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Презентация на тему Викторина по достопримечательностям и культуре Великобритании


EdinburghBostonLondonWhat is the capital of Great Britain?
Do you know Great Britain EdinburghBostonLondonWhat is the capital of Great Britain? 435How many parts does Great Britain contain? What is the English flag called?Union PatricUnion JackLines and Crosses Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?John BullJohn BellSt. Patrick The tubeThe metroThe subwayWhat is the London underground called? The MayorThe QueenThe Prime MinisterWho is the Head of State in Britain? The ThamesThe LondonThe AvonWhat is the river in London? West EndEast EndWestminsterThe CityWhat is the most expensive part of London? BlueRedBlackWhat colour are the taxis of London? The White HouseSt. Paul’s CathedralStonehengeIf you go to London, you’ll see… Buckingham PalaceThe White HouseWestminster AbbeyWhat is the home of the Queen? “Auld Reekie”“The Grantie City”“The Smoke”London has the following nickname: William Shakespeare was born in…OxfordStratford-on-AvonLiverpool Gulliver’s Travels was written by…Jonathan SwiftArthur Conan DoyleLewis Carroll Elizabeth IIWilliam the ConquerorAdmiral NelsonBenjamin BrittenWhat monument is located in Trafalgar Square? Near the ThemesNear the Houses of ParliamentNear the Tower of LondonWhere you Charlotte BronteAnna SewellIris MerdokAgatha Christie   Which of these women is called a kilta wiga pipea straw hatScotnland is known to the world because LondonManchesterLiverpoolWhat city did The Beatles come from? JamMilklemonWhat do the English often put on their tea? StonehengeThe Tower of LondonCamelotWhat Palace was build by King Arthur and the wizard Merlin? ScotlandWalesIrelandThey say the Loch Ness Monster lives in a lake in… English ChannelThamesIrish seaIt separates British Isles from the continent The White HouseSt. Paul’s CathedralGreenwichSir.Christopher Wren built… Who is the author of the book whose main character meets Mad SherwoodNottinghamLoxleyWhere did Robin Hood hide ? The Queen ParliamentThe Prime MinisterWho is the head of the government in the UK? 123How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of? the City of Londonthe West End the East EndWhat is the financial centre of Great Britain?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Edinburgh
What is the capital of Great Britain?

EdinburghBostonLondonWhat is the capital of Great Britain?

Слайд 4 4

How many parts does Great Britain contain?

435How many parts does Great Britain contain?

Слайд 6 What is the English flag called?
Union Patric
Union Jack

What is the English flag called?Union PatricUnion JackLines and Crosses

and Crosses

Слайд 8 Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?

Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?John BullJohn BellSt. Patrick

John Bell
St. Patrick

Слайд 10 The tube
The metro
The subway

What is the London underground

The tubeThe metroThe subwayWhat is the London underground called?


Слайд 12 The Mayor
The Queen
The Prime Minister

Who is the Head

The MayorThe QueenThe Prime MinisterWho is the Head of State in Britain?

of State in Britain?

Слайд 14 The Thames
The London
The Avon
What is the river in

The ThamesThe LondonThe AvonWhat is the river in London?


Слайд 16 West End
East End
The City
What is the most expensive

West EndEast EndWestminsterThe CityWhat is the most expensive part of London?

part of London?

Слайд 18 Blue

What colour are the taxis of London?

BlueRedBlackWhat colour are the taxis of London?

Слайд 20 The White House
St. Paul’s Cathedral
If you go to

The White HouseSt. Paul’s CathedralStonehengeIf you go to London, you’ll see…

London, you’ll see…

Слайд 22 Buckingham Palace
The White House
Westminster Abbey
What is the home

Buckingham PalaceThe White HouseWestminster AbbeyWhat is the home of the Queen?

of the Queen?

Слайд 24 “Auld Reekie”
“The Grantie City”
“The Smoke”

London has the following

“Auld Reekie”“The Grantie City”“The Smoke”London has the following nickname:


Слайд 26 William Shakespeare was born in…

William Shakespeare was born in…OxfordStratford-on-AvonLiverpool

Слайд 28 Gulliver’s Travels was written by…
Jonathan Swift
Arthur Conan Doyle

Gulliver’s Travels was written by…Jonathan SwiftArthur Conan DoyleLewis Carroll


Слайд 30 Elizabeth II
William the Conqueror
Admiral Nelson
Benjamin Britten

What monument is

Elizabeth IIWilliam the ConquerorAdmiral NelsonBenjamin BrittenWhat monument is located in Trafalgar Square?

located in Trafalgar Square?

Слайд 32 Near the Themes
Near the Houses of Parliament
Near the

Near the ThemesNear the Houses of ParliamentNear the Tower of LondonWhere

Tower of London
Where you can see ravens in London?

Слайд 34 Charlotte Bronte
Anna Sewell
Iris Merdok
Agatha Christie  
Which of these

Charlotte BronteAnna SewellIris MerdokAgatha Christie   Which of these women is

women is called the grandmother of English detective stories?

Слайд 36 a kilt
a wig
a pipe
a straw hat

Scotnland is known

a kilta wiga pipea straw hatScotnland is known to the world

to the world because of its traditional costume. What

is it?

Слайд 38 London
What city did The Beatles come from?

LondonManchesterLiverpoolWhat city did The Beatles come from?

Слайд 40 Jam
What do the English often put on their

JamMilklemonWhat do the English often put on their tea?


Слайд 42 Stonehenge
The Tower of London
What Palace was build by

StonehengeThe Tower of LondonCamelotWhat Palace was build by King Arthur and the wizard Merlin?

King Arthur and the wizard Merlin?

Слайд 44 Scotland
They say the Loch Ness Monster lives in

ScotlandWalesIrelandThey say the Loch Ness Monster lives in a lake in…

a lake in…

Слайд 46 English Channel
Irish sea
It separates British Isles from the

English ChannelThamesIrish seaIt separates British Isles from the continent


Слайд 48 The White House
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Sir.Christopher Wren built…

The White HouseSt. Paul’s CathedralGreenwichSir.Christopher Wren built…

Слайд 50 Who is the author of the book whose

Who is the author of the book whose main character meets

main character meets Mad Hat and White Rabbit …

Arthur Conan Doyle
Lewis Carroll

Слайд 52 Sherwood

Where did Robin Hood hide ?

SherwoodNottinghamLoxleyWhere did Robin Hood hide ?

Слайд 54 The Queen
The Prime Minister
Who is the head

The Queen ParliamentThe Prime MinisterWho is the head of the government in the UK?

of the government in the UK?

Слайд 56 1
How many Houses does the British Parliament consist

123How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of?

Слайд 58 the City of London
the West End
the East

the City of Londonthe West End the East EndWhat is the financial centre of Great Britain?

What is the financial centre of Great Britain?

  • Имя файла: viktorina-po-dostoprimechatelnostyam-i-kulture-velikobritanii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 212
  • Количество скачиваний: 2