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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Повседневная жизнь к учебнику Spotlight 5 класс, употребление и образование времени Present Simple

Present Simple Tense
Daily life.     Present Simple TenseВыполнила учитель английского языка Present Simple Tense What’s the time?It’s five past twelve Daily life. Phrases Make up sentences with daily life Do morning exercises He does morning  exercises Wash face and hands She washes face and hands Brush teeth     He brushes teeth Have breakfast   He has breakfast Go to school   They go to school Study at schoolThey study at school Come home from schoolThey come home from school Have dinnerShe has dinner Do homeworkHe does homework Go for a walk. Plant a treeThey go for a walk and plant a tree Have supperShe has supper Play with toysThey play with toys Go to bed and sleepShe goes to bed and sleeps 1. Kate usually (get uр) at seven o’clock.   Kate 6. For breakfast she usually (have) an egg, а sandwich, At half past three Kate goes to the music school. 17. Then she (watch) television, (read) а book or (play) with her Questions   1. What is the girl’s name? 8. When does Kate do her homework?  She does her homework
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Present Simple Tense

Present Simple Tense

Слайд 4 What’s the time?
It’s five past twelve

What’s the time?It’s five past twelve    It’s twenty

It’s twenty five past


It’s thirty-eight past ten It’s a quarter past twelve

It’s a quarter past six It’s half past seven

Слайд 5 Daily life. Phrases

Daily life. Phrases

Слайд 15 Make up sentences with daily life phrases


Make up sentences with daily life phrases Wake

Нe wakes up

Слайд 16 Do morning exercises
He does morning

Do morning exercises He does morning exercises


Слайд 17 Wash face and hands
She washes face and hands

Wash face and hands She washes face and hands

Слайд 18 Brush teeth
He brushes teeth

Brush teeth   He brushes teeth

Слайд 19 Have breakfast
He has breakfast

Have breakfast  He has breakfast

Слайд 20 Go to school
They go to school

Go to school  They go to school

Слайд 21 Study at school
They study at school

Study at schoolThey study at school

Слайд 22 Come home from school
They come home from school

Come home from schoolThey come home from school

Слайд 23 Have dinner
She has dinner

Have dinnerShe has dinner

Слайд 24 Do homework
He does homework

Do homeworkHe does homework

Слайд 25 Go for a walk. Plant a tree
They go

Go for a walk. Plant a treeThey go for a walk and plant a tree

for a walk and plant a tree

Слайд 26 Have supper
She has supper

Have supperShe has supper

Слайд 27 Play with toys
They play with toys

Play with toysThey play with toys

Слайд 28 Go to bed and sleep
She goes to bed

Go to bed and sleepShe goes to bed and sleeps

and sleeps

Слайд 29 1. Kate usually (get uр) at seven

1. Kate usually (get uр) at seven o’clock.  Kate

Kate usually gets uр at seven

2. She (do) her morning exercises.
She does her morning exercises.
3. Then she (go) to the bathroom, (brush) her teeth and (wash) her hands and face.
Then she goes to the bathroom, brushes her teeth and washes her hands and face.
4. She (dress) and (go) to the kitchen .
She dresses and goes to the kitchen .
5. She (have) breakfast at 7.40 о'clock.
She has breakfast at 7.40 о'clock.

Kate’s dау read the text and open the brackets

Слайд 30 6. For breakfast she usually (have) an egg,

6. For breakfast she usually (have) an egg, а sandwich,

а sandwich, porridge and а cup of

For breakfast she usually has an egg, а sandwich, porridge and а cup of tea.
7. After breakfast she (go) to school.
After breakfast she goes to school.
8. Kate (live) near her school, she (like) to learn.
Kate lives near her school, she likes to learn.
9. She always (get) goоd marks.
She always gets goоd marks.
10. Kate usually (have) five or six lessons.
Kate usually has five or six lessons.
11. She (come) home at two о'clock, (have) her dinner and (go) for а walk with her dog
She comes home at two о'clock, has her dinner and goes for а walk with her dog .


Слайд 31
At half past three Kate goes to

At half past three Kate goes to the music school.

the music school.
At half past three

Kate goes to the music school.
She (play) the piano.
She plays the piano.
14. Kate (do) her homework from five о'clock to seven о'clock.
Kate does her homework from five о'clock to seven о'clock.
15.In the evening Kate and her parents (have) supper.
In the evening Kate and her parents have supper.
16. After supper Kate (help) her mother to wash up.
After supper Kate helps her mother to wash up.

Слайд 32 17. Then she (watch) television, (read) а book

17. Then she (watch) television, (read) а book or (play) with

or (play) with her toys.
Then she

watches television, reads а book or plays with her toys.
18. At ten о'clock Kate (go) to bed.
At ten о'clock Kate goes to bed.

Слайд 33
1. What is the girl’s

Questions  1. What is the girl’s name?  Her name

Her name is Kate.

2. Where does she clean her teeth?
She brushes her teeth in the bathroom.
3. Where does she eat her breakfast?
She eats her breakfast in the kitchen.
4. When does she have her breakfast?
She has her breakfast at 7.40 o’clock.
5. Does Kate live near her school?
Yes, she does.
6. When does she come home from school?
She comes home from school at two o’clock.
7. Does Kate play the piano?
Yes, she does. She plays the piano.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-povsednevnaya-zhizn-k-uchebniku-spotlight-5-klass-upotreblenie-i-obrazovanie-vremeni-present-simple.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 204
  • Количество скачиваний: 5