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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Англия (6 класс)


It’s one of the world’s smallest countries – it’s twice smaller than France or Spain. However, there are only nine other countries with more people , and London is the world’s seventh biggest city.
Welcome to The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland! Usually It’s one of the world’s smallest countries – it’s twice smaller than The flag and official emblem The capital is London The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of 4 The capital of England is London, the symbol of the country is a red rose The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, the symbol of the country is a thistle The capital of Wales is Cardiff, the symbol of the country is a daffodil (or leek) The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast, the symbol of the country is a shamrock Northern Ireland is famous for its wonderful dance “ Reel” Famous people  of Great Britain The Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the country. David Beckham ( 1975 -   )An English former footballer. He has William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)An English writer of plays, one of the The BeatlesOne of Britain’s most influential pop groups, first performing in 1959 Lewis Carroll,  an English writer and  a mathema-tician He was born in Darsbury, England in 1832. The most famous book of Carroll is “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”. At How much do you know about Britain and its capital General InformationWho gave London its first name?1) the Egyptians2) the Greeks3) the Romans General InformationWhich birds, according to legend, protect the Tower of London?1) pigeons2) ravens3) swans General InformationWhy was 2012 a special year for London?The city was hosting General InformationWhere are the Crown Jewels kept?1) Buckingham Palace2) The Tower of General InformationWhat's the popular name for the underground system in London?1) the Geographical PositionWhat channel lies between Britain and the continent of Europe?The English Geographical PositionWhat are the largest islands of the Britain Isles?1) The Channel Geographical PositionWhich river runs through London?1) the Thames2) the Severn3) the Seine Places of InterestWho founded the Tower of London?1) Charles I2) William I3) Henry VIII Which museum is situated at 221B Baker Street?1) Tate Modern2) Madam Tussaud's3) Places of InterestWhich bridge over the Thames was pulled down in 1970 Places of InterestWhat is London home of the Queen?1) The Tower2) Buckingham Palace3) Westminster Palace Places of InterestWhat is there in the center of Trafalgar Square?1) Big Famous PeopleWho said 'When a man is tired of London, he is Famous PeopleWhich former London resident has been voted 'the greatest Briton of Famous PeopleWhere was Charlie Chaplin born?1) In Cardiff2) In Edinburgh3) In London Famous PeopleWho was the farther of the historical novel in the world Political SystemWho is the head of Great Britain? 1) The Prime Minister Political SystemWho does the real power in Britain belong to?To the QueenTo Political SystemWhere are laws made in Great Britain? In Westminster Abbey In Thank You
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 12 It’s one of the world’s smallest countries –

It’s one of the world’s smallest countries – it’s twice smaller

it’s twice smaller than France or Spain. However, there

are only nine other countries with more people , and London is the world’s seventh biggest city.

Слайд 13 The flag and official emblem

The flag and official emblem

Слайд 14 The capital is London

The capital is London

Слайд 22 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of

Ireland consists of 4 countries: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland,


Слайд 23 The capital of England is London, the symbol

The capital of England is London, the symbol of the country is a red rose

of the country is a red rose

Слайд 24 The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, the symbol

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, the symbol of the country is a thistle

of the country is a thistle

Слайд 25 The capital of Wales is Cardiff, the symbol

The capital of Wales is Cardiff, the symbol of the country is a daffodil (or leek)

of the country is a daffodil (or leek)

Слайд 26 The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast, the

The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast, the symbol of the country is a shamrock

symbol of the country is a shamrock

Слайд 27 Northern Ireland is famous for its wonderful dance

Northern Ireland is famous for its wonderful dance “ Reel”

“ Reel”

Слайд 29 Famous people of Great Britain

Famous people of Great Britain

Слайд 30 The Queen Elizabeth II is the head of

The Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the country.

the country.

Слайд 31 David Beckham ( 1975 - )

David Beckham ( 1975 -  )An English former footballer. He has

English former footballer. He has played for Manchester United, Preston North

End, Real Madrid, Milan, Los Angeles Galaxy, and the England national team for which he holds the appearance record for an outfield player. He was the first English player to win league titles in four countries, England, Spain, the United States and France.

Слайд 32 William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)
An English writer of

William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)An English writer of plays, one of

plays, one of the most famous ever, born in

Stratford-upon-Avon. His plays show a great understanding of human activities of all kinds.

Слайд 33 The Beatles
One of Britain’s most influential pop groups,

The BeatlesOne of Britain’s most influential pop groups, first performing in

first performing in 1959 in Liverpool. They made their

1st record in 1962 and became probably the most famous and successful group ever. They separated in 1970, each member of the group continued to work in popular music.

Слайд 34 Lewis Carroll, an English writer and a mathema-tician

Lewis Carroll, an English writer and a mathema-tician

Слайд 35 He was born in Darsbury, England in 1832.

He was born in Darsbury, England in 1832.

Слайд 36 The most famous book of Carroll is “Alice's

The most famous book of Carroll is “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”.

Adventures in Wonderland”. At first it was published as

“Alice’s adventures under the ground

Слайд 37 How much do you know about Britain and

How much do you know about Britain and its capital

its capital

Слайд 38 General Information
Who gave London its first name?

1) the

General InformationWho gave London its first name?1) the Egyptians2) the Greeks3) the Romans

2) the Greeks
3) the Romans

Слайд 39 General Information
Which birds, according to legend, protect the

General InformationWhich birds, according to legend, protect the Tower of London?1) pigeons2) ravens3) swans

Tower of London?

1) pigeons
2) ravens
3) swans

Слайд 40 General Information
Why was 2012 a special year for

General InformationWhy was 2012 a special year for London?The city was


The city was hosting the Olympic Games.
It's the city's

2000th anniversary.
There was an eclipse of the sun.

Слайд 41 General Information
Where are the Crown Jewels kept?

1) Buckingham

General InformationWhere are the Crown Jewels kept?1) Buckingham Palace2) The Tower

2) The Tower of London
3) The Bank of England

Слайд 42 General Information
What's the popular name for the underground

General InformationWhat's the popular name for the underground system in London?1)

system in London?

1) the Tunnel
2) the Channel
3) the Tube

Слайд 43 Geographical Position
What channel lies between Britain and the

Geographical PositionWhat channel lies between Britain and the continent of Europe?The

continent of Europe?

The English channel
The North channel

St. George’s channel

Слайд 44 Geographical Position
What are the largest islands of the

Geographical PositionWhat are the largest islands of the Britain Isles?1) The

Britain Isles?

1) The Channel Islands
2) Great Britain and Ireland

The Hebrides

Слайд 45 Geographical Position
Which river runs through London?

1) the Thames

Geographical PositionWhich river runs through London?1) the Thames2) the Severn3) the Seine

the Severn
3) the Seine

Слайд 46 Places of Interest
Who founded the Tower of London?


Places of InterestWho founded the Tower of London?1) Charles I2) William I3) Henry VIII

Charles I
2) William I
3) Henry VIII

Слайд 47 Which museum is situated at 221B Baker Street?


Which museum is situated at 221B Baker Street?1) Tate Modern2) Madam

Tate Modern
2) Madam Tussaud's
3) Sherlock Holmes Museum
Places of Interest

Слайд 48 Places of Interest
Which bridge over the Thames was

Places of InterestWhich bridge over the Thames was pulled down in

pulled down in 1970 and transported, piece by piece,

to Arizona in the United States?

1) London Bridge
2) Tower Bridge
3) Westminster Bridge

Слайд 49 Places of Interest
What is London home of the

Places of InterestWhat is London home of the Queen?1) The Tower2) Buckingham Palace3) Westminster Palace


1) The Tower
2) Buckingham Palace
3) Westminster Palace

Слайд 50 Places of Interest
What is there in the center

Places of InterestWhat is there in the center of Trafalgar Square?1)

of Trafalgar Square?

1) Big Ben
2) Main Post office
3) Nelson’s


Слайд 51 Famous People
Who said 'When a man is tired

Famous PeopleWho said 'When a man is tired of London, he

of London, he is tired of life'?

1) Charles Dickens

William Shakespeare
3) Samuel Johnson

Слайд 52 Famous People
Which former London resident has been voted

Famous PeopleWhich former London resident has been voted 'the greatest Briton

'the greatest Briton of all time'?

1) Sir Winston Churchill

Charles Darwin
3) John Lennon

Слайд 53 Famous People
Where was Charlie Chaplin born?

1) In Cardiff

Famous PeopleWhere was Charlie Chaplin born?1) In Cardiff2) In Edinburgh3) In London

In Edinburgh
3) In London

Слайд 54 Famous People
Who was the farther of the historical

Famous PeopleWho was the farther of the historical novel in the

novel in the world literature?

1) Charles Dickens
2) Walter

3) Jonathan Swift

Слайд 55 Political System
Who is the head of Great Britain?

Political SystemWho is the head of Great Britain? 1) The Prime

1) The Prime Minister
2) The Queen
3) The


Слайд 56 Political System
Who does the real power in Britain

Political SystemWho does the real power in Britain belong to?To the

belong to?

To the Queen
To the British Parliament
To the

Prime Minister

Слайд 57 Political System
Where are laws made in Great Britain?

Political SystemWhere are laws made in Great Britain? In Westminster Abbey

In Westminster Abbey
In Buckingham Palace
In Westminster Palace

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-angliya-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 209
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