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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Компания, в которой я хотел бы работать Microsoft

Company creationMicrosoft Corporation was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
Microsoft CorporationExecuted:Student of group 16-8 ПОSuvorkin DmitriyInstructor:Popova  Ekaterina Petrovna Company creationMicrosoft Corporation was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. LocationThe headquarters of the Microsoft Corporation is located in Redmond, Washington state, USA Slogan of the company“Your potential. Our passion.” Company logoThe company logo was created in 2013. It means OS Windows, created by Microsoft. Company developmentCreating programming languages (BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL)Creating MS-DOS (1981)Creating Windows (1985), MS Annual sales of company, $billion CompetitorsAppleCanonicalGoogle WindowsWindows is OS created by Microsoft corporation. The first version is Windows Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office is an payment office suite of applications, servers, and Visual StudioVisual BasicVisual Basic.NETVisual J++Visual C#Visual J#Visual C++ ConclusionMicrosoft is the company, which constantly develops and creates with rare exception
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Company creation
Microsoft Corporation was founded in 1975 by

Company creationMicrosoft Corporation was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.

Bill Gates and Paul Allen.

Слайд 3 Location
The headquarters of the Microsoft Corporation is located

LocationThe headquarters of the Microsoft Corporation is located in Redmond, Washington state, USA

in Redmond, Washington state, USA

Слайд 4 Slogan of the company
“Your potential. Our passion.”

Slogan of the company“Your potential. Our passion.”

Слайд 5 Company logo
The company logo was created in 2013.

Company logoThe company logo was created in 2013. It means OS Windows, created by Microsoft.

It means OS Windows, created by Microsoft.

Слайд 6 Company development
Creating programming languages (BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL)
Creating MS-DOS

Company developmentCreating programming languages (BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL)Creating MS-DOS (1981)Creating Windows (1985),

Creating Windows (1985), MS Office (1990)
Creating Xbox (2001)
Creating Windows

Phone (2010)

Слайд 7 Annual sales of company, $billion

Annual sales of company, $billion

Слайд 8 Competitors


Слайд 9 Windows
Windows is OS created by Microsoft corporation. The

WindowsWindows is OS created by Microsoft corporation. The first version is

first version is Windows 1.0, created in 1985, but

it wasn`t popular. The first version with GUI is Windows 95. The most popular version at the moment is Windows 7.

Слайд 10 Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is an payment office suite

Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office is an payment office suite of applications, servers,

of applications, servers, and services developed by Microsoft. It`s

the most popular and stable office suite. The recent version is MS Office 2016.

Слайд 11 Visual Studio
Visual Basic
Visual Basic.NET
Visual J++
Visual C#
Visual J#
Visual C++

Visual StudioVisual BasicVisual Basic.NETVisual J++Visual C#Visual J#Visual C++

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-kompaniya-v-kotoroy-ya-hotel-by-rabotat-microsoft.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 174
  • Количество скачиваний: 0