive attitude toward themselves - the basis of psychological

the basis of psychological survival. Love yourself and do

not let the anger breaks out.

Слайд 27 There is nothing that shows the superiority

There is nothing that shows the superiority of character as

of character as good behavior in a quarrel, which

can not be avoided.
Henry Taylor

Слайд 28 "From love to hate one step, from

hatred to love - kilometer steps."


Слайд 29 By Yana Popova
and Anna Vasko

By Yana Popova and Anna Vasko

  • Имя файла: conflict.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 199
  • Количество скачиваний: 0