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Презентация на тему The Field of Mars

The Field of MarsTsarina’s meadow (the Rossi’s pavilion in the Mihailovsky garden)
The Field of Mars The Field of MarsTsarina’s meadow (the Rossi’s pavilion in the Mihailovsky garden) The Field of MarsMonument to SuvorovObelisk “To Roumiantsev’s victories Russian Hills 1895 Monument to Suvorov The Field of MarsFormer barracks of the Pavlovsky regiment The Field of Mars and the neighbourhood Common graves and the eternal flame
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Field of Mars
Tsarina’s meadow

(the Rossi’s pavilion

The Field of MarsTsarina’s meadow (the Rossi’s pavilion in the Mihailovsky garden)

in the Mihailovsky garden)

Слайд 3 The Field of Mars

Monument to Suvorov

Obelisk “To Roumiantsev’s

The Field of MarsMonument to SuvorovObelisk “To Roumiantsev’s victories


Слайд 4 Russian Hills 1895

Russian Hills 1895

Слайд 5 Monument to Suvorov

Monument to Suvorov

Слайд 6 The Field of Mars

Former barracks of the Pavlovsky

The Field of MarsFormer barracks of the Pavlovsky regiment


Слайд 7 The Field of Mars and the neighbourhood

The Field of Mars and the neighbourhood

  • Имя файла: the-field-of-mars.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 123
  • Количество скачиваний: 0