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Презентация на тему ОГЭ Speaking

Give a talk about your home lifeWhat things you do to help out at homeHow you spend your free time at homeWhat you like about your home and why
ОГЭSpeaking Give a talk about your home lifeWhat things you do to help Give a talk about your familyWho your family consists ofHow you spend Give a talk about fashionWhether you follow the latest fashion or notWhat Give a talk on tourismWhat tourists can see and do in your Give a talk on travellingWhat kind of transport you prefer to travel Give a talk about your school lifeIf your school life is interesting/boringWhat Give a talk about music in your lifeHow often you listen to Give a talk on your attitude towards TVWhat you think of TV Give a talk on sportsIf you are a sports fan or if Give a talk about summer jobs for teenagersWhy teenagers do summer jobsWhether Give a talk about your relationships with friendsHow you like to spend Give a talk about the problem of keeping a petWhat the most Give a talk about your reading habitsIf you like reading booksIf you Give a talk on teenagers using computersHow often teenagers use computers in You are going to talk about your favourite writerWho your favourite writer Give a talk about communicating with (foreign) pen friends  If you Give a talk about the role of the mass media in our Give a talk about the ecological situation in the area where you Give a talk about air pollutionWhat causes air pollutionWhat the consequences areWhat Give a talk about water pollutionWhat causes water pollutionWhat the consequences areWhat Give a talk about animal protectionWhy some animals have become extinctIf it Give a talk about national holidaysWhy people celebrate national holidaysWhat the most Give a talk about global problems people are facing nowadaysWhat the most Give a talk about your plans for futureIf you have already decided Give a talk about the weather and your favourite seasonGive a brief Give a talk about problems of young peopleWhat problems young people face Give a talk about technological progressWhat the most important inventions in the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Give a talk about your home life
What things

Give a talk about your home lifeWhat things you do to

you do to help out at home
How you spend

your free time at home
What you like about your home and why

Слайд 3 Give a talk about your family
Who your family

Give a talk about your familyWho your family consists ofHow you

consists of
How you spend weekends
What duties you have at


Слайд 4 Give a talk about fashion
Whether you follow the

Give a talk about fashionWhether you follow the latest fashion or

latest fashion or not
What clothes you like to wear

when you go out
Whether clothes are too expensive for teenagers

Слайд 5 Give a talk on tourism
What tourists can see

Give a talk on tourismWhat tourists can see and do in

and do in your country
What souvenirs they can buy

country you would like to visit as a tourist and why

Слайд 6 Give a talk on travelling
What kind of transport

Give a talk on travellingWhat kind of transport you prefer to

you prefer to travel by and why
If you have

ever travelled abroad
What countries and cities you would like to visit

Слайд 7 Give a talk about your school life
If your

Give a talk about your school lifeIf your school life is

school life is interesting/boring
What school activities you take part

What school events you remember best of all and why

Слайд 8 Give a talk about music in your life

Give a talk about music in your lifeHow often you listen

often you listen to music
What kind of music you

How often you go to concerts

Слайд 9 Give a talk on your attitude towards TV

Give a talk on your attitude towards TVWhat you think of

you think of TV programmes
If TV can be educational

or just entertaining
If you can do without TV

Слайд 10 Give a talk on sports
If you are a

Give a talk on sportsIf you are a sports fan or

sports fan or if you go in for sports

you lead an active style of life
In what way sport helps you

Слайд 11 Give a talk about summer jobs for teenagers

Give a talk about summer jobs for teenagersWhy teenagers do summer

teenagers do summer jobs
Whether any of your friends/brothers/sisters do

summer jobs; what jobs they are
Whether you would like to do a summer job; why (not)

Слайд 12 Give a talk about your relationships with friends

Give a talk about your relationships with friendsHow you like to

you like to spend time together;
What interests you share;

you do to help and support each other;
How long you have been friends

Слайд 13 Give a talk about the problem of keeping

Give a talk about the problem of keeping a petWhat the

a pet
What the most popular pets are
Why people keep

If it’s difficult to keep a pet and why

Слайд 14 Give a talk about your reading habits
If you

Give a talk about your reading habitsIf you like reading booksIf

like reading books
If you read books for pleasure or

for your studies
What book has impressed you most of all

Слайд 15 Give a talk on teenagers using computers
How often

Give a talk on teenagers using computersHow often teenagers use computers

teenagers use computers in school or at home
What they

use them for
What problems are created by their use

Слайд 16 You are going to talk about your favourite

You are going to talk about your favourite writerWho your favourite

Who your favourite writer is
Why you like his /

her books
Why people want to know new facts about their favourite writer’s biography

Слайд 17 Give a talk about communicating with (foreign) pen

Give a talk about communicating with (foreign) pen friends If you

If you write letters or use the

internet. Why?
If you have pen friends in other countries and how you find them
What you usually write about in your letters / e-mails
If you know and use the special language of the Internet

Слайд 18 Give a talk about the role of the

Give a talk about the role of the mass media in

mass media in our life
What kinds of mass media

you know
Which kind you use in your life
Which are your favourite TV programmes, newspapers and magazines
If you can trust all information we get from the mass media

Слайд 19 Give a talk about the ecological situation in

Give a talk about the ecological situation in the area where

the area where you live
If it is ecologically safe

the main problems are
What you can do to improve the situation

Слайд 20 Give a talk about air pollution
What causes air

Give a talk about air pollutionWhat causes air pollutionWhat the consequences

What the consequences are
What can be done to improve

the situation

Слайд 21 Give a talk about water pollution
What causes water

Give a talk about water pollutionWhat causes water pollutionWhat the consequences

What the consequences are
What can be done to improve

the situation

Слайд 22 Give a talk about animal protection
Why some animals

Give a talk about animal protectionWhy some animals have become extinctIf

have become extinct
If it is right to keep animals

in zoos
What people can do to protect endangered species of animals

Слайд 23 Give a talk about national holidays
Why people celebrate

Give a talk about national holidaysWhy people celebrate national holidaysWhat the

national holidays
What the most important holidays in the UK

and the USA you know
What customs and traditions connected with celebration of your favourite holiday are

Слайд 24 Give a talk about global problems people are

Give a talk about global problems people are facing nowadaysWhat the

facing nowadays
What the most important problems are
What might cause

these problems
How we can cope with them
If the situation will become better or worse in the future

Слайд 25 Give a talk about your plans for future

Give a talk about your plans for futureIf you have already

you have already decided on your career
What job you

are going to choose, why
If you are going to continue your education at school or anywhere else, why
What subject you would like to specialize in
If you plan to attend any clubs, sections or extra classes, why / why not

Слайд 26 Give a talk about the weather and your

Give a talk about the weather and your favourite seasonGive a

favourite season
Give a brief characteristic of each season
Say which

season you like best and why
Say what you can do (wear) in different seasons (in your favourite season)
Say if you stay in town or go to the country (somewhere else) on summer

Слайд 27 Give a talk about problems of young people

Give a talk about problems of young peopleWhat problems young people

problems young people face nowadays
If youth organizations can solve

the problems
What your own problems are
What opportunities you have got

  • Имя файла: oge-speaking.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
  • Количество скачиваний: 0