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Презентация на тему к уроку в 8 классе: Фразовые глаголы.

What do you think phrasal verbs are?
PHRASAL VERBSS.A. Alenchikova What do you think phrasal verbs are? When do we use phrasal verbs? Phrasal verbs are very common, especially in spoken language. Phrasal verbs:go after					go down withgo without	     go offgo Go after – chase smb Go down with – became ill Go off- to break down, to become bad Go through- to get an experience Go up- to increase Go with – to match Go without-to lack, not have The police officer is going after the bank robber.Go after Go down withMary went down with the flu yesterday so she stayed in bed. Go offThis cheese smells strange. It’s probably gone off. Go throughJane has gone through a rough time at work. Go upThe price of petrol has gone up again. Go withDoes this green dress go with my eyes? Go withoutIt is difficult to go without an umbrella when it rains. 1. Camels can go ………………..water longer than any other animals. 2. The YOUR HOMEWORK: 1)* Write down 7-10 sentences with phrasal verbs  **Write THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What do you think phrasal verbs are?

What do you think phrasal verbs are?

Слайд 3 Phrasal verbs =verb+particle (s) (preposition(s))

Слайд 4 When do we use phrasal verbs?

When do we use phrasal verbs?

Слайд 5 Phrasal verbs are very common, especially in spoken

Phrasal verbs are very common, especially in spoken language.


Слайд 6 Phrasal verbs:
go after go down with
go without

Phrasal verbs:go after					go down withgo without	   go offgo up  go through go with

go off
go up go

through go with

Слайд 7 Go after – chase smb

Go after – chase smb

Слайд 8 Go down with – became ill

Go down with – became ill

Слайд 9 Go off- to break down, to become bad

Go off- to break down, to become bad

Слайд 10 Go through- to get an experience

Go through- to get an experience

Слайд 11 Go up- to increase

Go up- to increase

Слайд 12 Go with – to match

Go with – to match

Слайд 13 Go without-to lack, not have

Go without-to lack, not have

Слайд 14 The police officer is going after the bank

The police officer is going after the bank robber.Go after

Go after

Слайд 15 Go down with
Mary went down with the flu

Go down withMary went down with the flu yesterday so she stayed in bed.

yesterday so she stayed in bed.

Слайд 16 Go off
This cheese smells strange. It’s probably gone

Go offThis cheese smells strange. It’s probably gone off.


Слайд 17 Go through
Jane has gone through a rough time

Go throughJane has gone through a rough time at work.

at work.

Слайд 18 Go up
The price of petrol has gone up

Go upThe price of petrol has gone up again.


Слайд 19 Go with
Does this green dress go with my

Go withDoes this green dress go with my eyes?


Слайд 20 Go without
It is difficult to go without an

Go withoutIt is difficult to go without an umbrella when it rains.

umbrella when it rains.

Слайд 21 1. Camels can go ………………..water longer than any

1. Camels can go ………………..water longer than any other animals. 2.

other animals. 2. The price of cheese has gone ……………again. 3.

My aunt went ……………….. a flu a week ago. 4. A very big dog went ………………….our kitten. 5. Does this purple T-shirt go …………….……my black trousers? 6. He is unhappy. He has gone ……………….a very difficult time. 7. This milk smells strange. It’s probably gone ……………………..

Fill in:




down with




Слайд 22 YOUR HOMEWORK: 1)* Write down 7-10 sentences with phrasal

YOUR HOMEWORK: 1)* Write down 7-10 sentences with phrasal verbs **Write

verbs **Write down a short story with phrasal verbs 2)

Make your own page for your vocabulary and draw pictures to explain the meaning of phrasal verbs

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-v-8-klasse-frazovye-glagoly.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 0