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Презентация на тему урок английского языка

Fishing, riding a bike, walking,sightseeing, keeping pets, rollerskating,chatting, having picnics, sunbathing, spending time with friends, surfing the Internet.
HOBBIES Fishing, riding a bike, walking,sightseeing, keeping pets, rollerskating,chatting, having picnics, sunbathing, spending Hobbies and free time activitiesDancing, shopping, walking her CollieThese are the hobbies The aim of our lesson learning words and using them in different situations favourite We’ll speak about 			activities							hobbiesWe’ll read about famous man’s hobbiesWe’ll try to write about our hobby Match the words and make up word combinations. Write the answers. - c- d- h- a- j- f- b- i- e- g Free time activities I like …My mother’s fond of…My elder brother enjoys…My father is crazy The busiest men find the most leisure Bill GatesBill Gates is a Bill Gates is keen on  __________ He is interested in In-Touch Magazine…keep In-Touchwww.intouchzine.com E-mailHi!We are very kene on learning about you. We are fdno of E-mailHi!We are very keen on learning about you. We are fond of HomeworkWrite an e-mail to “In-Touch Magazine”.Model:Dear Vicky and Ken!My name is…I am Did you like our lesson? 										I’ve worked	………														    I’ve learnt	……….. Pink- useful and important information and I can use it in different Thank you for your work!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Fishing, riding a bike, walking,
sightseeing, keeping pets, rollerskating,

Fishing, riding a bike, walking,sightseeing, keeping pets, rollerskating,chatting, having picnics, sunbathing,

having picnics, sunbathing, spending time with friends, surfing the


Слайд 3 Hobbies and free time activities
Dancing, shopping, walking her

Hobbies and free time activitiesDancing, shopping, walking her CollieThese are the

These are the hobbies of my sister Polly.
Cycling, swimming,

playing computer
The favourite activities of my brother Peter.

Слайд 4 The aim of our lesson
learning words and

The aim of our lesson learning words and using them in different situations

using them in different situations

Слайд 5 favourite
We’ll speak about activities
We’ll read about famous

favourite We’ll speak about 			activities							hobbiesWe’ll read about famous man’s hobbiesWe’ll try to write about our hobby

man’s hobbies

We’ll try to write about our hobby

Слайд 6 Match the words and make up word combinations.

Match the words and make up word combinations. Write the answers.

Write the answers. Model: 1 – c
a bike
to music

computer games

Слайд 7 - c
- d
- h
- a
- j
- f
- b

- c- d- h- a- j- f- b- i- e- g

- e
- g

Слайд 8 Free time activities

Free time activities

Слайд 9 I like …
My mother’s fond of…
My elder brother

I like …My mother’s fond of…My elder brother enjoys…My father is

My father is crazy about…
I prefer…
My young sister’s interested

in …
My granny is keen on …

Слайд 10 The busiest men find the most leisure

The busiest men find the most leisure Bill GatesBill Gates is

Bill Gates is a very busy man. But he

likes doing a lot of things. First, he is keen on travelling. Second, he is interested in playing golf and discussing the latest news in computing. Then, he is crazy about flying a delta plane and he is fond of extreme sports. He is never bored with riding a snowboard.

Слайд 11 Bill Gates is keen on __________

Bill Gates is keen on __________ He is interested in

He is interested in __________

is interested in ___________
He is crazy about flying ________
He is fond of ________________
He is never bored ___________

Слайд 12 In-Touch Magazine
…keep In-Touch

In-Touch Magazine…keep In-Touchwww.intouchzine.com

Слайд 13 E-mail
We are very kene on learning about you.

E-mailHi!We are very kene on learning about you. We are fdno

We are fdno of any information about your school,

friends, families and hobbies. Please write to us! We are inrtetesed in everything about you! We’ll be never berod with your e-mails and letters.
Vicky and Ken




Слайд 14 E-mail
We are very keen on learning about you.

E-mailHi!We are very keen on learning about you. We are fond

We are fond of any information about your school,

friends, families and hobbies. Please write to us! We are interested in everything about you! We’ll be never bored with your e-mails and letters.
Vicky and Ken




Слайд 15 Homework
Write an e-mail to “In-Touch Magazine”.

Dear Vicky and

HomeworkWrite an e-mail to “In-Touch Magazine”.Model:Dear Vicky and Ken!My name is…I

My name is…
I am from…
I am interested in…
I am

good at… and I am fond of…
My best friend is…
He is keen on…

E-mail: info@intouchzine.com

Слайд 16 Did you like our lesson?
I’ve worked ………

Did you like our lesson? 										I’ve worked	………														  I’ve learnt	………..														  I’ve spoken about	……….

I’ve learnt ………..

I’ve spoken about ……….

Слайд 17 Pink- useful and important information and I can

Pink- useful and important information and I can use it in

use it in different situations.
Green- interesting and exciting.
Yellow- hard

and boring.

  • Имя файла: urok-angliyskogo-yazyka.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 111
  • Количество скачиваний: 0