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Презентация на тему (Достопримечательности Англии )

Sights of England – one of the main reasons to visit this attractive country. England – the oldest of the monarchic states of Europe with special culture, style, history and spirit of the aristocracy. Besides incomparable
ENGLANDSight Sights of England – one of the main reasons to visit this Big BenSights of England, such as world famous clock tower big ben, The British museum in LondonThe British museum in London – one of Sherlock Holmes MuseumThe Sherlock Holmes Museum became a surprising place of Tower of LondonBuilt in the second half of the XI century, the Tower BridgeAlso Tower Bridge — the hot tourist place and a symbol Trafalgar SquareQuite important place of interest for London is the Trafalgar Square. Buckingham PalaceUndoubtedly, one of the most known sights of the Kingdom England York cathedralThere are in England also beautiful religious sights. One of them Canterbury CathedralThe predominating role among Anglican shrines in England is occupied by Stones of StonehengeProperty of antiquity in England are the stones of Stonehenge
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Слайд 2 Sights of England – one of the main

Sights of England – one of the main reasons to visit

reasons to visit this attractive country. England – the

oldest of the monarchic states of Europe with special culture, style, history and spirit of the aristocracy. Besides incomparable culture and a set of values, this state isn't deprived also of the picturesque nature. Also England is well-known for the whole world for the literature, an interior delicacy, beautiful architectural sights and, not meeting anywhere any more, a way of life. Having visited the Kingdom, involuntarily you join its magnificence and you like that unique atmosphere that reigns there. Therefore, we present you today 19 best sights which are obligatory for seeing in England.

Слайд 3 Big Ben
Sights of England, such as world famous

Big BenSights of England, such as world famous clock tower big

clock tower big ben, are the hallmark of the

country. This place of interest became a symbol of London, accompanying the city on all brochures and cards. Big ben is in the list of the most big clock of the world today. From the bottom of a tower the spiral staircase which conducts on the platform with a bell is directed up. It isn't possible to get in a tower for safety reasons, but only one view from the street will bring great pleasure.

Слайд 4 The British museum in London
The British museum in

The British museum in LondonThe British museum in London – one

London – one of the largest museums in the

world. Also it treats the most visited cultural sights of Great Britain and it is considered the main historical museum of the country. The huge exposition of a construction will please fans of history and archeology. Feature of this museum is its universality: here cultural values of a set of the countries of the world settle down, for each of which the halls are allocated. And what especially pleases, so it is free entrance for visitors.

Слайд 5 Sherlock Holmes Museum
The Sherlock Holmes Museum became

Sherlock Holmes MuseumThe Sherlock Holmes Museum became a surprising place

a surprising place of interest of London. It is

remarkable the fact that arose thanks to the world famous work of Arthur Conan Doyle. The museum is located on the same street, as the house of the famous detective from pages of the story. It is that case when the literary work is projected in reality. In house museum it is possible to bypass precisely reproduced rooms of the detective and to be photographed for memory.

Слайд 6 Tower of London
Built in the second half of

Tower of LondonBuilt in the second half of the XI century,

the XI century, the Tower is a symbolical place

of interest of England today. The history of this beautiful fortress is very rich and various. Tower was prison, arsenal, mint and even a zoo. Transfer of "roles" of this ancient fortress can be continued for a long time. Today the Tower became one of the most visited sights in the world.

Слайд 7 Tower Bridge
Also Tower Bridge — the hot tourist

Tower BridgeAlso Tower Bridge — the hot tourist place and a

place and a symbol of the capital of England

isn't less known to the world. The bridge at the same time is both trailing, and adjustable. On ladders in towers it is possible to get on the top gallery with which the magnificent view on the vicinity opens. Also in gallery the museum open for visit is located every day. Especially it is worth visiting the bridge in night-time when it is consecrated with evening fires - it is really fascinating show!

Слайд 8 Trafalgar Square
Quite important place of interest for London

Trafalgar SquareQuite important place of interest for London is the Trafalgar

is the Trafalgar Square. Its importance is connected with

a historical victory of the English fleet at Trafalgare in 1805. This battle is also immortalized in the name of a place of interest. Here in 1945 Churchill informed London on the termination of World War II. Today the Trafalgar Square — the constant venue of meetings, festivities and other public events.

Слайд 9 Buckingham Palace
Undoubtedly, one of the most known sights

Buckingham PalaceUndoubtedly, one of the most known sights of the Kingdom

of the Kingdom England is the Buckingham Palace attracting

a huge number of visitors. Now it carries out a role of the London residence of the queen of Great Britain. On the infrastructure the palace resembles the small town. Doors of Buckingham Palace are open for tourists from August to September – when the queen leaves the residence. The luxury and beauty of the palace can be taken away – the shop with exact copies of palace objects is located here.

Слайд 10 York cathedral
There are in England also beautiful religious

York cathedralThere are in England also beautiful religious sights. One of

sights. One of them — the second for the

size in northern Europe the York Cathedral. Also this temple is well-known for the huge windows stained-glass windows. The Catholic services passing in a cathedral will present to visitors improbable impressions. Construction of the temple began in the first half of the 13th century and lasted two with small centuries. In the first half of the 15th century construction of a cathedral was ended, but for many centuries he suffered from the fires more than once. Nearly ten years ago its restoration ended, and doors of a beautiful cathedral are open for visitors again.

Слайд 11 Canterbury Cathedral
The predominating role among Anglican shrines in

Canterbury CathedralThe predominating role among Anglican shrines in England is occupied

England is occupied by beautiful Canterbury Cathedral. This ancient

temple has been built in 603 in primordially Gothic style. But It should be noted that the modern facade of the temple is already unlike on initial – after the fire of 1174 the shrine has been restored, but in other appearance. Canterbury Cathedral became an object of the world heritage of UNESCO.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-dostoprimechatelnosti-anglii-.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 155
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