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Презентация на тему для уроков английского языка или внеклассных мероприятий


The answer10. What is the largest island of the British Isles?
The UK General knowledge quiz Составила учитель английского языкаРыжанкова Наталья АлексеевнаМБОУ СШ№9Г. ЯрцевоСмоленская область2018 The answer10. What is the largest island of the British Isles? Great Britain The answer20. How many countries are situated on the British Isles? 2 Countries:the UK and the Irish Republic The answer30. What is the poetic name of the UK? A lbion 40.  Who gave the name “Brittania” to the country? The answer The Romans did The answer50. What is the nickname of the flag of the UK? Union Jack The answer10. What is the capital of England? London The answer20. What is the floral symbol Of England? A red rose The answer30. What language is spoken in England? English The answer40. Who is the Saint Patron of England? Saint George The answer50. How long did the war Of the Red and White Rose last? 30 years (1455-1485) The answer10. What is the capital  of Scotland? . Edinburgh The answer20.  What is  the floral symbol  Of Scotland? Thistle The answer30. What languages  are spoken in Scotland? English, Scottish Gaelic and Scots The answer40. Who is the Saint Patron of Scotland? Saint Andrew The answer50. What is the traditional musical instrument of Scotland? Bagpipes The answer10. What is the capital  of Wales? Cardiff The answer20.  What are   the floral symbols   of Wales? Leek and daffodil The answer30. What languages are spoken in Wales? English and Welsh The answer40. Who is the Saint Patron  of Wales? Saint David The answer50. What is the national colour of Wales? I        Red The answer10.  What is the capital  of Northern Ireland?. Belfast The answer20 .  What is the floral symbol  Of Northern Ireland? Shamrock (clover) The answer30. What languages  are spoken  in Wales? English and Welsh The answer40.  Who is  the Saint Patron  of Northern Ireland? Saint Patrick The answer50. Who is the head of the UK? Her Magesty Queen Elizabeth II Использованные в данной презентации материалызаимствованы из свободных интернет ресурсовhttp://www.sciencekids.co.nz/http://download-multimedia.com/http://www.uchportal.ru/load/95-1-0-17542
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 The answer
10. What is the largest island of

The answer10. What is the largest island of the British Isles?

the British Isles?

Слайд 4 Great Britain

Great Britain

Слайд 5 The answer
20. How many countries are situated on

The answer20. How many countries are situated on the British Isles?

the British Isles?

Слайд 6
2 Countries:

the UK
the Irish Republic

2 Countries:the UK and the Irish Republic

Слайд 7 The answer
30. What is the poetic name of

The answer30. What is the poetic name of the UK?

the UK?

Слайд 8
A lbion

A lbion

Слайд 9 40. Who gave the name “Brittania” to

40. Who gave the name “Brittania” to the country? The answer

the country?
The answer

Слайд 10
The Romans did

The Romans did

Слайд 11 The answer
50. What is the nickname of the

The answer50. What is the nickname of the flag of the UK?

flag of the UK?

Слайд 12

Union Jack

Union Jack

Слайд 13 The answer
10. What is the capital of England?

The answer10. What is the capital of England?

Слайд 14


Слайд 15 The answer
20. What is the floral symbol Of

The answer20. What is the floral symbol Of England?


Слайд 16
A red rose

A red rose

Слайд 17
The answer
30. What language is spoken in England?

The answer30. What language is spoken in England?

Слайд 18


Слайд 19 The answer
40. Who is the Saint Patron of

The answer40. Who is the Saint Patron of England?


Слайд 20
Saint George

Saint George

Слайд 21 The answer
50. How long did the war Of

The answer50. How long did the war Of the Red and White Rose last?

the Red and White Rose last?

Слайд 22 30 years (1455-1485)

30 years (1455-1485)

Слайд 23 The answer
10. What is the capital of Scotland? .

The answer10. What is the capital of Scotland? .

Слайд 24



Слайд 25

The answer
20. What is the floral symbol Of

The answer20. What is the floral symbol Of Scotland?


Слайд 26


Слайд 27 The answer
30. What languages are spoken in Scotland?

The answer30. What languages are spoken in Scotland?

Слайд 28
English, Scottish Gaelic and Scots

English, Scottish Gaelic and Scots

Слайд 29 The answer
40. Who is the Saint Patron of

The answer40. Who is the Saint Patron of Scotland?


Слайд 30
Saint Andrew

Saint Andrew

Слайд 31 The answer
50. What is the traditional musical instrument

The answer50. What is the traditional musical instrument of Scotland?

of Scotland?

Слайд 32


Слайд 33
The answer
10. What is the capital of Wales?

The answer10. What is the capital of Wales?

Слайд 34


Слайд 35 The answer
20. What are the floral symbols of

The answer20. What are  the floral symbols  of Wales?


Слайд 36
Leek and daffodil

Leek and daffodil

Слайд 37 The answer
30. What languages are spoken in Wales?

The answer30. What languages are spoken in Wales?

Слайд 38
English and Welsh

English and Welsh

Слайд 39 The answer
40. Who is the Saint Patron of Wales?

The answer40. Who is the Saint Patron of Wales?

Слайд 40
Saint David

Saint David

Слайд 41 The answer
50. What is the national colour of

The answer50. What is the national colour of Wales?


Слайд 43 The answer
10. What is the capital of Northern

The answer10. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?.



Слайд 44


Слайд 45 The answer
20 . What is the floral symbol Of

The answer20 . What is the floral symbol Of Northern Ireland?

Northern Ireland?

Слайд 46
Shamrock (clover)

Shamrock (clover)

Слайд 47 The answer
30. What languages are spoken in Wales?

The answer30. What languages are spoken in Wales?

Слайд 48
English and Welsh

English and Welsh

Слайд 49 The answer
40. Who is the Saint Patron of

The answer40. Who is the Saint Patron of Northern Ireland?

Northern Ireland?

Слайд 50
Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick

Слайд 51

The answer
50. Who is the head of the

The answer50. Who is the head of the UK?


Слайд 52
Her Magesty Queen Elizabeth II

Her Magesty Queen Elizabeth II

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-dlya-urokov-angliyskogo-yazyka-ili-vneklassnyh-meropriyatiy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 0