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Презентация на тему к произведению из сборника по домашнему чтению УМК Верещагиной И.Н., Притыкиной Т.А. Хайди

Johanna Spyri12 June, 1827A short story writer, a novelistChildren’s literatureHeidi – the most popular novel50 languages12 cartoons and films in different countries
JOHANA SPYRI  “HEIDI”Кулакова Л.В. учитель английского языкаМАОУ гимназия 70 Johanna Spyri12 June, 1827A short story writer, a novelistChildren’s literatureHeidi – the 1920 a silent movie made in USA1937 a film1952 Swiss film production. Heidi, the girl with a kind heart... Johanna liked to live in the countryShe wrote about the beauty of nature In the story about Heidi Johanna Spyri described her favourite places in
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Johanna Spyri
12 June, 1827
A short story writer, a

Johanna Spyri12 June, 1827A short story writer, a novelistChildren’s literatureHeidi –

Children’s literature
Heidi – the most popular novel
50 languages
12 cartoons

and films in different countries

Слайд 3 1920 a silent movie made in USA
1937 a

1920 a silent movie made in USA1937 a film1952 Swiss film

1952 Swiss film production. This was probably the most

successful Swiss movie in the USA
 Heidi at the CinemaHeidi Movies from 1920 to 2001 
1955 the first colour movie
1965 Austrian film
1967/68 American version
1977 Japanese animated cartoon films
1979 German televion series
1988 American version
1992Short television series by Walt Disney
2001Remake of the successful Japanese comic series of 1977

Слайд 4 Heidi, the girl with a kind heart...

Heidi, the girl with a kind heart...

Слайд 5 Johanna liked to live in the country
She wrote

Johanna liked to live in the countryShe wrote about the beauty of nature

about the beauty of nature

Слайд 6 In the story about Heidi Johanna Spyri described

In the story about Heidi Johanna Spyri described her favourite places

her favourite places in the Alps, the life of

ordinary people, real friendship

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-proizvedeniyu-iz-sbornika-po-domashnemu-chteniyu-umk-vereshchaginoy-in-pritykinoy-ta-haydi.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0