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English Writers(Writing a Biography)
English Writers   урок английского языка, 8 класс, УМК М.З. English Writers(Writing a Biography) What kinds of things would you find in a biography?  date South Tyneside - [taimsaid] is in the north-east of England. Tyneside is She lived in South Tyneside. 1. In the late 1920s, young Catherine was so desperate to so great that - result  so popular that - result Combine these pairs of sentences to form one sentence. Remember these patterns: 1. The people in the area were so poor that the children Fill in the missing words:poorrespectablesecuredramadespairpopularity James Hodge¹ ____ a writer who lived a life²____ interesting as 1812    Charles Dickens born / Portsmouth Dickens later... Introduction (Paragraph 1) - name of person - what Write a biography of between 200 and 250 words about a famous Использованные материалы:  Интернет реcурсы: 1.http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/9/9f/Catherine_Cookson.jpg – портрет Кэтрин Энн Куксон 2.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 English Writers
(Writing a Biography)

English Writers(Writing a Biography)

Слайд 3 What kinds of things would you find in

What kinds of things would you find in a biography? date

a biography?
date of death
date and place of birth



early years




Слайд 4 South Tyneside - [taimsaid] is in the north-east

South Tyneside - [taimsaid] is in the north-east of England. Tyneside

of England. Tyneside is now established as a lively

cultural centre. desperate - доведённый до отчаяния to escape - спасаться бегством security - а) безопасность b) благополучие, обеспеченность laundry - прачечная

New words

Слайд 5 She lived in South

She lived in South Tyneside.  She bought

Tyneside. She bought a large house.

She wrote her first novel. She lived in Sussex. Her books were adapted for television. She married a schoolteacher. She returned to the North-east. She worked in a laundry.

Put these events into the correct order:









Слайд 6 1. In the late 1920s, young Catherine was

1. In the late 1920s, young Catherine was so desperate

so desperate to escape that she moved south to

Sussex in search of respectability and security. 2. She worked in a laundry and saved as much as she could, so that she was finally able to buy a large house.

Which of these sentences from the biography describes purpose and which result?

1- result

2 - purpose

Слайд 7 so great that - result so popular that

so great that - result so popular that - result so

- result so that - purpose
Check your answers:

Слайд 8 Combine these pairs of sentences to form one

Combine these pairs of sentences to form one sentence. Remember these

sentence. Remember these patterns: so + adjective (+ infinitive) +

that (result) so + adverb + that (result) so that + sentence (purpose)

1. The people in the area were poor. The children didn’t have enough to eat.
2. Catherine wanted to find a better life. Catherine left the North-east.
3. Catherine needed money. Catherine worked in a laundry.
4. Catherine and her husband were always together. Catherine and her husband loved each other very much.

Слайд 9 1. The people in the area were so

1. The people in the area were so poor that the

poor that the children didn’t have enough to eat.

2. Catherine left the North East so that she could find a better life. 3. Catherine worked in a laundry so that she could have money. 4. Catherine and her husband loved each other so much that they were always together.

Check your answers:

Слайд 10 Fill in the missing words:

Fill in the missing words:poorrespectablesecuredramadespairpopularity

Слайд 11 James Hodge¹ ____ a writer who lived a life²____

James Hodge¹ ____ a writer who lived a life²____ interesting

interesting as anything he wrote ³ ____ in his novels.

He was⁴ ____ in the North – west of England⁵ ____ a life of poverty. He later⁶ ____ on his own childhood experiences for his novels.

Fill in the missing words:







Слайд 12 1812 Charles Dickens born /

1812  Charles Dickens born / Portsmouth

Portsmouth Father

/ clerk / earned relatively little money 1822 Family moved to London / Charles's education interrupted by need to take poorly-paid work in factory / father got into debt and imprisoned / never forgot this terrible time 1823 Became solicitor's clerk 1824 Became newspaper reporter 1825 First short story published / anonymously 1826 Began writing under pen name “Boz” / described conditions of poverty in England 1836 Married Catherine Hogarth / had 10 children 1842 Visited USA / very well-known there 1837-65 Some of finest writing published, e.g. Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities. 1858 Dickens and wife separated / began to work very hard / eventually became exhausted and ill 1870 Died / buried Westminster Abbey.

Слайд 13 Dickens later...

Dickens later...      In the 1820s, ...

In the 1820s, ... Between 1837 and

1865 ... Two years later, ... Dickens, however, ... During his lifetime, ... As his health ... While..., It was in ... that he ... He then... Include some sentences with so ... that and so that... if possible.

Start each sentence in a different way:

Слайд 14 Introduction (Paragraph 1) - name of person - what

Introduction (Paragraph 1) - name of person - what

famous for Main Body (Paragraph 2) - early years (when/where born, childhood, etc) (Paragraph 3) - later years (marriage, achievements, etc) Conclusion (Paragraph 4) - date of death, comments


Слайд 15 Write a biography of between 200 and 250

Write a biography of between 200 and 250 words about a

words about a famous British writer, Charles Dickens.

  • Имя файла: angliyskie-pisateli-pishem-biografiyu-8-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 116
  • Количество скачиваний: 0