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Презентация на тему Punctuation in English

The Goal of the Research isto understand the place of punctuation marks in English sentences, their function in the learning of English, understand their meanings. The practical goal is to teach English learners to put down
Punctuation in EnglishAuthor: Lukina K.S.Teacher: Konovalova T. A.School: GBOU SOSH №1367 The Goal of the Research isto understand the place of punctuation marks The tasks areto learn books and articles on punctuation, to look for The subject of the research is punctuation marks; the object is Syntax What is Punctuation? Punctuation is “the marks used to divide a piece Punctuation marks: Apostrophe ' Round brackets ( )Square brackets [ ]Colon :Semi-colon Apostrophe ' is used to indicate possessionthe children's books, the guards' dutiesthe Round brackets ( ) is used: for additional information or explanation1) To Square brackets [ ] are used :for editorial information, etc1) To amend Colon ( : ) is used :before a list, summary or quoteI Semi-colon( ; ) is used :to separate independent clauses not joined by Comma ( , ) is usedbetween a list of three or more Comma ( , ) is used :to give additional informationTo indicate contrast. Comma ( , ) is used :for opening phrases, conjunctive verbs, etc.Introductory Comma ( , ) is used :in address or quotationAnd then the Hyphen (-) is used with some prefixes and suffixespre-Christmas, under-weightto form compound Dash (--) is usedfor emphasisThe book was great — a really good Ellipsis (…) are usedto indicate missing words in a quotation Quotation marks (″ ″) are usedfor direct speechJanet asked, Question Mark ( ?) is used to end direct questions, requiring a Exclamation Mark ( ! ) is usedTo add emphasis to the statement I loved the play! Full Stop ( . ) is used To end all other sentences Double Quotation Marks ( “ ” ) are used: to set off Single Quotation Mark ( ‘ ’ ) is used:to set off quotations Practical PartThe results show that the level of knowledge of punctuation Сonclusion of Practical Work “Moon and Sixpence” The frequency of using of punctuation marks in “Moon and Sixpence” by Conclusion we found different examples of punctuation marks in the book “Moon
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Goal of the Research is
to understand the

The Goal of the Research isto understand the place of punctuation

place of punctuation marks in English sentences, their function

in the learning of English, understand their meanings.
The practical goal is to teach English learners to put down punctuation marks in sentences correctly.

Слайд 3 The tasks are
to learn books and articles on

The tasks areto learn books and articles on punctuation, to look

to look for different examples of punctuation in

the original literature and analyze the meanings of punctuation marks,
to classify them in accordance with their meanings.

Слайд 4 The subject of the research is punctuation marks;

The subject of the research is punctuation marks; the object is

the object is Syntax and Punctuation.

To learn them we

have used some methods of research such as comparative and contextual analyses.

Слайд 5 What is Punctuation?
Punctuation is “the marks used to

What is Punctuation? Punctuation is “the marks used to divide a

divide a piece of writing into sentences, phrases etc.”

Punctuation is an art, not a science, and a sentence can often be punctuated correctly in more than one way. It may also vary according to style.

Слайд 6 Punctuation marks:
Apostrophe '
Round brackets ( )

Punctuation marks: Apostrophe ' Round brackets ( )Square brackets [ ]Colon

brackets [ ]
Colon :
Semi-colon ;
Comma ,
Hyphen -
Dash —–

Ellipsis …
10. Question Mark ?
11. Exclamation Mark !
12. Full Stop .
13. Single Quotation Mark ‘ ’
14. Double Quotation Marks. “ ”

Слайд 7 Apostrophe ' is used
to indicate possession
the children's

Apostrophe ' is used to indicate possessionthe children's books, the guards'

the guards' duties
the witness's lie
Janet and Jane's

to indicate contractions
the house wasn't at its best

Слайд 8 Round brackets ( ) is used:
for additional

Round brackets ( ) is used: for additional information or explanation1)

information or explanation
1) To clarify or inform. Jamie's bike

was red (bright red) with a yellow stripe.
2) For asides and comments The bear was pink (I kid you not).

Слайд 9 Square brackets [ ] are used :
for editorial

Square brackets [ ] are used :for editorial information, etc1) To

information, etc
1) To amend or supplement the given details

His first book [The Colour Of Magic] was written in 1989.
2) To replace phrases for clarity or brevity [The treaty] decreed that no bear should be painted pink.

Слайд 10 Colon ( : ) is used :
before a

Colon ( : ) is used :before a list, summary or

list, summary or quote
I could only find three of

the ingredients: sugar, flour and coconut.
To summarise: we found , set up our tent and then the bears attacked.
to complete a statement of fact
There are only three kinds of people: the good, the bad and the ugly.

Слайд 11 Semi-colon( ; ) is used :
to separate independent

Semi-colon( ; ) is used :to separate independent clauses not joined

clauses not joined by a conjuction
The Giants won the

Superbowl; it was a good day for the bookies.

to separate independent clauses joined by conjunctive adverbs such as however, hence, therefore, conversely, consequently, and nevertheless
The Giants were heavily favoured; consequently, the payouts were small.

to separate long or complicated elements in a series
The guests were John, the dentist; Bill and Lucy; and Howard, the duck.

to separate closely related elements
Studying is difficult; failing, insufferable.

to precede a word, phrase, or abbreviation introducing an explanatory or summarizing statement
Vehicles are machines for moving people and things; for example, cars, trucks, and boats.

Слайд 12 Comma ( , ) is used
between a list

Comma ( , ) is usedbetween a list of three or

of three or more words
Up, down, left and right.

a conjunction
I did my best to protect the camp, but the bears were too aggressive.
When and or or are used the comma is optional. The sizes are small, medium or large.

Слайд 13 Comma ( , ) is used :
to give

Comma ( , ) is used :to give additional informationTo indicate

additional information
To indicate contrast. The snake was brown, not

green, and it was quite small.

2) Where the phrase could be in brackets. The recipe, which we hadn't tried before, is very easy to follow.
3) Where the phrase adds relevant information. Mr. Hardy, 68, ran his first marathon five years ago.

4) Where the addition is not necessary to the meaning of the sentence. Mr. Hardy, who enjoys bird watching, ran his first marathon five years ago.
5) Where the main clause of the sentence is dependent on the preceding clause. If at first you don't succeed, give up.

Слайд 14 Comma ( , ) is used :
for opening

Comma ( , ) is used :for opening phrases, conjunctive verbs,

phrases, conjunctive verbs, etc.
Introductory or opening phrases. In general,

sixty-eight is quite old to run a marathon.
Conjunctive verbs. Unfortunately, the bear was already in a bad mood and, furthermore, pink wasn't its colour.

3) Following for example, that is, etc You should use commas, for example, around 'for example'. where a pause is required

Whatever happens, don't panic.

Слайд 15 Comma ( , ) is used :
in address

Comma ( , ) is used :in address or quotationAnd then

or quotation

And then the boss said, "I'm sending you

to Outer Mongolia."
to indicate the omission of a word or phrase
Use too much sugar and the mixture will be sweet, [use] too little and it will be sour

If he leaves early, he will be on time for the meeting.

Whenever he is in town, he visits us.

Слайд 16 Hyphen (-) is used
with some prefixes and

Hyphen (-) is used with some prefixes and suffixespre-Christmas, under-weightto form

to form compound words
up-to-the-minute news
with fractions, numbers and

initial letters
one-half, sixty-four
X-ray, T-shirt, U-Turn

Слайд 17 Dash (--) is used
for emphasis
The book was great

Dash (--) is usedfor emphasisThe book was great — a really

— a really good read.
for explanation or addition
The Colour

Of Magic — the first of the series — was written in 1989.

Слайд 18 Ellipsis (…) are used
to indicate missing words in

Ellipsis (…) are usedto indicate missing words in a quotation

a quotation
"the sight was awesome...truly amazing"

Слайд 19 Quotation marks (″ ″) are used
for direct speech

Quotation marks (″ ″) are usedfor direct speechJanet asked,

asked, "Why can't we go today?"
for quotes inside quotes,

use single quotation marks.
Billy said, "So then John told her 'I don't want to go today' and Janet cried."
for words that are defined, that follow certain phrases or that have special meaning
'Buch' is German for book.

Слайд 20 Question Mark ( ?) is used
to end direct

Question Mark ( ?) is used to end direct questions, requiring

questions, requiring a response
May I borrow your copy of

the book?

Слайд 21 Exclamation Mark ( ! ) is used
To add

Exclamation Mark ( ! ) is usedTo add emphasis to the statement I loved the play!

emphasis to the statement
I loved the play!

Слайд 22 Full Stop ( . ) is used

Full Stop ( . ) is used To end all other

To end all other sentences
Here ends the lesson

for today.

Слайд 23 Double Quotation Marks ( “ ” ) are

Double Quotation Marks ( “ ” ) are used: to set


to set off quotations
The President's only memorable quote

was “don't quote me on that”.
to indicate dialogue
“Help!” we cried.

Слайд 24 Single Quotation Mark ( ‘ ’ ) is

Single Quotation Mark ( ‘ ’ ) is used:to set off

to set off quotations within quotations
He said, "the word

‘splivich’ will not be found in a standard dictionary".

Слайд 25 Practical Part
The results show that the level of

Practical PartThe results show that the level of knowledge of

knowledge of punctuation is low,
1 pupil from 24

did 73 % correctly.
4 pupils did 60 %.
4 pupils - 53 %.
The other 15 did less than 50 % correctly. Nobody has done the whole test correctly.

Слайд 26 Сonclusion of Practical Work
“Moon and Sixpence”

Сonclusion of Practical Work “Moon and Sixpence”

by W. Somerset Maugham.
The most frequently used punctuation marks are comma and full stop.
Less frequently used than comma are semi-colon, apostrophe and hyphen.
In the third place there are double quotation marks, question mark, quotation marks, dash.
The least frequently used punctuation marks are round brackets.

Слайд 27 The frequency of using of punctuation marks in

The frequency of using of punctuation marks in “Moon and Sixpence” by W. Somerset Maugham.

“Moon and Sixpence” by W. Somerset Maugham.

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  • Количество просмотров: 168
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