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Презентация на тему Lab works 1-4

Lab work #1 2/2console.dir({one: 1, two: {three: 3}});
Lab work #1 1/2Get practice the Web Console First Using:Open any browserPress Lab work #1 2/2console.dir({one: 1, two: {three: 3}}); Lab work #2Please create the web page:Ask to input two numbers with Lab work #3Create program for the following algorithmInput balls from 0 to Lab work #4Prompt the user to input the marks of 5 subjects Lab work #5Write code to create an array of 5 CarsCar has Lab work #6Demonstration:Please create function without arguments, that alerts the number of
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Lab work #1 2/2
console.dir({one: 1, two: {three: 3}});

Lab work #1 2/2console.dir({one: 1, two: {three: 3}});

Слайд 3 Lab work #2
Please create the web page:
Ask to

Lab work #2Please create the web page:Ask to input two numbers

input two numbers with a prompt dialog window
Do the

converting as it necessary
Ask to input an arithmetic operator
Output the calculated result in the web console
Please validate code with online validator end errors

Слайд 4 Lab work #3
Create program for the following algorithm

Lab work #3Create program for the following algorithmInput balls from 0

balls from 0 to 100.
Output the received assessment

according to the rules:
А 100-95
B 85-94
C 75-84
D 65-74
E 60-64
FX 0-59

Слайд 5 Lab work #4
Prompt the user to input the

Lab work #4Prompt the user to input the marks of 5

marks of 5 subjects of a student. Display if

he has passed in each subject if mark is above 60 else use break for
Build a numerical calculator. Ask user for two inputs (numbers). Ask user for what function to perform:
1. Addition,
2. Subtraction,
3. Multiplication
4. Division.
Display the result accordingly. And loop the code while user prompts – “That’s all”

Слайд 6 Lab work #5
Write code to create an array

Lab work #5Write code to create an array of 5 CarsCar

of 5 Cars
Car has following properties:
FirmName (string)
ModelName (string)
EngineDisplacement (float)

parameters to prompt by user
Output all Cars that has Engine Displacement > 2.0

  • Имя файла: lab-works-1-4.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 126
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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