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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка в 6 классе по теме Еда

18th of December FOOD2018
18th of December FOOD2018 Guess what it is Which word is odd out?1.Potatoes, tomatoes, meat, carrots, cucumbers2.Juice, porridge, milk, coffee, What is your favourite food? Check up yourselves!         a) mixfry Cutaddpourboil Homework: make up a recipe of your favourite dish Do you like the lesson?  I like the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 18th of December

18th of December FOOD2018

Слайд 3 Guess what it is

Guess what it is

Слайд 4 Which word is odd out?
1.Potatoes, tomatoes, meat, carrots,

Which word is odd out?1.Potatoes, tomatoes, meat, carrots, cucumbers2.Juice, porridge, milk,

2.Juice, porridge, milk, coffee, tea
3.Apples, bananas, oranges, eggs, mangoes

chips, hamburger, sandwich, meat dumplings

Слайд 5

What is your favourite food? Why? What

is your favourite food? Why?

What food don’t

you like? Why?
It is…..\ They are ……

Useful Useless
Tasty Harmful
Good Bad for our health
Yuk! Yummy!

Слайд 6 Check up yourselves!

Check up yourselves!     a) Jessica is a

a) Jessica is a vegetarian

b) Marco is from Italy
c) Emilie likes fast food
d) Nikita prefers meat to fish
e)Marco has a sweet tooth
f) Nikita has a granny who is a fantastic cook
g) Jessica knows a recipe for a delicious pie

Слайд 7 mix

mixfry Cutaddpourboil

Слайд 8 Homework: make up a recipe of your favourite

Homework: make up a recipe of your favourite dish


Слайд 9 Do you like the lesson?

Do you like the lesson? I like the lesson

I like the lesson because…. - Now I can speak

about food.
-I know more about the food and recipes.
-it was interesting and useful BUT…. - It was difficult to ….. - It was not interesting….. -It was….

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-6-klasse-po-teme-eda.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 135
  • Количество скачиваний: 0