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Презентация на тему Scotland

Edinburgh - the capital
Scotland Edinburgh - the capital Population – the Scots The national flag –  St. Andrew’s Cross Coat of Arms of Scotland National Day – November 30th  St. Andrew’s Day National symbols of Scotland   TartanThistle Big cities Glasgow Perth Sightseeing The Supreme court Edinburgh City Chambers in Edinburgh Edinburgh castle Sir Walter Scott Monument Glasgow castle Edinburgh university
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Edinburgh - the capital

Edinburgh - the capital

Слайд 3 Population – the Scots

Population – the Scots

Слайд 4 The national flag – St. Andrew’s Cross

The national flag – St. Andrew’s Cross

Слайд 5 Coat of Arms of Scotland

Coat of Arms of Scotland

Слайд 6 National Day – November 30th St. Andrew’s Day

National Day – November 30th St. Andrew’s Day

Слайд 7 National symbols of Scotland

National symbols of Scotland  TartanThistle

Слайд 8 Big cities

Big cities


Слайд 9 Glasgow


Слайд 11 Sightseeing


Слайд 12 The Supreme court Edinburgh

The Supreme court Edinburgh

Слайд 13 City Chambers in Edinburgh

City Chambers in Edinburgh

Слайд 14 Edinburgh castle

Edinburgh castle

Слайд 15 Sir Walter Scott Monument

Sir Walter Scott Monument

Слайд 16 Glasgow castle

Glasgow castle

  • Имя файла: scotland.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 138
  • Количество скачиваний: 0