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Презентация на тему игра 2 класс Where is...?

Where is daddy?
School games Let’s play! Where is daddy? He is in the kitchen Where is grandpa? He is in the garden Where is grandma? She is in the bathroom Where is brother? He is in the house Where is mummy? She is the bedroom
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Where is daddy?

Where is daddy?

Слайд 3 He is in the kitchen

He is in the kitchen

Слайд 4 Where is grandpa?

Where is grandpa?

Слайд 5 He is in the garden

He is in the garden

Слайд 6 Where is grandma?

Where is grandma?

Слайд 7 She is in the bathroom

She is in the bathroom

Слайд 8 Where is brother?

Where is brother?

Слайд 9 He is in the house

He is in the house

Слайд 10 Where is mummy?

Where is mummy?

Слайд 11 She is the bedroom

She is the bedroom

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-igra-2-klass-where-is.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 200
  • Количество скачиваний: 2