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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Образование в странах изучаемого языка и России (9 класс)

Education brings a child the world
Государственное бюджетное Общеобразовательное учреждение  основная общеобразовательная школа № 39  г. Education brings a child the world Here are different reasons why you go to school. What do you Key:  1dVocabulary1. Match the kinds of schools to the definitions. 1. - Answer the questions, please. When does compulsory education start in England(Russia)?How Complete the chart. Look through the text «Schools in Britain» on page Education in Russia A day at my Ideal School I’d like to have a computer center at my ideal school. Ask questions to the American pupil. Use the questions on the activity Russian pupilAmerican pupilMake up a dialogue American pupil Extracurricular Activities Our School Brass Band Listen to the story and answer the questions, please.1. Which musical Answer the questions, please.1. Which musical competitions have the pupils of Write down your home task: make up a story and tell about
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Education brings a child the world

Education brings a child the world

Слайд 3 Here are different reasons why you go to

Here are different reasons why you go to school. What do

school. What do you think are the most important


introduces you to different people;
helps you to make your own decisions;
helps you to understand yourself better;
teaches you to be polite and well behaved;
helps you to get knowledge;
prepares for a future profession;
teaches you about our country, culture and the world;
teaches you to be honest, clever and educated person.

Слайд 4 Key: 1d
1. Match the kinds of schools

Key: 1dVocabulary1. Match the kinds of schools to the definitions. 1.

to the definitions.
1. nursery

a) a school for advanced education, especially in a particular
2. kindergarten b) a school in US and Canada for children of 14 or 15 to 18
years old.
3. Primary c) a school for children aged two to five.
4. Secondary d) a school for children who are between three and five years
5. junior high e) a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18
6. High school f) a school for children between five and 11 years old in
7. elementary g) a school in the US and Canada for children ages between 12
and 14 or 15.
8. college h) a school in the US for the first six years of a child`s








Слайд 5 - Answer the questions, please.
When does compulsory

- Answer the questions, please. When does compulsory education start in

education start in England(Russia)?
How long does primary education last?

long does secondary education last?
Which subjects do British(Russian) children study
at school?
Is state education in Britain(Russia) free?

- Use the text and the summaries as a plan for retelling about the education system in England and in Russia.

Слайд 6 Complete the chart. Look through the text «Schools

Complete the chart. Look through the text «Schools in Britain» on

in Britain» on page 94.


Type of schools

3-5 years nursery school

5 years primary school starts

5-7 years infant school of primary school

7-11 years junior school of primary school

11-16 years comprehensive school

16-18 years secondary school or colleges of further education

Слайд 7 Education in Russia

Education in Russia

Слайд 8 A day at my Ideal School

A day at my Ideal School

Слайд 9 I’d like to have a computer center

I’d like to have a computer center at my ideal school.

my ideal school.

Слайд 10 Ask questions to the American pupil.
Use the

Ask questions to the American pupil. Use the questions on the

questions on the activity sheets as a plan for

your home task to describe schools in America.

Слайд 11
Russian pupil

American pupil
Make up a dialogue

Russian pupilAmerican pupilMake up a dialogue

Слайд 12 American pupil

American pupil

I am a senior – I study in the
twelfth form. That is my last
year at school
We have a lot of extracurricular
activities, such as clubs or sport
teams. Are there any sport teams
in your school?
I am in a school baseball team.
Different sport competitions are very
popular among schools, especially
during the vacations. How many
breaks in the academic year do you
For three months? How lucky you
are! Our summer break lasts only
six or eight weeks. Last year I didn’t
even have a rest – my parents sent
me to summer school.

Russian pupil

В каком классе ты учишься?

А у нас последний класс-11-й. А чем вы занимаетесь, кроме учебы?

У нас в школе есть только баскетбольная и футбольная команды, а я занимаюсь волейболом. Поэтому я хожу в городской спортклуб. А ты?

У нас есть осенние и весенние каникулы, которые длятся неделю. Зимой мы отдыхаем почти две недели, а летом три месяца.

Слайд 13 Extracurricular Activities
Our School Brass Band

Extracurricular Activities Our School Brass Band

Слайд 14 Listen to the story and answer the questions,

Listen to the story and answer the questions, please.1. Which


1. Which musical contests have the pupils of the

School Brass Band taken part in ?
2. Which cities have they visited ?

Слайд 20 Answer the questions, please.
1. Which musical competitions

Answer the questions, please.1. Which musical competitions have the pupils

have the pupils of the School Brass Band taken

part in ?
2. Which cities have they visited ?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-obrazovanie-v-stranah-izuchaemogo-yazyka-i-rossii-9-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 212
  • Количество скачиваний: 0