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Презентация на тему UNUSUAL_ANIMALS.avi

Red-lipped fish — swallow This unusual fish that live in the Galapagos Islands, is actually a lousy swimmer! The fish has legs instead of fins and so she walks on the ocean floor!
project for English TOP 10 UNUSAL ANIMALS Did Danilova Dasha Red-lipped fish — swallow   This unusual fish that live in Fish PACUThis fish lives off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Local Shark — houseThis is a very rare shark is sometimes called a Blue parrot fishThis fish is found in the Atlantic ocean and 80% Mollusk Glaucus AtlanticusThis creature, also known as the blue dragon, he moves Ant – PandaMotility is a family, with more than 3,000 species of The hawk — HummingbirdThe resemblance to a Hummingbird hawk moth this attaches African tree ViperFrom the name it is clear that this snake lives OkapiThe birthplace of this mammal is the Democratic Republic of the Congo Thorny dragonThis lizard is brilliantly camouflaged in desert landscape, and to protect
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Слайд 2 Red-lipped fish — swallow

This unusual

Red-lipped fish — swallow  This unusual fish that live in

fish that live in the Galapagos Islands, is actually

a lousy swimmer! The fish has legs instead of fins and so she walks on the ocean floor!

Слайд 3 Fish PACU
This fish lives off the coast of

Fish PACUThis fish lives off the coast of Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea. Local fishermen knew about the existence

of such a terrifying predator with a creepy jaw, before entering the water, always starayutsya protect the most vulnerable parts of his body!

Слайд 4 Shark — house
This is a very rare shark

Shark — houseThis is a very rare shark is sometimes called

is sometimes called a living fossil. It is the

only extant representative of the family Scapanorhynchus, whose history goes back 125 million years. Sharks – goblins inhabit around the world at depths exceeding 100 m. Moreover, adults prefer to settle deeper than young. Given such a depth habitat of this strange shark frightening appearance, it can be concluded that for humans it is not dangerous.

Слайд 5 Blue parrot fish
This fish is found in the

Blue parrot fishThis fish is found in the Atlantic ocean and

Atlantic ocean and 80% of their time in search

of food!

Слайд 6 Mollusk Glaucus Atlanticus
This creature, also known as the

Mollusk Glaucus AtlanticusThis creature, also known as the blue dragon, he

blue dragon, he moves slowly in the water column.

The mollusk is easily found in shallow warm ocean waters: it helps to float the bag with gas, located in the abdominal cavity.

Слайд 7 Ant – Panda
Motility is a family, with more

Ant – PandaMotility is a family, with more than 3,000 species

than 3,000 species of wasps. Yes, it is the

OS, not the ants! Why confuse them with ants? Just the females of these wasps have no wings and resemble large hairy ants. The first of these unusual wasps found in Chile. Insects known for their extremely painful stings, so they are often called "cow killers" or "cow ants". Representatives of the family mutillid black and white colouring is often called ants, pandas is due to the color similarity with a giant Panda, living in China.

Слайд 8 The hawk — Hummingbird
The resemblance to a Hummingbird

The hawk — HummingbirdThe resemblance to a Hummingbird hawk moth this

hawk moth this attaches to the fact that it

feeds on the flowers using a long proboscis, and make a sound like the buzzing hummingbirds. This insect very well distinguish between colors, which helps him from hundreds of flowers to choose from.

Слайд 9 African tree Viper
From the name it is clear

African tree ViperFrom the name it is clear that this snake

that this snake lives in trees. Arboreal vipers that

live in the tropical forests of Africa, they are predators who hunt only at night.

Слайд 10 Okapi
The birthplace of this mammal is the Democratic

OkapiThe birthplace of this mammal is the Democratic Republic of the

Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. Despite the

black-and-white stripes, like a Zebra, the Okapi is a relative of the giraffe.

Слайд 11 Thorny dragon
This lizard is brilliantly camouflaged in desert

Thorny dragonThis lizard is brilliantly camouflaged in desert landscape, and to

landscape, and to protect from predators she has a

"false head". Exposing the decoy on the surface, but the real head dragon hides in their spikes.

  • Имя файла: unusual_animalsavi.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0