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Презентация на тему по английскому языку к уроку в 11 классе Challenge

What is he doing?
Good morning! Glad to see you!Урок в 11 классеУчитель английского языка: Шитикова What is he doing? A challenge is … an invitation or summons to fight or compete What activity/place can be a challenge?Reading 100 books in summer,Getting up at Which do you think is the biggest Challenge? Why? What challenges are you facing now? ChallengesphysicalMountain climbingTravelling by yourself (on your own)…..mentalStudying Exams…………….Ex.1 – 5 p. 46-47 How do challenges make people change?Believe in yourselfGain confidence,Be well prepared,Be fit/in Nothing is Impossible Vocabulary practice1) Hard – hardlyIt’s raining hard. You should work hard at HOMEWORKp. 52 task 2
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What is he doing?

What is he doing?

Слайд 3 A challenge is …
an invitation or summons

A challenge is … an invitation or summons to fight or

to fight or compete
calling to account or into

a question
sth. demanding or stimulating
a question
an issue
a problem
a difficulty
a task
- ….

Слайд 6 What activity/place can be a challenge?
Reading 100 books

What activity/place can be a challenge?Reading 100 books in summer,Getting up

in summer,
Getting up at 5 am,
A trip to African


How can we describe
such activities/places?

Interesting, informative, thrilling, exciting, exhilarating, scary, …

Слайд 7 Which do you think is the biggest Challenge?

Which do you think is the biggest Challenge? Why?


Слайд 8 What challenges are you facing now?

What challenges are you facing now?

Слайд 9 Challenges
Mountain climbing
Travelling by yourself (on your own)

ChallengesphysicalMountain climbingTravelling by yourself (on your own)…..mentalStudying Exams…………….Ex.1 – 5 p. 46-47

– 5 p. 46-47

Слайд 12 How do challenges make people change?
Believe in yourself

How do challenges make people change?Believe in yourselfGain confidence,Be well prepared,Be

Be well prepared,
Be fit/in peak condition
Train for long periods

determination to succeed,
Become more hardworking, cleverer ….

Ex. 1p.52
Work in pairs

Слайд 15 Nothing is Impossible

Nothing is Impossible

Слайд 16 Vocabulary practice
1) Hard – hardly
It’s raining hard. You

Vocabulary practice1) Hard – hardlyIt’s raining hard. You should work hard

should work hard at your English.
I’m afraid I have

hardly any money. I was so tired that I could hardly move.

Most mostly
Near – nearly
Late – lately
High – highly
Wide – widely
Right – rightly
Wrong – wrongly

2) P. 48-49

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-k-uroku-v-11-klasse-challenge.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 180
  • Количество скачиваний: 2