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Презентация на тему Валентинов День

Writing effective and heart touching Valentine's Day Love Letters is quite an art in itself. To perfect this art one needs a will to express and lots of love for the recipient of the letter. An
Tips for Writing a Perfect Valentine's Day Love Letter Writing effective and heart touching Valentine's Day Love Letters is quite an 1. Get a beautiful and romantic letter pad with good paper quality. Write the letter when you are in a good mood. Clear your Play your favorite music if it inspires you. On a rough sheet of paper jot down the unique qualities Pay special attention to the opening and closing of the letter to In the following paragraphs you may share your hopes and dreams Give a high-impact closing to your love letter in a way Check for spelling and grammatical errors as this kind of errors convey Drop the letter in the mailbox and wait for the response. Thanks for watching and Happy St. Valentine’s day!
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Слайд 2 Writing effective and heart touching Valentine's Day Love

Writing effective and heart touching Valentine's Day Love Letters is quite

Letters is quite an art in itself. To perfect

this art one needs a will to express and lots of love for the recipient of the letter. An added touch of imagination and creativity makes the letter a masterpiece. In case you are new in the field here are some tips to help you write a perfect Valentine's Day Love Letter:

Слайд 3 1. Get a beautiful and romantic letter pad

1. Get a beautiful and romantic letter pad with good paper quality.

with good paper quality.

Слайд 4 Write the letter when you are in a

Write the letter when you are in a good mood. Clear

good mood.
Clear your mind of any distractions

and focus on your beloved. You may keep his/her photograph in front of you to set the mood.

Слайд 5 Play your favorite music if it inspires

Play your favorite music if it inspires you.


Слайд 6 On a rough sheet of paper jot

On a rough sheet of paper jot down the unique

down the unique qualities in your beloved and your

plans for the future with him/her.

It is good to plan the letter in advance and right in rough first.

Always hand write the letter to give it a more personal touch.

Write with a fountain pen instead of ball pen, as it appears more elegant. Your beloved may preserve this letter for years so make sure it looks as beautiful years after.

Слайд 7 Pay special attention to the opening and closing

Pay special attention to the opening and closing of the letter

of the letter to leave a greater impact.

the love letter depending on the stage of relationship you are at present.
Write from your heart in simple sentences and in an easy to understand language.
Avoid underlining the words and do not use all caps as it looks like you are yelling.
In the body of the love letter you may write the special qualities of your beloved. Ideally emotional, physical and spiritual qualities in a person should be highlighted to make the recipient feel loved.

Слайд 8 In the following paragraphs you may share

In the following paragraphs you may share your hopes and

your hopes and dreams for the future along with

your partner.
Be truthful in your letter and avoid making promises you will not be able to keep and cause a feeling of distrust in your beloved.
One page is an ideal length for a love letter. You may write more if you are comfortable with your partner but don't make it too long.
Avoid mentioning anyone else in your love letter. Just talk about your beloved and yourself.

Слайд 9 Give a high-impact closing to your love

Give a high-impact closing to your love letter in a

letter in a way that it sums up your

feelings in a beautiful way. For instance, "I will love you always," "Loving you forever," "My heart is yours," are considered to be a romantic closing for a letter.
Always sign the love letter.
Go through the letter one or two times to check if you have conveyed your feelings effectively.
Use thesaurus to choose perfect words for your feelings.

Слайд 10 Check for spelling and grammatical errors as this

Check for spelling and grammatical errors as this kind of errors

kind of errors convey carelessness.
To add more style,

you may stick a small photograph of yours to the top of the love letter. This will make your beloved view the photograph and reflect on you with fondness as he/she admires the content of the letter.
Spray a fragrant perfume on the letter.
Select a special stamp from the post office.

Слайд 11 Drop the letter in the mailbox and wait

Drop the letter in the mailbox and wait for the response.

for the response.

  • Имя файла: valentinov-den.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 131
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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