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Презентация на тему Walking through the parks of London


Hyde ParkKnown to the world of London's Hyde Park is one of the oldest and largest urban parks in the world and the largest royal park in the UK. The park composes 142 acres The park includes more than 4000 trees, a large lake, the famous English lawn and numerous magnificent floral oasis
Walking through the parks of LondonWorked on a presentation: Проварёнова Елизавета 8 «А» и Лимонова Наталья Анатольевна. Hyde ParkKnown to the world of London's Hyde Park is one of the oldest and largest His appearance is obliged to Hyde Park and the famous ladies' man ill husband, the King of England Henry VIII Tudor. In 1536, In the center of Hyde Park is an artificial lake Serpentine. This unusual name was the lake because of its quaint winding form. It allowed to swim, boat trips and catamarans. Museum Epsli House and Wellington Arch, also located in Hyde Park, are a great historical monument, erected to commemorate the victory over Napoleon, the Duke of Wellington. Another attraction of the royal park is an old pet cemetery, built on the orders of the Duke once at Cambridge for dead animals of his wife. Modern Hyde Park - a unique place in the heart of London, where everyone can find amusement to his liking. Here Hyde Park always carried a lot of open-Air events, such as the magnificent musical concerts, theatrical performances, and public sports. On Sundays, in Shakespeare's Corner (Speaker's The vast territory of Hyde Park, you arrange for long walks its paths, and you can just lie lazily on the grass somewhere in Greenwich ParkLondon Greenwich Park covers an area of 74 hectares and is the oldest Royal Park in Britain. The park was founded by Duke of Greenwich Park is one of the most beautiful gardens in London, where natural conditions are still roaming herds of red deer and It should be noted that Greenwich Park has excellent facilities for leisure and sports fans can find something they like among the many sporting Bashi ParkBashi park covers an area of ​​442 hectares, is the second largest royal park capital of the British and unique holiday Lovers of wildlife and ecological leisure can enjoy a truly touching and feeling of rural landscapes untouched natural landscape. On the territory of Bashi Park, still, as in Regent's Park.In central London, the city fuss and a variety of noise is the most peaceful place with a In Regent's Park. there are golf courses, football fields and tennis courts. But besides this park abounds with lakes, near which waterfowl nest, In the north-eastern part of Regent's Park is a huge London Zoo, where over ten thousand individuals and Kew GardensKew Gardens is not only the richest and most perfectly manicured garden in the world, but also an important botanical research Holland ParkHolland Park is located in the heart of London, near the metro station of the same The open spaces are arranged places for recreation, green lawns, children's camps. The park is always crowded. Adults walk, youtn involved in St James' ParkSt James' Park was established on the site of the royal hunting grounds. In the 17th century it was St. James is known for its collection of swans, pelicans and ducks - are home to over 30 species of Thank you for your attention☺
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Hyde Park
Known to the world of London's Hyde Park is one of

Hyde ParkKnown to the world of London's Hyde Park is one of the oldest and

the oldest and largest urban parks in the world and the

largest royal park in the UK. The park composes 142 acres
The park includes more than 4000 trees, a large lake, the famous English lawn and numerous magnificent floral oasis

Слайд 3 His appearance is obliged to Hyde Park and the famous ladies' man ill husband, the King

His appearance is obliged to Hyde Park and the famous ladies' man ill husband, the King of England Henry VIII Tudor. In

of England Henry VIII Tudor. In 1536, during the English governor of matrimonial frauds that caused a split in the

Catholic Church in Britain, he took great land, are now famous Hyde Park, at Westminster Abbey and turned them into regular luxurious royal hunting grounds. a long time, Hyde Park was closed private area set up for royal pleasures.

Слайд 4 In the center of Hyde Park is an artificial lake Serpentine. This

In the center of Hyde Park is an artificial lake Serpentine. This unusual name was the lake because of its quaint winding form. It allowed to swim, boat trips and catamarans.

unusual name was the lake because of its quaint winding form. It allowed to swim, boat trips and catamarans.

Слайд 5 Museum Epsli House and Wellington Arch, also located in Hyde Park, are a great historical monument, erected to commemorate the

Museum Epsli House and Wellington Arch, also located in Hyde Park, are a great historical monument, erected to commemorate the victory over Napoleon, the Duke of Wellington.

victory over Napoleon, the Duke of Wellington.

Слайд 6 Another attraction of the royal park is an old pet cemetery, built on the

Another attraction of the royal park is an old pet cemetery, built on the orders of the Duke once at Cambridge for dead animals of his wife.

orders of the Duke once at Cambridge for dead animals of his wife.

Слайд 7 Modern Hyde Park - a unique place in the heart of London, where everyone

Modern Hyde Park - a unique place in the heart of London, where everyone can find amusement to his

can find amusement to his liking. Here you can enjoy swimming, boating or skating. It is beautifully equipped playground, a great

variety of sports facilities for team games, tennis courts and trails for horseback riding.

Слайд 8 Hyde Park always carried a lot of open-Air events, such as the magnificent musical concerts,

Hyde Park always carried a lot of open-Air events, such as the magnificent musical concerts, theatrical performances, and public sports. On

theatrical performances, and public sports. On Sundays, in Shakespeare's Corner (Speaker's Corner) you can listen to the eloquent speakers share

their thoughts with the world.

Слайд 9 The vast territory of Hyde Park, you arrange for long walks its paths, and you

The vast territory of Hyde Park, you arrange for long walks its paths, and you can just lie lazily on the

can just lie lazily on the grass somewhere in a secluded corner, watching the surrounding


Слайд 11 Greenwich Park
London Greenwich Park covers an area of 74 hectares and is the oldest Royal Park in Britain. The

Greenwich ParkLondon Greenwich Park covers an area of 74 hectares and is the oldest Royal Park in Britain. The park was founded by

park was founded by Duke of Gloucester, brother of the British monarch Henry

VI in 1433 on the site of an ancient Roman settlement and was one of the favorite places of the British aristocracy.

Слайд 12 Greenwich Park is one of the most beautiful gardens in London, where natural

Greenwich Park is one of the most beautiful gardens in London, where natural conditions are still roaming herds of red

conditions are still roaming herds of red deer and fallow deer, fox live, and picturesque valleys, magnificent views of the Thames full

of grandeur and St. Peter's Basilica.

Слайд 13 It should be noted that Greenwich Park has excellent facilities for leisure and sports fans can find

It should be noted that Greenwich Park has excellent facilities for leisure and sports fans can find something they like among the

something they like among the many sporting events that are offered to the public in

the park. There are six tennis courts and a golf putting, golf cricket and rugby, as well as water for boating. Also in Greenwich Park allowed the game with the ball and frisbee.

Слайд 15 Bashi Park
Bashi park covers an area of ​​442 hectares, is the second largest royal

Bashi ParkBashi park covers an area of ​​442 hectares, is the second largest royal park capital of the British and

park capital of the British and unique holiday destination, combining elegance British royal park and quiet charm of untouched natural


Слайд 16 Lovers of wildlife and ecological leisure can enjoy a truly touching and feeling of rural landscapes untouched natural landscape. On

Lovers of wildlife and ecological leisure can enjoy a truly touching and feeling of rural landscapes untouched natural landscape. On the territory of Bashi Park, still, as

the territory of Bashi Park, still, as in the days of Henry VIII, deer roam freely and deer. Here

you can find herons and blackbirds and sandpipers  finches and tits

Слайд 17 Regent's Park.
In central London, the city fuss and a variety

Regent's Park.In central London, the city fuss and a variety of noise is the most peaceful place with

of noise is the most peaceful place with a beautiful work of man - Regent's Park, or in another Regent's

Park, originally had the name of Marylebone Park.

Слайд 18 In Regent's Park. there are golf courses, football fields and tennis courts. But besides

In Regent's Park. there are golf courses, football fields and tennis courts. But besides this park abounds with lakes, near which

this park abounds with lakes, near which waterfowl nest, and in the summer time you can

hire boats. Particularly attracted the attention of regular gardens of the Victorian era, with neat trimmed hedges, lime alleys, rose garden, a lot of flower beds and fountains. To the south of the park is becoming increasingly high stands of trees, and moving into the northern part, you will see a spacious meadows and open glades.

Слайд 19 In the north-eastern part of Regent's Park is a huge London

In the north-eastern part of Regent's Park is a huge London Zoo, where over ten thousand

Zoo, where over ten thousand individuals and over 750 species of animals. It is

the oldest scientific zoo in the world, created for research and existing since 1828.
In the park there is also a private residence of U.S. Ambassador in London Central Mosque and the golden dome, was built in the twentieth century and can accommodate nearly 2,000 believers who observe Muslim customs.

Слайд 21 Kew Gardens
Kew Gardens is not only the richest and most perfectly manicured garden in the

Kew GardensKew Gardens is not only the richest and most perfectly manicured garden in the world, but also an

world, but also an important botanical research center of Great Britain, created by British naturalist Joseph Baks.From 1841 to

the great delight of all lovers of flora, the royal garden was opened for inspection. Currently, about 40 thousand different plants are grown in greenhouses garden.

Слайд 22 Holland Park
Holland Park is located in the heart of London, near the

Holland ParkHolland Park is located in the heart of London, near the metro station of the

metro station of the same name and covers 21 hectares. Earlier this place was an

estate barons Hollands. In 1802, visited Napoleon, with whom the owners have kept on good terms, despite the subsequent war, and even sent a link to send the former emperor.
During the Second World War the house was badly damaged by bombing. In 1952 he bought the estate of the municipal council of Kensington and Chelsea. House rebuilt and turned into a hotel, and park was reconstructed and made public.

Слайд 23 The open spaces are arranged places for recreation, green lawns, children's camps. The

The open spaces are arranged places for recreation, green lawns, children's camps. The park is always crowded. Adults walk, youtn involved

park is always crowded. Adults walk, youtn involved in sports or relaxing on the lawns, children play. Survivedby another in the

XIX century, the two thematic garden: Dutch and iris.
The Dutch garden is a rectangular area, hidden behind hedges bobbed. Here, the whole plan is subject to strict geometry. Between straight track for a low border of boxwood planted a lot of bright colors, arranged garden sculptures and benches.

Слайд 25 St James' Park
St James' Park was established on the site of the royal hunting

St James' ParkSt James' Park was established on the site of the royal hunting grounds. In the 17th century

grounds. In the 17th century it was built straight alley with four rows of trees next to

the canal. In the years 1817-1829 J. Nash made ​​the park landscape, turning the channel into a natural lake, along which reveals scenic outlook and rising above the treetops quirky silhouette of the buildings of Westminster.

Слайд 26 St. James is known for its collection of swans, pelicans and ducks - are home

St. James is known for its collection of swans, pelicans and ducks - are home to over 30 species

to over 30 species of birds.
The park is situated between Buckingham Palace and Whitehall,

is one of the most popular parks in London. Was once the hunting grounds of King Henry VIII, with the time they turned to the traditional feeding grounds of ducks.

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