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Презентация на тему Recent History

InversionLena went to the park yesterday.I am reading a book now.This story is rather long. She has found her keys. Basic word order
RECENT HISTORY InversionLena went to the park yesterday.I am reading a book now.This story Inversion: ExamplesDid Lena go to the park yesterday? Inversion in negative constructionsnever; never before; Never before have I felt such Inversion
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Lena went to the park yesterday.

I am reading

InversionLena went to the park yesterday.I am reading a book now.This

a book now.

This story is rather long.


has found her keys.

Basic word order

Слайд 3 Inversion: Examples
Did Lena go to the park yesterday?

Inversion: ExamplesDid Lena go to the park yesterday?

Word Order

in Questions

There is an interesting article There is /there are
about Spain in today's paper.

Here is the book you asked for. Here is

I like coffee. – So do I.
I don't like coffee. – Neither do I. “So" and “Neither“

Had I known it, I would have helped him. Conditionals
– If I had known it, I would have helped him.
May all your wishes come true! Exclamations (!!!)

Слайд 4 Inversion in negative constructions
never before;
Never before

Inversion in negative constructionsnever; never before; Never before have I felt

have I felt such fear. – I have never

felt such fear before
not only...but also;
Not only was the princess strikingly beautiful, but she was also extremely intelligent. – The princess was not only strikingly beautiful but also extremely intelligent.
not until;
Not until much later did I understand the significance of that event. – I understood the significance of that event much later.
no sooner + (past perfect)… than;
No sooner had she put down the phone than it started to ring again. – As soon as she put down the phone, it started to ring again.
much later.
at no time;
At no time should you let him out of your sight. – You should not let him out of your sight at any time.
under no circumstances.
Under no circumstances can she be held responsible for his actions. – She cannot be held responsible for his actions.

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  • Количество просмотров: 689
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