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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на темуMobile phones: advantages and disadvantages.

IntroductionThe aim: determine if the mobile phone can be dangerous for the health.The objectives: find advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones describe the tips how
Mobile phones:  advantages and disadvantages IntroductionThe aim: determine if the mobile phone can be dangerous for the The hypothesis: The older the child, the more he uses History of mobile phones  The Advantages Easy Communication Always ConnectedMultiple UsesEmergency SituationsAdvertisements DisadvantagesConstant InterruptionPossibility of Privacy LeakDistractionAffect Real InteractionWasting time Harm for healthRecurring expensesDangerous for environmentAdvertisementsTracking Device Practical partWhat purposes do you use a telephone for? How much time do you usually spend using a telephone? What benefits have we using a telephone? What harm have we using a telephone? ConclusionWe have reached the aim Found that the older the child, the Some tips1. Distance is your friend2. Avoid using your cell phone when Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Introduction
The aim: determine if the mobile phone can

IntroductionThe aim: determine if the mobile phone can be dangerous for

be dangerous for the health.
The objectives:

find advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones
describe the tips how to protect yourself from mobile phone
conduct the research among the students

Слайд 3 The hypothesis: The older the child, the more

The hypothesis: The older the child, the more he uses

he uses the mobile phone and he doesn`t think

about harm of the mobile phone.

A lot of people think that using mobile phones is not harm . With help of this research we will find if it is true or maybe mobile phones are very useful for our health. That's why the research can be very actual.

Слайд 4 History of mobile phones
The first mobile phone

History of mobile phones The first mobile phone

invented for practical use was by a Motorola employee called Martin

Cooper who is widely considered to be a key player in the history of mobile phones.

Martin Cooper photographed in 2007 with his 1973 handheld mobile phone prototype

Слайд 5 Advantages 
Easy Communication
Always Connected
Multiple Uses
Emergency Situations

Advantages Easy Communication Always ConnectedMultiple UsesEmergency SituationsAdvertisements

Слайд 6 Disadvantages
Constant Interruption
Possibility of Privacy Leak
Affect Real Interaction
Wasting time

DisadvantagesConstant InterruptionPossibility of Privacy LeakDistractionAffect Real InteractionWasting time Harm for healthRecurring expensesDangerous for environmentAdvertisementsTracking Device

Harm for health
Recurring expenses
Dangerous for environment
Tracking Device

Слайд 7 Practical part
What purposes do you use a telephone

Practical partWhat purposes do you use a telephone for?


Слайд 8 How much time do you usually spend using

How much time do you usually spend using a telephone?

a telephone?

Слайд 9 What benefits have we using a telephone?

What benefits have we using a telephone?

Слайд 10 What harm have we using a telephone?

What harm have we using a telephone?

Слайд 11 Conclusion
We have reached the aim
Found that the

ConclusionWe have reached the aim Found that the older the child,

older the child, the more he uses the mobile

phone and he doesn`t think about harm of the mobile phone.
THE hypothesis was proved
Older students use a telephone more than 3 hours a day

Слайд 12 Some tips
1. Distance is your friend
2. Avoid using

Some tips1. Distance is your friend2. Avoid using your cell phone

your cell phone when the signal is weak
3. Avoid

carrying your cell phone on your body at all times
4. Children should only use cell phones for emergencies.
5. Do not sleep with your cell phone powered on.
6. Use your home and office corded landline for most conversations
7. Avoid using your cell phone in metal contained spaces like a car, elevator, bus, train or airplane..
8. Whenever possible, minimize talk time and choose to communicate via text messaging rather than making a voice call
9. Protect your fertility.
10. Read your cell phone manual

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temumobile-phones-advantages-and-disadvantages.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 206
  • Количество скачиваний: 4