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Презентация на тему How to teach children to understand mass media ?

How to teach children to understand mass media? Superheros It occurs slowly as children see and hear certain messages over and over AlcoholCigarettesFightingSexual action Watch, read and hear. People create media messages. Each media form uses its own language. Everyday media education ideas Look at the headlines, photos, and placements of articles in a newspaper. Could it be in the real world? While shopping, compare products with advertisements your child has seen. How many brands of beer, cigarettes, or other such products can your child name? Set the home stage for media education Set media time limits.Make a media plan. Set family guidelines for media content. Keep TV, video games, and computers out of children's bedrooms Make media a family activity. Thank you for your attention!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Superheros


Слайд 3 It occurs slowly as children see and hear

It occurs slowly as children see and hear certain messages over and over

certain messages over and over

Слайд 4 Alcohol
Sexual action

AlcoholCigarettesFightingSexual action

Слайд 5 Watch, read and hear.

Watch, read and hear.

Слайд 6 People create media messages.

People create media messages.

Слайд 7 Each media form uses its own language.

Each media form uses its own language.

Слайд 8 Everyday media education ideas

Everyday media education ideas

Слайд 9 Look at the headlines, photos, and placements of

Look at the headlines, photos, and placements of articles in a newspaper.

articles in a newspaper.

Слайд 10 Could it be in the real world?

Could it be in the real world?

Слайд 11 While shopping, compare products with advertisements your child

While shopping, compare products with advertisements your child has seen.

has seen.

Слайд 12 How many brands of beer, cigarettes, or other

How many brands of beer, cigarettes, or other such products can your child name?

such products can your child name?

Слайд 13 Set the home stage for media education

Set the home stage for media education

Слайд 14 Set media time limits.
Make a media plan.

Set media time limits.Make a media plan.

Слайд 15 Set family guidelines for media content.

Set family guidelines for media content.

Слайд 16 Keep TV, video games, and computers out of

Keep TV, video games, and computers out of children's bedrooms

children's bedrooms

Слайд 17 Make media a family activity.

Make media a family activity.

  • Имя файла: how-to-teach-children-to-understand-mass-media-.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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