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Презентация на тему Симферополь - мой родной город

Simferopol is the capital of Republic Crimea .
Simferopol is my native townFedor BaranovForm 6School “Linguist” Simferopol is the capital of Republic Crimea . The population of Simferopol is about four hundred thousand people. Simferopol was founded in 1784 by Decree of Russian Empress  Catherine the Great There are four theatres in SimferopolCrimean Musical TheatreRussian Drama TheatreCrimean Puppet TheatreCrimean Tartar Theatre Also Simferopol has some modern cinemas Simferopol can be proud of its circus with modern arena and bright shows. The most famous museums areMuseum of Local Simferopol is very green and comfortable. There are many squares and parks. For sport Simferopol has two stadiums, three swimming pools and some sport centers.   The largest collection of higher education institutions in Crimea is located Welcome to Simferopol
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Simferopol is the capital of Republic Crimea .

Simferopol is the capital of Republic Crimea .

Слайд 3 The population of Simferopol is about four hundred

The population of Simferopol is about four hundred thousand people.

thousand people.

Слайд 4 Simferopol was founded in 1784 by Decree of

Simferopol was founded in 1784 by Decree of Russian Empress  Catherine the Great

Russian Empress  Catherine the Great

Слайд 5 There are four theatres in Simferopol
Crimean Musical Theatre

There are four theatres in SimferopolCrimean Musical TheatreRussian Drama TheatreCrimean Puppet TheatreCrimean Tartar Theatre

Drama Theatre
Crimean Puppet Theatre
Crimean Tartar Theatre

Слайд 6 Also Simferopol has some modern cinemas

Also Simferopol has some modern cinemas

Слайд 7 Simferopol can be proud of its circus with

Simferopol can be proud of its circus with modern arena and bright shows.

modern arena and bright shows.

Слайд 8 The most famous

The most famous museums areMuseum of Local History Museum

museums are
Museum of Local History
 Museum “Neapolis Scythian”

Museum of Art

Слайд 9 Simferopol is very green and comfortable. There are

Simferopol is very green and comfortable. There are many squares and

many squares and parks. The favourites are “Gagarynsky” and


Слайд 10 For sport Simferopol has two stadiums, three swimming

For sport Simferopol has two stadiums, three swimming pools and some sport centers.

pools and some sport centers.

Слайд 11   The largest collection of higher education institutions

  The largest collection of higher education institutions in Crimea is

in Crimea is located in Simferopol.
Crimean State Medical University

named after S. I. Georgievsky

Taurida National University named after Vernadsky

Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University

The National Academy
of Environmental
Protection and Resort development

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-simferopol-moy-rodnoy-gorod.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 192
  • Количество скачиваний: 5